Please take a moment to get to know the driving force behind News Direct: our Founder and CEO, Gregg Castano.  While our service may be comparatively new – we just celebrated 4 years since launch in July- Gregg’s experience and expertise runs deeper than virtually anyone in the newswire industry today. In fact, he has spent more years in this business – nearly 40 – than the senior executive at each of the three oldest and largest newswires combined, and by a wide margin.  

With his extensive tenure and record of achievement, Gregg has earned unparalleled credibility and respect in the space.  These are attributes which he has deeply embedded into the News Direct DNA, making us a partner you can trust implicitly with your media distribution.

                                                             How Gregg Castano’s Industry Leadership Can Benefit Your Company

  • An Irrefutable Pedigree: No stranger to the world of media distribution, Gregg is the former President of Business Wire, where he spent over three decades overall shaping the company, guiding it through significant transformations, setting new standards for press release distribution quality and acting as a primary contributor to its acquisition by one of the world’s most respected companies, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, in 2006. His impeccable qualifications and deep understanding of the industry ensure that News Direct is built on a foundation of excellence.


  • A Reputation for Integrity and Trust: Throughout the course of his career, Gregg has developed a hard-won reputation for integrity and trust, values that are woven into the very fabric of News Direct. His commitment to transparency and ethical practices, combined with his passion for delivering the finest available product, is reflected in every aspect of our service. This ensures partnering with News Direct equates to working with a company that stands by its pledge to be the best.


  • Innovation with a Purpose: Gregg’s vision for News Direct was born of a desire to address the evolving needs of modern communicators, which he believed were not being embraced by the status quo. Under his leadership, we’ve developed a cutting-edge platform that combines the reliability you insist upon with state-of-the-art technology, resulting in innovation that rises above the rest to satisfy the demands of today’s digital media ecosystem. This gives you the best of both worlds: proven expertise and forward-thinking solutions.


  • A Track Record of Success: Gregg’s leadership has driven significant growth and success for News Direct, just as it previously did for Business Wire. His ability to anticipate and adapt to industry trends has positioned us as a leader in the market. When choosing News Direct, you’re not just choosing a newswire service—you’re choosing the expertise and foresight of a seasoned industry veteran. News Direct has proven that it’s not necessary to be the oldest and largest in order to be the best at what you do.


                                                                                        What This Could Mean for Your Company

Partnering with News Direct means leveraging the experience, credibility, and innovation that Castano and his hand-picked team bring to the table. You’re getting the peace of mind that you can trust your news to be treated with the highest level of professionalism and distributed through channels that matter most to your audience.

We would love to discuss how Gregg’s leadership and our innovative platform can benefit your media strategy. If you’d like to schedule a brief conversation to learn more, please email us at [email protected] or schedule a demo below.