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Dohled a kontrola: Zákon zřizuje orgány, které mají dohlížet na provozování hazardních her v České republice. Tyto orgány mají pravomoc udělovat licence, kontrolovat dodržování podmínek licencí a ukládat sankce v případě porušení zákona, které jsou astronomické. Daňové záležitosti: Zákon stanovuje sazby daně z příjmu z hazardních her a stanovuje podmínky pro zdanění výher hráčů. V České republice je regulace hazardních her velmi důležitá. Zákon o hazardu poskytuje potřebnou ochranu pro hráče, provozovatele i štát a zajišťuje spravedlivé a transparentní podmínky pro provozování hazardních her. Platby v online casinech v České republice Samotná platební metoda a zabezpečení platby jsou důležitou součástí online hazardu. V České republice existuje několik různých platebních metod, které jsou běžně používány v online kasinech. Mezi nejčastěji používané patří klasické bankovní převody, kreditní a debetní karty, e-peněženky, předplacené karty a ojedinele i kryptoměny. Výběr té správné platební metody je důležitou součástí před vstupem do světa online hazardu. V České republice existuje několik různých platebních metod, které jsou běžně používány v online kasinech. Klasické bankovní převody jsou jednou z nejstarších a nejpoužívanějších platebních metod. Kreditní a debetní karty jsou rychlejší a často bez poplatků. E-peněženky umožňují okamžité vklady a výběry. Předplacené karty jsou velmi pohodlné a jednoduché, pri lidi co nemaj kreditní karty. Kryptoměny jsou velmi bezpečné a anonymní, no zná je jenom málokdo. Je důležité také zohlednit poplatky, časové limity a zabezpečení plateb při výběru konkrétní platební metody. Bankovní převody Klasické bankovní převody jsou jednou z nejstarších a nejpoužívanějších platebních metod pro vklady a výběry peněz v online casinech. Vklad můžete provést jednoduše převodem z vašeho bankovního účtu na účet online kasina. Na druhou stranu, výběr peněz bývá zpravidla delší, protože peníze musí být převedeny z kasinového účtu na váš bankovní účet. Někdy takovej převod trvá i 2-3 pracovní dny. Kreditní a debetní karty Další často používanou platební metodou jsou kreditní a debetní karty. Nejlepší online kasina obvykle akceptují karty Visa a Mastercard. Platby jsou zpracovávány rychleji než u bankovního převodu a jsou často bez poplatků. Při použití karty je důležité ověřit, zda je vaše karta aktivována pro online transakce. Elektronické peněženky E-peněženky jsou online účty, na které si můžete nahrát peníze a používat je k platbám v různých online službách, včetně online kasin. V České republice jsou nejpopulárnější e-peněženky Skrill a Neteller. Tyto služby umožňují okamžité vklady a výběry a jsou často bez poplatků. Předplacené karty Další alternativou jsou předplacené karty, jako je Paysafecard. Tyto karty lze zakoupit na mnoha místech, například v trafikách nebo na čerpacích stanicích. Karta obsahuje určitou částku, kterou lze použít k platbě v online kasinu. Tato platební metoda je velmi pohodlná, jednoduchá a když nemáte kreditku, tak jediná co funguje okamžite a non-stop. Kryptoměny V poslední době se stále více online kasin v České republice rozhoduje přijímat kryptoměny jako platební metodu. Mezi nejpopulárnější patří Bitcoin, Ethereum a Litecoin. Tyto platby jsou zpracovávány okamžitě a jsou velmi bezpečné a anonymní. Akceptuje je však jenom někdo. Limity a poplatky Při výběru platební metody je důležité zohlednit také případné poplatky a časové limity. Některé platební metody mohou být zdarma, zatímco jiné mohou mít poplatky. Stejně tak, některé metody mohou být rychlejší než jiné, a to jak při vkladech, tak při výběrech. Je také důležité zohlednit limit pro vklady a výběry peněz. Tyto limity se mohou lišit mezi jednotlivými kasiny a platebními metodami. Je vhodné se tedy předem informovat o konkrétních limitech, aby se vám nestalo, že nemůžete vložit či vybrat požadovanou částku. Zabezpečení plateb je velmi důležité. Většina kasin používá šifrování SSL, což zajišťuje, že všechny vaše platební informace jsou bezpečně chráněny. Kromě toho mohou být některé platební metody vybaveny dalšími bezpečnostními funkcemi, jako je například dvoufázová autentizace. Je také důležité zohlednit, že každé české online kasino má svá vlastní pravidla pro platební metody, takže se ujistěte, že si přečtete a pochopíte tyto informace předtím, než začnete hrát. Pokud máte jakékoliv dotazy ohledně platby, měli byste se obrátit na zákaznickou podporu, která vám může poskytnout další informace. Co je to nejlepší na českých internetových kasinech? Nejatraktivnější důvody, proč je hraní v českých kasinech skvělé, a to nejen pro místní hráče, jsou uvedeny v těchto několika bodech níže. UX/UI Ve všech českých kasinech trvá vytvoření profilu jen několik minut a ověření účtu pak jen pár minut. Neexistují žádná skrytá pravidla a podmínky jako v jiných mezinárodních kasinech, proto si každý český hráč může užít zdánlivě bezproblémový herní zážitek hned od začátku své cesty za hazardem. Většina, ne-li všechny, kasinové platformy mají velmi intuitivní design, který není zaplněn otravnými marketingovými nabídkami nebo reklamním zbožím. Vše je intuitivní a lahodí oku. Bezpečnost při hraní Hlavním argumentem je, že český trh je regulován státem a všichni vývojáři her musí mít českou certifikaci pro českou jurisdikci. Totéž platí pro všechna nejlepší online kasina. Čeští hráči mají obecně k místním kasinům důvěru a neexistuje jediné kasino, které by čelilo nějakému skandálu kvůli podvádění svých uživatelů nebo něčemu podobnému. Platební metody: Dalším skvělým důvodem, proč hrát v českých kasinech, je pohodlí při používání různých platebních metod bez jakýchkoli skrytých poplatků nebo šílených limitů. Mezinárodní online kasina mívají mnoho skrytých podmínek, které hráčům strhávají z účtu poplatky. V čechách, ať už používáte debetní/kreditní/bankovní převod nebo předplacené kupony, je všechno a všude v pořádku. Žádné podvádění se nekoná, obecně. Staré předělané offline hry: Existují pouze dva druhy hráčů: ti, kteří je milují, nebo ti, kteří je nenávidí. V obou případech mají nějaký cit k těmto starým hrám, které byly v Čechách populární od počátku výherních automatů v republice. Mnoho z těchto her, od studií jako E-gaming nebo Apollo, je nyní předěláno a optimalizováno pro hraní na internetu a mobilních zařízeních. To je velmi lákavé pro všechny starší hráče, kteří tyto hry znají už léta, ale také pro některé mladší hráče, kteří chtějí zažít vzrušení z hraní ze staré školy. FAQ - často kladené dotazy Je bezpečné hrát v online kasinu? Ano, pokud si zvolíte licencované a důvěryhodné online kasino, můžete si být jisti, že vaše osobní a finanční údaje jsou v bezpečí. Nejlepší online kasina 2023 musí splňovat přísné bezpečnostní standardy, aby získala licenci k provozování hazardních her. Jak mohu provést vklad do online kasina? Vklad do online kasina můžete provést různými způsoby, v závislosti na vašich preferencích a dostupnosti platebních možností. Mezi nejčastěji používané způsoby patří bankovní převod, kreditní/debetní karty, e-peněženky a předplacené karty. Je možné hrát v online kasinu na mobilním telefonu? Ano, většina online kasin v České republice nabízí plně funkční verzi svého webu pro mobilní telefony a tablety. Některá kasina také nabízejí ke stažení mobilní aplikaci. Jak vybrat nejlepší online kasino v České republice? Při výběru nejlepšího online kasina 2023 v České republice byste měli zohlednit několik faktorů, jako jsou licence, reputace, dostupnost her a bonusy. Doporučujeme vám vybrat si kasino s platnou licencí od Ministerstva financí ČR a s dobrou reputací v online komunitě. Jak často se aktualizují informace na webových stránkách online kasina? Informace na webových stránkách online kasina by měly být aktualizovány pravidelně, aby byli hráči informováni o nejnovějších nabídkách a změnách. Většina kasin aktualizuje své stránky alespoň jednou týdně. Jak hrát v online kasinu CZ zdarma? Mnoho online kasin v České republice nabízí možnost hrát jejich hry zdarma v režimu demo. Stačí se zaregistrovat na stránkách kasina a hry si vyzkoušet bez rizika ztráty peněz. Účast na hazardní hře může být škodlivá - Zákaz účasti na hazardní hře osob mladších 18 let Contact Details Josef Dolejš +420 573 942 119

April 23, 2023 10:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Gervonta Davis vs Ryan Garcia Free Bets, Betting Offers & Odds

Acroud Media

The eyes of the boxing world will be on Las Vegas on Saturday night as Gervonta Davis takes on Ryan Garcia in one of the most highly-anticipated fights of the year. 28-0 (26 KOs) ‘Tank’ Davis heads into the fight as the favourite with most bookmakers, but someone’s undefeated record will be taken when he takes on 23-0 Garcia. There is plenty of betting interest ahead of the contest and there are a number of reputable betting sites in the UK that have free bets and betting offers that can be claimed in time for the fight. If you are interested in betting on Davis vs Garcia, these will ensure you receive the maximum value possible for your bets. Continue on to find our pick of the best betting offers and free bets ahead of the latest big Vegas fight night. 18+ Gambling Can Be Addictive. Please Play Responsibly. BeGambleAware GamStop Gambling Commission Best Gervonta Davis vs Ryan Garcia Betting Sites bet365 Betfred William Hill BetVictor BetUK Best Free Bets and Betting Offers bet365 New customers at bet365 can claim 30 in free bets when they bet 10 on Davis vs Garcia on Saturday night. bet365 is one of the best betting sites in the UK and offers some of the most competitive odds that we have seen for the biggest sporting events such as this. Min deposit requirement. Free Bets are paid as Bet Credits and are available for use upon settlement of qualifying bets. Min odds, bet and payment method exclusions apply. Returns exclude Bet Credits stake. Time limits and T&Cs apply. CLAIM BET365 OFFER HERE Betfred Betfred has a fantastic welcome offer that can be claimed ahead of Saturday night’s huge fight. New customers that create an account with Betfred can get 40 in bonuses when they place a 10 fight on Davis vs Garcia. Simply wait for your qualifying bet to settle before claiming your bonuses. New 18+ UK customers only. Register using the promo code WELCOME40, deposit and place first bet of 10+ on Sports (cumulative Evens+) within 7 days of registration. First bet must be on Sports. 30 in Free Bets and 10 in Free Spins (50x0.2) credited within 10 hours of bet settlement. Free Bet stakes are not included in any returns. Bonuses have a 7-day expiry. Payment restrictions apply. SMS verification and/or Proof of I.D and address may be required. Full T&Cs apply. CLAIM BETFRED OFFER HERE William Hill William Hill is one of the best boxing betting sites, regularly offering customers special offers at the time of the biggest fights. If you are interested in becoming a new customer at William Hill today you can claim 30 in free bets when you place a 10 qualifying bet this weekend. 18+. Play Safe. From 00:01 on 18.10.2022. 30 bonus. New customers only. Minimum 10 stake on odds of 1/2 (1.5) or greater on sportsbook (excluding Virtual markets). Further terms apply. CLAIM WILLIAM HILL OFFER HERE BetVictor New customers at BetVictor can claim their impressive bet 10 get 40 promotion ahead of Davis vs Garcia. Simply place a 10 bet to be rewarded with your 40 worth of bonuses, including a 10 slots bonus to use on the BetVictor Casino. 18+ New customers only. Opt in, bet 10 on boxing at odds 2.00+ within 7 days, no cashout. Get 3x 10 Free Bets, set events at odds 2.00+. Plus a 10 Slot Bonus, selected games, wager 20x to withdraw max 250. 7 day bonus expiry. Card payments only. T&Cs apply, see below. | Please gamble responsibly CLAIM BETVICTOR OFFER HERE BetUK Last but not least is BetUK, who is one of the best new betting sites in the UK. BetUK is currently offering new customers the chance to claim their bet 10 get 30 welcome bonus when they sign up ahead of Davis vs Garcia this weekend. New customers, opt-in and deposit within 7 days, and settle a 10 minimum bet at odds of 1.5 or greater, to be credited with 3x 10 free bets. Free bets must be used on 4 or more selections with odds of 1.3 or greater, stake not returned. T&C’s Apply. CLAIM BETUK OFFER HERE Gervonta Davis vs Ryan Garcia Odds Find the betting odds for Gervonta Davis vs Ryan Garcia below — all odds correct at the time of publishing. bet365 Gervonta Davis - 2/5 Ryan Garcia - 41/20 Draw - 14/1 Betfred Gervonta Davis - 2/5 Ryan Garcia - 2/1 Draw - 20/1 William Hill Gervonta Davis - 2/5 Ryan Garcia - 19/10 Draw - 16/1 BetVictor Gervonta Davis - 4/9 Ryan Garcia - 7/4 Draw - 16/1 BetUK Gervonta Davis - 4/11 Ryan Garcia - 11/5 Draw - 13/1 Contact Details Acroud Media

April 22, 2023 05:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Keep Your Little Ones Happy & Healthy This Spring


Having a picky eater can be increasingly frustrating and lead to feelings of guilt for many parents who are already experiencing immense pressure to ensure their kids are getting the right nutrients at mealtime.. Recently, SmartyPants Vitamins’ CEO, Brenda Demers, participated in a satellite media tour campaign to share insights on how to manage kids at mealtime and the role that multivitamins play in getting necessary nutrients. A video accompanying this announcement is available at: For many parents, making sure their family gets the nutrients they need to stay healthy can be a constant struggle - especially if there are picky eaters in the house! Not to mention, with the vitamin market being as crowded as it is, knowing where to dig in can be daunting at times. Top it all off with trying to find a brand that also provides options that support the whole family, and you might be left paralyzed by indecision. As the best vitamin brand for parents of picky eaters, SmartyPants is industry-leading in the comprehensiveness of its formulations, transparency, and efficacy - with 30+ Clean Label Project® certified products that are non-GMO and contain zero synthetic colors. For its most innovative launch to-date, SmartyPants Vitamins announced new SmartyPants Sugar Free Multi & Omegas gummy multivitamins in Kids, Women’s, and Prenatal formats. Unlike other sugar free gummy multivitamins, SmartyPants’ new Sugar Free Multi & Omegas don’t use sugar alcohols. All SmartyPants products are non-GMO and third-party lab tested for purity, potency and safety. More information on the new products can be found below: ● SmartyPants Sugar Free Kids Multi & Omegas is a sugar free premium all-in-one multi and omega-3 for children's developmental years*. It is thoughtfully formulated with 16 nutrients in delicious sugar free strawberry banana-flavored gummies.* ○ SmartyPants Kids Sleep is also now available as a sugar free supplement with melatonin, that helps your children fall asleep and stay asleep for longer, in just 1 gummy.* It is formulated for children 4 years and older. ● SmartyPants Sugar Free Women’s Multi & Omegas is a sugar free premium all-in-one multi and omega-3 for daily nutrition support*. It is thoughtfully formulated with 19 nutrients in delicious sugar-free orange-flavored gummies.* ● SmartyPants Sugar Free Prenatal Multi & Omegas is a sugar free premium all-in-one multi and omega-3 to support the health of mom and baby*. It is thoughtfully formulated with 19 nutrients in delicious sugar free lemon-flavored gummies.* SmartyPants Sugar Free Multi & Omegas come as an additional option for daily nutrition support alongside the brand’s portfolio of delicious gummies for every life stage and dietary need – including organic and vegetarian options – to products that target functional needs such as immunity, sleep, and more. SmartyPants’ Sugar Free line is now available on Amazon and will be available on and in select Target locations. For more information about SmartyPants visit ------------------------------------------------------ *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. BIO Brenda Demers is the CEO of SmartyPants Vitamins, where she most recently led SmartyPants' integration into Unilever's Health & Wellbeing collective. Prior to joining SmartyPants, Brenda spent more than 23 years leading businesses across the Beauty, Personal Care, Food, OTC Pharmaceuticals, and Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements categories globally. Brenda, her husband, and their children currently live in Los Angeles, where they are avid sports fans and enjoy spending weekends exploring the beauty of their new home. ABOUT SMARTYPANTS VITAMINS Founded in 2011, SmartyPants Vitamins is a purpose-led supplement brand on a mission to simplify health for families without sacrificing quality. As the best vitamin brand for kids, SmartyPants supplements are formulated with premium nutrients and high-quality ingredients—and a delicious taste and texture that appeals to picky eaters. All SmartyPants supplements are third-party lab tested for purity, potency and safety. From its inception, SmartyPants has generated life-changing nutrient donations for women and children in the U.S. and globally via the brand’s partnership with Vitamin Angels. To learn more, visit or check out @smartypants on Instagram. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727

April 21, 2023 09:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Freelance Creative Jobs Thrive Despite AI Surge


New data released today by (ASX: FLN) (OTCQX: FLNCF), the world’s largest freelancing marketplace by number of users and jobs posted, shows an incoming startup boom amongst an unprecedented surge in freelance creative design and AI job growth. The Fast 50 Q1 2023 Index, the world’s largest forward indicator of freelance job trends, analyzes over 304,000 jobs posted to between January and March 2023. The index finds that jobs for T-Shirt Design (up 33.1%, from 1,403 to 1,868), Covers & Packaging Design (up 27.3%, from 1,128 to 1,436), and Corporate Identity Design (up 24.2%, from 2,474 to 3,073) were the three fastest growing job types by total percentage growth when compared to Q4 2022. These were followed by Product Design (up 22.9%, 1,214 to 1,493) and 3D Design (up 22%, from 5,027 to 6,135) jobs. Design skills with the largest job counts on the platform also grew significantly this quarter. There were a whopping 7,495 extra Graphic Design jobs in Q1 (up 12.1%, from 61,709 to 69,204), followed by an additional 6,731 Logo Design jobs (up 20.4%, from 32,963 to 39,694) and 5,902 extra jobs requiring skills in Photoshop (up 15.4%, from 38,224 to 44,126). Design is both the most in-demand and the highest paying skill on, as found in the Freelancing in 2022 Report. These types of jobs, particularly logo design, packaging design and t-shirt creation, are typically the starting point for many founders launching a new business. The sudden influx of design, eCommerce and marketing jobs are a key indicator of a boom in startups. Simultaneously, jobs requiring skills in Artificial Intelligence were the seventh fastest growing skill on (up 20.62% in Q1 2023 from 1,038 to 1,252). Jobs demanding Generative AI skills, such as ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney and Chatbots, grew by more than 325% from 286 in Q4 2022 to 1,216 in Q1 2023. “While many speculate whether AI will take design jobs, our latest data shows that this is certainly not the case. Design jobs are the most popular job type on the platform and continue to grow despite advances in hyper-realistic generative AI tools,” said Matt Barrie, Chief Executive at “What’s more interesting in this data is zooming out and looking at the main trend: the startup boom. The most in-demand jobs on the platform for this quarter are all related to the launch of new businesses. New logo, website and branding jobs. In fact, there were 75 extra logo design jobs posted each day last quarter, which could suggest the launch of 75 new businesses.” The data also shows an increase in Digital Marketing (up 12.8%, from 1,524 to 1,720) and Videography (up 14.2%, from 2,716 to 3,102) jobs which also suggests businesses are focusing more on their online marketing and content creation strategies to amplify their brands. Fastest Falling Jobs of Q1 2023 While design jobs dominated the fastest growing, the jobs that were in less demand in this quarter are related to tech, development and writing. Software Development, which was ranked as the fastest growing job in Q2 2022, began to decline this quarter and was down by 34.4% (from 2,001 to 1,311). Similarly, programming related jobs which were one of the fastest growing skills in Q4 2022 also declined this quarter by 20.9% (from 5,899 to 4,665). Demand for these types of jobs surged last year as many tech employees were laid off globally. However, the new data suggests demand is beginning to stabilize and return to pre-mass layoffs levels. Seasonality also plays into employers moving away from specific types of jobs quarter-to-quarter. Report Writing, Technical Writing, Research Writing and Business Plans were ranked as the fastest growing jobs in Q4 2022 as many employers traditionally turn to freelance support to help prepare end of year reports and 2023 plans. These types of jobs naturally reduce in the first quarter of the year. Fast 50 Q1 2023 - Data Analysis Startup Boom Fuels Creative Design Job Growth Historically, more businesses are started during a recession. Economic downturns have led to the creation of some of the world’s most well known brands, such as Microsoft, Uber and Burger King, just to name a few. Only a few years ago, the world witnessed this trend playing out as COVID sparked a startup boom, which saw a 24 percent increase in new business applications in the United States alone. According to the latest US Census Business Formation Statistics, the number of new business applications is beginning to grow in 2023 by an increase of 451,752, an increase of 4.5 percent compared to February 2023. Data from the latest Freelancer Fast 50 Index suggests there’s a sudden increase in the number of new businesses and startups being launched globally. The fastest growing skills, such as T-Shirt, Covers & Packaging, and Corporate Identity Design, as well as the growth of major jobs such as Logo Design, are all usually posted by founders at the starting point for a new business or venture. T-Shirt Design jobs, as an example, are growing as people hire freelancers to create t-shirts with their business logo as a way of promoting a brand or creating business uniforms. An uptick in Covers and Packaging Design jobs are the result of businesses turning to freelancers for new product labels and marketing brochures. Growth in website building jobs, such as Shopify (up 20.5%, from 2,302 to 2,775), Shopify Templates (up 16.1%, from 1,392 to 1,617) and eCommerce (up 15.5%, from 4,212 to 4,866), also support the rise of new businesses last quarter. Almost three quarters of the fastest growing jobs (72%) posted on in the last quarter required skills in creative design or marketing. Serial entrepreneur Davuud Ghani, who recently founded Pivitt, a creative and branding support agency based in the United Kingdom, is just one example of how founders are turning to freelancers to support the growth of their business in 2023. “As a start-up, agility is our advantage over mature businesses with similar service offerings. It’s becoming easier for businesses to locate and leverage global talent, with platforms such as We are able to really finetune the skills needed on a project basis to drive excellence through our service offering to our partners, keeping us competitive in the market. That’s what our model is built from and has allowed us to secure partnerships with the likes of BMW & MINI,” said Davuud Ghani, founder of Pivitt. Generative AI Jobs Triple In Last Quarter Advancements in artificial intelligent and generative AI are impacting almost every faucet of business and creativity. Powerful AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Dall-E and Midjourney, are becoming smarter and more sophisticated by month, resulting in rapid leaps in capabilities and applications. In the first quarter of 2023, Open AI released GPT-4, introducing a more powerful and intelligent version of the application which could exhibit human level performance on several benchmarks. In the AI image generation space, research lab Midjourney also released the alpha iteration of its 5th version which allowed users to create photorealistic generations. Growing interest for AI is represented clearly in the Fast 50 Q1 2023 data which ranks jobs for Artificial Intelligence as the seventh fastest growing job on the platform, growing by 20.6% up to 1,252 jobs in total. Many projects posted in the first quarter aim to harness AI text generators or automate mass image generation, while some look for freelance experts who can help create their own AI models and applications. Generative AI skills (ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, Chatbots) grew the fastest over the quarter, recording a total percentage increase of 325% from 286 last quarter to 1,216 in Q1 2023. In total, there were 5,262 jobs requiring skills in AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, ChatGPT and Dall-E. Digital Marketing & Content Creation Popularity of content marketing is growing amongst businesses. Major success stories, such as Netflix’s Drive to Survive series or Spotify’s Wrapped, are pushing businesses and marketers towards incorporating content marketing within their strategies. It’s a trend that was identified in the Fast 50 Q3 2022 Index and is continuing in Q1 2023. Videography (up 14.21%, from to 3,102), Digital Marketing (up 12.86% to 1,720), YouTube (up 11.30% to 1,576), and Video Production (up 10.25% to 5,401) were all in-demand skills last quarter. This finding suggests that businesses are increasingly focusing on online marketing and content creation strategies to reach their target audiences. While YouTube remains as the main platform people are turning to freelancers for support, employer interest in TikTok video creation is also growing, increasing by 25% in Q1 2023, from 405 projects in Q4 2022 to 507 total jobs Q1 2023. Product Design Jobs Apart from design projects specific to branding and new business ventures, the number of 3D Design, Product Design and general Design collectively grew over Q1 2023. ##### Freelancer Fast 50 The Freelancer Fast 50 index is the world’s largest forward indicator of trends in online jobs related to industries, technologies, products, and companies. The data is based on 304,000 jobs posted to the Freelancer platform between January 1 to March 31 2023. Fast 50 Quarterly Index – Q1 2023 About Freelancer is the world's largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace by total number of users and projects posted. More than 64 million registered users have posted over 22.3 million projects and contests to date in over 2,000 areas as diverse as website development, logo design, marketing, copywriting, aerospace engineering and manufacturing. Freelancer also owns and Loadshift. Freelancer Limited is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange under the ticker ASX:FLN and is quoted on OTCQX Best Market under the ticker FLNCF. Contact Details Marko Zitko +61 404 574 830

April 21, 2023 08:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Luxury Meets Cannabis Conference (LMCC) Spring 2023 Edition Returns To Hudson Yards, NYC: May 18 & 19

LMCC Ventures LLC

The Luxury Meets Cannabis Conference (LMCC) today announced its first wave of speakers, retail attendees, and showcasing brands for its Spring 2023 Edition, which returns to Hudson Yards in New York City on May 18 & 19, 2023. Launched in 2018 as a first-of-its-kind B2B event, LMCC has grown into the go-to biannual venue for product discovery and extensive education, connecting visionary CBD and Cannabis wellness, beauty, food/beverage, and lifestyle accessories brands – and their founders – to a powerful combination of hundreds of traditional retail buyers, luxe dispensaries, editorial press, and investors from around the world. 2023: The Year of the Brand “We’ve reimagined the boutique trade show experience by providing an immersive luxury retail environment for our business attendees to discover the finest wellness, beauty, and food & beverage brands in the space,” said LMCC’s Co-Founder & Executive Director Jed Wexler. “And as Cannabis retail comes alive in New York, 2023 truly is ‘The Year of the Brand’ with LMCC being the bridge to a massive new, elevated mainstream CPG wellness category.” In a testament to the mainstreaming of the category, LMCC will welcome a robust roster of industry leaders for two full days of panel discussions – each moderated by a veritable who’s who in media. Speakers: Jacques Tortoroli, CEO, Charlotte’s Web (“The Official CBD of Major League Baseball”) Jake Bullock, Co-Founder & CEO, Cann Tremaine Wright, Cannabis Control Board Chair, New York Office of Cannabis Management Arana Hankin-Biggers, President, Union Square Travel Agency Emily Schildt, Founder & CEO, Pop Up Grocer Amir Zwickel, Founder, SHOWFIELDS Melany Dobson, CEO, Hudson Cannabis & Ben Dobson, President, Hudson Cannabis Media: Tiffany Kary, Bloomberg News Chala June, Contributor, Bon Appétit Brian Underwood, Women’s Health Michael Kusek & Brit Smith, Different Leaf Kelly Kovack, Founder & CEO, BeautyMatter Oset Babür-Winter, Food & Wine Claire McCormack, Beauty Independent Erica La Sala, Beauty Independent Jeremy Berke (‘Cannabis Business Reporter of the Year”) Recently named one of BeautyMatter’s “Top Global Wellness & Beauty Trade Events” and Trade Show Executive Magazine’s “Leading Upcoming Trade Events in North America,” LMCC will present its signature Brand Showcase Studio — a pre-vetted, store-ready exhibition throughout the two-day program featuring keynotes and conversations with speakers, founders, and journalists. The LMCC 2023 Spring Edition will welcome hundreds of buyers from A-tier retail outlets, 50 accepted showcasing brands, 50 industry-leading speakers, and close to 900 global business attendees. Indicating the excitement and opportunity surrounding New York’s just-opened legal Cannabis market, LMCC is slated to host its largest and most impactful event to date. Exclusive New York and National Brand Launches at LMCC Spring 2023 From Charlotte’s Web and the re-rise of CBD wellness to Hudson Cannabis, 1906, Rose Los Angeles, Drew Martin, Dad Grass, PAMOS, and a slew of pioneering New York Cannabis brand launches exclusively during the show, LMCC presents the world’s finest store-ready product portfolios in and outside of the space. View the LMCC Spring 2023 peaker schedule and Brand Showcase Studio line-up at Follow LMCC Instagram or LinkedIn. LMCC SPRING 2023 BRAND SHOWCASE STUDIO DIRECTORY Brands can still apply to activate their brands at LMCC Spring 2023 HERE. View the latest Brand Showcase Studio directory HERE. LMCC SPRING 2023 RETAIL BUYER PREVIEW Admission is complimentary only for qualified retail buyers and their teams. Register representatives from traditional/online retailers, hotels/spas, independent wellness boutiques, luxe dispensaries, natural markets, and more HERE. ### Attendee Tickets: Two-day, all-access passes to LMCC Spring 2023 are $695. Purchase passes HERE. About LMCC: Founded in 2018, LMCC Ventures LLC is the parent company of the annual Luxury Meets Cannabis Conference (LMCC) in New York City. LMCC is the premier B2B event connecting A-tier retailers, media, investors, leading dispensaries, and CPG executives to premium CBD, hemp and Cannabis brands — with a keen focus on beauty, wellness, food & beverage. Past participants include retailers like Sephora, Nordstrom, Credo Beauty, and Bloomingdale’s; media including The New York Times, Glossy, Travel & Leisure, O, The Oprah Magazine, and Robb Report; and speakers from Mitch Baruchowitz (Merida Capital Holdings) and Cindy Capobianco (Lord Jones) to Bobbi Brown and Frederic Fekkai. Guidelines & Legal: Cannabis in name only; No smoking or vaping on any kind permitted inside the venue; Illegal products will NOT be allowed on-site Local laws strictly apply. Badge or Pass Required: LMCC is an invite-only B2B trade event not open to the public. A badge or pass is required. Contact Details LMCC Press Katie Shapiro +1 303-882-5596 Company Website

April 20, 2023 06:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release

Siti Scommesse Non AAMS - Migilori Bookmakers Senza AAMS Licenza

AM Mediterranean

Il mercato del betting online sta vivendo un’ascesa incredibile. Ad oggi sono sempre di più gli appassionati di sport che decidono di far fruttare economicamente le loro conoscenze sportive piazzando scommesse sui risultati delle partite o delle competizioni in generale. Di conseguenza aumentano anche gli operatori che entrano nel mercato del betting online, inclusi i siti non AAMS ( ad oggi ADM). Elenco dei Bookmaker Senza AAMS + Bonus Senza Deposito: BiamoBet ZodiacBet Dolly Scommesse Pribet BC.Game Se sei abbastanza attivo nell’effettuare scommesse sportive, ti sarai probabilmente chiesto cosa sono i siti scommesse non AAMS e soprattutto se sono sicuri. Iniziamo quindi dalle basi: I siti non AAMS sono bookmaker che non hanno una licenza rilasciata dall’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli. Se sono siti legali hanno però autorizzazioni concesse da altri organismi competenti, di calibro internazionale. La prima differenza che va definita è quella tra casinò stranieri e casinò illegali, dato che non si tratta di categorie necessariamente coincidenti. Per assurdo, anche un sito italiano potrebbe essere illegale, se non ha ricevuto l'autorizzazione da nessuna autorità competente. I siti non AAMS legali hanno semplicemente una licenza rilasciata da un organismo diverso da quello italiano. I siti illegali operano invece nella totale illegalità: non hanno licenze né autorizzazioni e spesso si tratta di siti che scompaiono dal webnel giro di poche settimane. Quali sono le autorità competenti a rilasciare le licenze per i siti non AAMS sicuri? Ce ne sono diverse e, a seconda del grado di severità che applicano nel valutare le richieste da parte degli allibratori, si sono guadagnate la relativa fama di controllori più o meno autorevoli. Ecco le principali autorità per i siti scommesse non AAMS: Malta Gaming Authority: l'autorità di Malta è una delle prime ad essere apparsa nel gambling online visto che è stata fondata nel 2011 e, ad oggi, rimane tra le più autorevoli del settore. La sua competenza copre sia il betting sportivo che i casinò, oltre alle autorizzazioni rilasciate anche ai provider che forniscono giochi. L'obiettivo della MGA è quello di rendere gli ambienti virtuali per le scommesse sani e puliti; United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC): l’autorità del Regno Unito per il gambling è forse l’organismo più autorevole al mondo, grazie all’estrema difficoltà con cui le licenze di gioco a distanza vengono rilasciate. Fondata nel 2014, la UKGC ha fin dall’inizio adottato una politica molto restrittiva sul rilascio di licenze. Tra l’altro, le verifiche che vengono effettuate si protraggono anche durante l’attività del sito, per assicurare che i parametri iniziali siano sempre rispettati e mantenuti; Curacao Antillephone: l’autorità di Curacao è un altro nome che ti capiterà spesso di incontrare nel betting online. Anche in questo si tratta di un operatore molto conosciuto per l’affidabilità delle sue decisioni, sempre basate su sicurezza. affidabilità e solvibilità. Va specificato che quest’agenzia non rappresenta il governo di Curacao ma un ente a cui il governo del Paese ha delegato la relativa funzione. Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (GRA): se ti capita di imbatterti nel sito autorizzato dall’autorità di Gibilterra, anche in questo caso puoi procedere senza incertezza. Nonostante si tratti di una delle agenzie più esigenti per il rilascio delle licenze di gioco, le richieste da parte degli operatori sono sempre tantissime, grazie al grado di autorevolezza che implica la licenza GRA. Alderney Gambling Commission: la AGC è una delle autorità di cui dovresti addirittura cercare il logo quando entri in un sito di betting. Il fatto che sia stata inclusa t ra le autorità raccomandate dalla UKGC la dice lunga sul livello di affidabilità di quest’agenzia, situata nell’isola del canale inglese. Anche la AGC è stata fondata diversi anni fa, nel 2000 anche se il numero di allibratori con questa licenza non è ancora altissimo. Quelle viste finora sono le principali autorità che autorizzano i siti non AAMS sicuri. Ce ne altre, ad esempio la Gambling Supervision Commission of the Isle of Man o la Gambling Commission of Cyprus. Possono esserci delle lievi differenze tra l’una o l’altra: in caso di dubbi, effettua sempre le tue ricerche o dai un ’occhiata alla lista che abbiamo indicato sopra. In pochi minuti puoi assicurarti un’esperienza di gioco serena e soddisfacente! I Migliori Siti Sscommesse non AAMS Il fatto di operare con licenza è il requisito minimo indispensabile per selezionare dei bookmaker affidabili e sui puoi puntare alle vincite. Ma volendo andare oltre, quali sono i migliori siti non AAMS su cui giocare? Oltre a una lista dei migliori operatori che abbiamo già predisposto, è importante capire c ome selezioniamo i vari bookmaker. L’apparenza non ci interessa, perché andiamo dritti alla sostanza, quindi ci concentriamo su: Sicurezza Legalità Quote e payout Mercati disponibili Bonus Assistenza clienti Modalità di pagamento Ecco alcuni esempi concreti di siti non AAMS sicuri che meritano il nostro tempo e le nostre puntate. Greatwin GreatWin è un operatore che offre un'esperienza di gioco a 360°, dato che include sia le scommesse sportive che il casinò. Fondato nel 2020 e autorizzato dall’Autorità di Curacao, questo bookmaker non ha fatto fatica a farsi strada nell’arena competitiva degli allibratori grazie a un palinsesto di tutto rispetto e anche i bonus. La grafica del sito è moderna e pulita e anche l'organizzazione dei contenuti è focalizzata sull'esperienza utente, evitando quindi di creare confusione e affaticare il gameplay. Tra le Top Leagues disponibili sul sito troviamo: Premier League LaLiga Serie A Bundesliga Ligue 1 TT Elite Series NBA Formula 1 2023 Appena entrati nella pagina, a destra troviamo gli eventi sportivi più popolari, incluse le relative quote. A sinistra invece sono riportati tutti gli sport su cui puntare e sono veramente tanti, oltre 40. A fianco ad ogni sport viene anche riportato il numero attuale di eventi per il betting. Un'altra funzione interessante è quella del formato della puntata, che puoi modificare in decimale, frazione e sistema americano. Se ami la modalità live del gioco, anche in questo caso non rimarrai deluso: cliccando sulla sezione Live Betting potrai accedere al palinsesto delle scommesse in streaming e selezionare uno dei tantissimi eventi. Va anche notato che GreatWin è uno dei pochi bookmaker a proporre l’ippica: la sezione Horse Racing ti porta infatti nel mercato delle scommesse sui cavalli, una delle più ricche del panorama virtuale. Fezbet Fexbet è uno dei casinò più recenti apparsi nel settore del betting. Lanciato nel 2020 da Araxio Developmwnt N.V, il sito è autorizzato dall’autorità di Curacao con licenza n. 151791. Anche in questo caso l’ offerta di gioco affianca casinò, sport e sport live. Appena aperta la schermata troviamo, sulla sinistra, una lunga lista di sport e una ancora più ricca offerta di eventi su cui piazzare le puntate. Solo a titolo esemplificativo troviamo: Il calcio (al momento della scrittura offre +900 eventi) Il tennis, con più di 173 eventi Il basket con oltre 337 eventi Il baseball, con oltre 188 competizioni Il motorsport, con più di 190 gare. Non mancano ovviamente tutti gli sport più di nicchia, come il badminton, il curling e lo ski jumping. I vari tipi di puntata per ogni sport sono diversi. Prendendo ad esempio il calcio, oltre a tutta la serie degli Under troviamo i l primo gol, la doppia chance, l’handicap, l’handicap 1x2, l’ultimo goal, il margine vincente, i gol esatti, e così via. Tra le altre caratteristiche più interessanti di Fezbet troviamo i pagamenti. Oltre ad essere presenti i sistemi più popolati e sicuri come carte di credito, debito e eWallet, i player possono anche decidere di effettuare le loro puntate in criptovaluta. Bitcoin, Ethereum Ripple e Litecoin sono tra le crypto disponibili sul sito. Stelario Stelario Casino è stato lanciato nel 2020 e ad oggi è già in cima alle preferenze dei giocatori di vari Paesi, grazie alla qualità dei suoi giochi e all’offerta di bonus particolarmente stuzzicanti. Stelario è di proprietà di Stelario Casino, un operatore autorizzato con licenza di Curacao. Dando un’occhiata più nel dettaglio ai giochi, troviamo più di 4.000 titoli tra cui scegliere, di cui la maggior parte sono slot, visto che rappresentano la scelta più amata dei player. Tra i provider del casinò troviamo i nomi più rinomati del settore, tra cui: Play’n GO Playtech Yggdrasil Endorphina Blueprint Gaming Amatic Thunderkick Playson Molto buona anche la selezione degli altri giochi, che comprendono le sezioni: Popolari torni minigiochi Bonus Games Giochi con jackpot Giochi da tavolo Hot Il player può anche creare una lista personale di giochi con la sezione preferiti, mentre per accedere al casinò live è sufficiente cliccare sulla relativa scritta. Winlegends WinLegends è un coloratissimo sito di casinò online lanciata addirittura nel 2023 e autorizzato da Curacao. Giovane e ambizioso, questo operatore offre un parco gioco veramente ampio, in grado di soddisfare tutti i player, sia per stile che per variabilità di puntata. Appena entrati nella pagina principale notiamo una caratteristica molto innovativa: puoi scegliere uno dei tre personaggi, Lara, Indy e Ber che saranno i tuoi avatar durante il gameplay. Ogni personaggio ha anche associato uno specifico bonus, che puoi sbloccare una volta terminata la registrazione. Tutto il casinò ha uno stile molto originale e divertente, con una grafica un po’ stile cartone. In basso basso troviamo le varie sezioni del sito, tra cui: Games Casinò live Promozioni Obiettivi raggiunti Shop Races Sezione Vip Per quanto riguarda il parco giochi, non hai che l’imbarazzo della scelta per iniziare la tua avventura. Le slot sono le più numerose e sono tutte creazioni dei provider più rinomati del settore tra cui: PragmaticPlay Play’n Go Evolution Push gaming Nolimit city Relax Quickspin Pragmatic Live Yggdrasil NetEnt Hacksaw ISoftBet BTG Thunderkick EvoPlay RedTiger BGaming BetGames RubyPlay Playpearls One Touch Un altro dettaglio che apprezziamo molto è la possibilità di poter cercare la slot che preferisci in base ai filtri di ricerca che sono: Elevata volatilità Moltiplicatore di vincita Tumbling reel Paga in entrambe le direzioni Simboli impilati Scegli bonus Megaway Acquista funzionalità Come avviene per la maggior parte dei siti non AAMS, la scelta e la qualità non mancano! OhMySpins OhMySpins è un sito di casinò online e bookmaker lanciato nel 2021 dalla società Rabidi N.V, già da tempo presente sul mercato del gambling con altri brand di successo. Il casinò è autorizzato dall’autorità di Curacao e ad oggi risulta tra i siti non AAMS sicuri. La scelta offerta dall’allibratore è ampia sia dal punto di vista delle scommesse sportive che dei giochi di casinò. Il palinsesto sportivo è suddiviso in 4 sezioni: Scommesse sportive Scommesse live Ippica Sport virtuali Per quanto riguarda le puntate classiche, le discipline sportive sono veramente tante e includono: Calcio tennis tennis da tavolo Basket Hockey sul ghiaccio Pallavolo Box Beach Volley Bathlon Curling Golf Waterpolo Squash Gaelic Football Le quote sono tra le più elevate rispetto agli altri competitor mentre per il formato delle quote, puoi scegliere tra quello decimale, in frazioni e americano. Per quanto riguarda invece le puntate live, troviamo: Calcio tennis Basket Tennis da tavolo Pallavolo Baseball Nella sezione del casinò trovi oltre 4.000 giochi, di cui principalmente slot machine. Se ami le emozioni del casinò dal vivo, accomodati nel casinò live, dove puoi sempre trovare un tavolo disponibile! Come selezionare i migliori siti scommesse non AAMS I siti scommesse non AAMS sono tanti, tantissimi anzi, quindi è normale volerne provare il più possibile, visto le maggiori opportunità che offrono rispetto ai siti non ADM. Come fare però per selezionare solo gli operatori seri e affidabili, ma che abbiano anche un’offerta sia di giochi che di bonus di qualità elevata? Ecco una breve guida, semplice ma completa, sulle caratteristiche a cui dovresti sempre guardare prima di registrarti sui siti non AAMS: La licenza: l o abbiamo già visto prima ma vale la pena ricordarlo e soprattutto precisare che l a presenza di una licenza di gioco può essere verificata direttamente sulla pagina principale del bookmaker, dove di regola viene riportato il logo dell'autorità e il numero di licenza. Nel dubbio, effettuiamo una rapida ricerca per capire se quel sito è effettivamente autorizzato; La reputazione: su Internet le notizie corrono veloci, velocissime anzi. Se ci imbattiamo in uno dei siti scommesse non AAMS, diamo un’occhiata a quello che le recensioni dei professionisti ci dicono. Ormai sul web se ne trovano tantissime, e la maggior parte sono spiegate in maniera chiara, per illustrare al giocatore punti di forza e debolezze di ogni sito. Anche le stesse recensioni dei player possono avere una loro utilità, con una precisazione però: spesso il giocatore che perde tende a dare la responsabilità al casinò mentre il gioco è, da sempre, è dettato dalla fortuna; L’offerta del palinsesto: gli italiani amano il calcio, si questo non ci sono dubbi, ma anche tanti altri sport. Prima di registrarci su un bookmaker, diamo u n'occhiata al palinsesto sportivo, quindi non solo il numero di sport presenti ma anche la lista degli eventi su cui puoi puntare. Un allibratore con una scelta limitata di eventi sportivi non è sicuramente un grande professionista del settore e l'esperienza di gioco potrebbe risentirne; Il parco giochi: discorso simile è quello per i giochi da casinò, con una piccola differenza: per le case da gioco virtuali l'acquisto dei giochi comporta un costo. Più titoli trovi e maggiore è stato l'investimento del casinò. Di conseguenza, ci troviamo di fronte a una società non solo che opera da professionista ma che ha anche un patrimonio di base ampio, che consente un investimento di elevato valore per migliorare l'esperienza del player; Bonus e promozioni: un altro aspetto che interessa sempre molto i player è quello dei bonus. Quali e quanti bonus offrono i siti non AAMS sicuri? In linea generale, i siti stranieri hanno una scelta di offerte più ampia e conveniente rispetto a quella dei siti AAMS, per un motivo semplice: hanno una maggiore flessibilità e, trattandosi di siti internazionali, fanno leva su una maggiore capacità economica; Metodi di pagamento disponibili: quali e quanti metodi per effettuare i pagamenti sono disponibili? Che tipo di sicurezza offrono? Anche questo è uno dei primi aspetti che vanno valutati quando decidi di giocare in un casinò non AAMS. Se dai una veloce occhiata ai migliori siti scommesse non AAMS, noterai che è presente un’ampia lista di metodi di pagamento e deposito, oltre alla possibilità di utilizzare le crypto, una modalità di inviare e ricevere valore che si sta diffondendo sempre di più. Altro aspetto importante è, nel 99% dei casi, l ’assenza di commissioni per i depositi e prelievi: quello che vinci è esattamente quello che ricevi sul tuo conto di gioco. Termini di pagamento: per effettuare un deposito o un prelievo a volte è necessario attendere qualche ora o qualche giorno. Per non rimanere in ansia, è meglio verificare prima quali sono i termini necessari: ogni operazione economica richiede degli accurati controlli da parte del casinò, per accertare che la persona che preleva i fondi sia effettivamente il soggetto autorizzato a farlo. Pro e contro dei siti scommesse non AAMS Perché un giocatore dovrebbe decidere di giocare sui siti stranieri? Sui siti non AAMS cosa si rischia e quali sono invece i pro che vanno presi in considerazione prima di iscriversi a un sito straniero? Diamo un’occhiata alla nostra panoramica completa che ti consente di decidere in tutta autonomia se procedere o meno verso questa tipologia di bookmaker. Pro Hanno limiti minimi e massimi più flessibili per i depositi, prelievi e puntate. Sui siti non AAMS è più facile trovare puntate da 0,01 ma anche limiti molto elevati, adatti agli high roller; Puoi scegliere diverse valute per le transazioni finanziarie: trattandosi di operatori internazionali, puoi scegliere spesso la valuta in cui effettuare le scommesse. Questo può essere utile se hai un wallet con altre valute oltre agli euro; Puoi utilizzare la tua crypto per giocare: ormai sono in tantissimi gli utenti che hanno un wallet crypto che non sempre vogliono utilizzare per gli investimenti. Visto l'utilizzo ancora limitato di questa valuta, un modo di utilizzo può essere proprio quello dei casinò non AAMS; Selezioni di giochi e scommesse più ampia: i migliori siti scommesse non AAMS offrono una selezione più ampia sia di giochi che di sport su cui effettuare le puntate. Il fatto di appartenere spesso a grandi società internazionali e di rivolgersi a un pubblico molto ampio, che copre più Paesi, porta alla necessità di soddisfare preferenze diverse; Bonus più generosi: che tu sia un appassionato di sport betting o di giochi da casinò, i siti non AAMS offrono di regola bonus a condizioni migliori. Le condizioni migliori non riguardano solo il contenuto del bonus, quindi la somma accreditata, i free spin regalati o il cashback sbloccato, ma anche i requisiti minimi di puntata. Contro Non sono regolati dall’AAMS: la conseguenza è che il sito potrebbe essere oscurato dall’ADM una volta rilevata la visibilità al pubblico italiano. La frequenza con cui questo accade è praticamente nulla ma è bene tenere presente questa possibilità, anche se remota; Potrebbe essere p iù difficile individuare i casinò illegali: a volte non è semplice capire se un logo è originale o un fake. Per pigrizia, spesso i player evitano di effettuare ricerche e si affidano al primo portale che sembra essere legittimo. Questo in realtà è un discorso che non riguarda solo i siti non AAMS cosa si rischia ma tutto il mondo del gambling, Alcuni metodi di pagamento potrebbero non essere disponibili: facciamo riferimento a quei metodi tipicamente italiani che raramente vengono inclusi nei siti internazionali, vista la limitata utilità che hanno. I giochi dello sport betting sui siti non AAMS Sui siti scommesse non AAMS trovi una scelta ampia dei palinsesti sportivi. A differenza dei siti ADM, ampio spazio viene dato anche alle competizioni sportive internazionali sia degli sport più popolari come il calcio, il basket, il golf, il cricket, l’ippica fino alle discipline sportive più di nicchia. In sintesi, quando giochi nei migliori siti scommesse non AAMS puoi accedere a: Scommesse online sui tuoi sport preferiti Scommesse live Betting tramite mobile eSport e sport virtuali Si tratta in sintesi di una prospettiva sui mercati sportivi molti più ampia di quello che puoi aspettarti da un normale casinò AAMS. Domande frequenti - FAQ È legale scommettere sui siti non AAMS? Sì, scommettere sui siti stranieri non è vietato in Italia, così come nel resto del mondo. Se incappi in un casinò illegale, allo stesso modo non subirai conseguenze. Sarà il casinò stesso che dovrà rispondere alle autorità competenti. È sicuro scommettere nei siti scommesse non AAMS? In linea generale sì, ma occorre sempre fare attenzione al casinò in cui decidi di giocare. Per evitare brutte sorprese, puoi dare un’occhiata alla lista dei criteri che abbiamo pubblicato per individuare i migliori siti scommesse non AAMA. Posso effettuare depositi e prelievi nella mia valuta locale nei siti non AAMS? Sì, assolutamente. Uno dei vantaggi di questi casinò è la possibilità di scegliere tra diverse valute, che comprendono non solo le valute fiat più diffuse ma anche le criptovalute. I siti non AAMS sono tradotti in italiano? Sì, la maggior parte dei siti non AAMS sono localizzati in lingua italiana e offrono un’assistenza che risponde anche in italiano. Contact Details Florentino Lorenzo

April 19, 2023 10:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Get Out and Celebrate Trails…It’s Earth Day!


Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC), the nation’s largest trail advocacy organization, is encouraging Americans to kick off the spring trail season on Celebrate Trails Day. Celebrate Trails Day, aligned with Earth Day this year, comes at a time of unprecedented opportunity for trails, walking and biking —bringing new focus to trails as essential infrastructure to the health and well-being of people, places and the planet. Recently, RTC’s vice president of communications, Brandi Horton, participated in a satellite media tour campaign to talk about how to make the most out of America’s trails. A video accompanying this announcement is available at: A recent opinion poll conducted by RTC found that most Americans (87%) feel that trails contribute to the well-being of the community and two-thirds of Americans say they’re interested in using trails more than they do now—26% say a lot more and 36% say a little more. Overall, a majority of people (62%) report using trails once a week or less, but 24% say they’re using trails more than they did in the past year, which is particularly true for Black (35%) and Latino (27%) trail users. The majority of trips taken in this country are within a 20-minute bike ride or less, more than one in four trips are within a 20-minute walk or less, and 11.5% of all trips are made by walking and biking. By swapping more of these trips from car trips to walking or biking, the U.S. economy could save more than $22 billion annually and save 54 million tons of CO2 annually. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 25% of Americans are inactive and that increasing our physical activity is one of the best things we can do for our health. Findings from the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends parks, trails and greenways as infrastructure interventions that increase physical activity. For the last decade, Celebrate Trails Day has been the nation’s annual spring celebration of America’s trails and a motivator for people to be active—more than 750 events have taken place nationwide, rallying tens of thousands of people. In 2022, participants reported more than 65 minutes being physically active outside on the trail, which contributed significantly to the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity adults should get each week. Combined, participants logged over 812,000 minutes of physical activity on Celebrate Trails Day, and one quarter (24%) reported swapping a short car trip for a walk or a bike ride to their destination. This nationwide moment continues to be a meaningful and symbolic way to illustrate the direct impact that trails have on some of the most pressing issues facing communities across the country. For more information about Celebrate Trails Day, to find events, and to enter to win prizes, visit and follow #CelebrateTrails on social media. ------------------------------------------------------ About Brandi Horton Brandi Horton serves as RTC’s vice president of communications. She has dedicated her career to communications for social change and is passionate about creating communities that promote health and well-being. For more than 20 years, she has partnered with nonprofit organizations and government agencies to leverage communications strategies to organize and engage audiences in support of social good. She lives in Arlington, Virginia, with her family, where she regularly frequents the Four Mile Run and W&OD trails en route to work, the playground and little league games. About Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC), the nation’s largest trails organization—with a grassroots community more than 1 million strong. RTC is dedicated to building a nation connected by trails, reimagining public spaces to create safe ways for everyone to walk, bike and be active outdoors. Connect with RTC at and @railstotrails on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727

April 19, 2023 03:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Dear America, Mission Possible: Prevention and Cures Starts Now

The American Center for Cures

I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. The exceptional leadership and resilience of this nation has been an inspiration to Dr. Rick Boxer and me, prompting us to embark on a vital mission that resonates with every American, regardless of wealth, race, or political affiliation: combating disease. Despite our nation's efforts, we have not achieved the level of prevention and cures necessary to alleviate the suffering and burden of diseases that affect us all. It is time for a paradigm shift, and we believe that every American is in a unique position to help drive this transformation. The American Center for Cures, which we co-founded, aims to establish a fully funded private-sector mission dedicated to preventing and curing the most devastating diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, various forms of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and all other diseases including orphan diseases. Our vision is to assemble the most successful CEOs in America to lead individual centers focused on these diseases, with each center receiving $36 billion in funding. By combining resources, leadership, focus, and a sense of urgency, we believe we can create a new era in disease prevention and cures. This effort has the potential to be the most significant legacy issue of our lifetimes, impacting not only American families but also the global community. We humbly request Corporate America’s public endorsement and the social support of the American People to provide hope to millions and promote a business-like model of accountability that is currently lacking. Furthermore, we encourage you to urge every member of Congress and the White House to expedite their support for this initiative. We are not merely asking for their backing; we are insisting on it. This mission is for you, your children, and future generations. It is likely that you and your loved ones have been personally affected by a disease that should no longer exist. By embracing this mantle of leadership today, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals. Former Secretary of Health Tom Price has stated that the American Center for Cures could rival the greatest achievements in American history. My partner, Dr. Rick Boxer, was recently appointed to the National Cancer Advisory Board by President Biden. We need your voice and skills now more than ever. We commend the extraordinary work of researchers around the world and their commitment to delivering cures. However, a systemic issue exists within the medical use authorization and approval process, and it delays getting cures into the hands of the people who need them now. We’re on the cusp of curing pancreatic, breast, and brain cancer, as well as preventing heart attacks but the current model, because of economic- and process -related obstacles, does not accommodate success. The American Center for Cures is offering a solution to this problem by providing a mission, funding, responsibility, accountability, and leadership, will fundamentally restructure and speed the process of working with the FDA and all relevant parties for authorized cures. Just like the speed of getting the COVID vaccine approved and authorized for use, American Center for Cures is committed to bringing new cures and treatments to patients as quickly and efficiently as possible. We believe that now is the time to harness our global technological advances to establish a process and urgency that will bring these pieces together for the betterment of humanity. By acting today, we can create a lasting legacy in the fight against disease. We are Unity Strong! Best regards, Lou Weisbach Co-founder, The American Center for Cures About American Center for Cures The American Center for Cures (ACC) initiative is a fully funded mission to prevent, treat or cure diseases that plague every American family. The initiative will be funded by the sale of $750B bonds by the Federal Reserve, providing the capital needed to accelerate the current trajectory of medicine. Annual interest will be paid through the licensing of new compounds and drugs to pharmaceutical companies. The principal will be repaid by savings provided to the United States Government through successes in the areas of prevention and cures. The ACC business model will cost the government and taxpayers nothing, making this the single most impactful investment on behalf of the American people in the nation’s history. For more information, please visit Contact Details Rainier Communications Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Company Website

April 19, 2023 01:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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NuggMD to Launch the Too-High Hotline on 4/20, Providing Much-Needed Peer Counseling to Those Who Overindulge


With the launch of its Too-High Hotline, NuggMD, the nation's leading medical marijuana telemedicine platform, is helping accidental cannabis overindulgers to find support this 4/20. It's that time of year again. And while 4/20 is arguably a dedicated cannabis users' favorite holiday, it's time to remind our fellow interdimensional explorers to indulge responsibly. States have seen an explosion in much-needed harm reduction measures, thanks to the reduced stigma around cannabis use. Still, many Americans resist seeking help for highly emotional psychedelic experiences because cannabis is still illegal at the federal level. This results in unguided use by novices unprepared to deal with the powerful mental effects, and every year, emergency visits for excess cannabis consumption spike on 4/20. NuggMD is committed to providing educational material to patients explaining the differing intensity and duration between consumption methods, how other cannabis users approach dosing, and how tolerances vary significantly between users. And this 4/20, in the interest of harm reduction, NuggMD is establishing a “Too High Hotline” to provide free, confidential peer support to those who indulge a little too much, despite ample precautions. "It's easy to accidentally overdo it with cannabis," says Kam Babazade, NuggMD co-founder and COO. "Tolerances are so widely varied. Some patients can take a 50mg edible and not feel a thing, while others are overwhelmed by microdoses of 2.5mg. There's no need to feel ashamed! It has happened to most cannabis users at one time or another. The psychological experience can be very intense, and no one should be forced to go it alone because of stigma." Of course, it's appropriate to seek medical attention if a cannabis user has a medical emergency while under the influence. But more often, the problem is a lack of emotional support, which a patient is unlikely to find in an emergency room. That's where the Too High Hotline comes in. NuggMD’s “Too High Hotline” is available to everyone in the United States this 4/20 to offer support during or after their cannabis experience. NuggMD is also educating patients about harm reduction and support options through a dedicated landing page, nationwide email notifications to their network of over a million patients, and additional ongoing campaigns focused on harm reduction and safe consumption. To learn more about NuggMD’s Too High Hotline, please visit About NuggMD NuggMD is the nation's leading medical marijuana technology platform, serving patients in 22 states and growing. They have connected over 1 million patients with their new medical marijuana doctors face-to-face via their state-of-the-art telemedicine platform. NuggMD believes that every person should have the right to access medical cannabis for their qualifying conditions and is fully committed to helping each patient explore all treatment options for their health and well-being. For further information, visit Contact Details Andrew Graham +1 646-385-0189 Company Website

April 19, 2023 01:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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