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Shareholder Activist Wants Independent Chairman at Goldman Sachs

National Legal & Policy Center

Paul Kamenar, Counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), made the following statement today in support of the group’s shareholder proposal to separate the roles of Chairman and CEO, both posts currently held by David Solomon: I am Paul Kamenar, Counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center, the sponsor of the Corporate Integrity Project. Goldman Sachs has been a public company since 1999 but it is still run like a private firm. Separating the roles of Chairman and CEO will enhance accountability to shareholders, and help create clearer lines between the corporate and personal interests of executives. At the World Economic Forum in Davos last year, Mr. Solomon proclaimed that Goldman would not take companies public unless they had at least one “diverse” board member. As NLPC pointed out last year in a public comment to the Securities and Exchange Commission, such board “diversity” requirements violate the Constitution’s equal protection clause as well as statutory provisions prohibiting discrimination. When it comes to public policy issues, I can’t think of a company that is less diverse. Goldman jumps on every cause that is advanced by the “woke” activists. There’s a reason for this. When you have so much money, your fortune is going to come under scrutiny. The best way to insulate yourself and keep anti-business activists off your back is to embrace their causes, even if in the process you undermine the system that produces your wealth. Goldman claims that Biden’s so-called Build Back Better boondoggle will help economic growth, on the theory that any spending is good spending. Well, maybe it’s good for Goldman Sachs. But this kind of irresponsible, debt-fueled spending by politicians, not to mention the unprecedented money printing by the Federal Reserve, have artificially inflated asset values. So those who already have assets benefit the most. The rich get richer. And wage earners get ruinous inflation. And now ordinary people face sky-high gas prices. Why are they going up? Because Goldman Sachs and all the other financial institutions were stampeded into the war on fossil fuels. But now starving oil and gas producers of capital doesn’t look so good. Even before Russia invaded Ukraine, the world was on the verge of an energy crisis brought about by First World activists. The result will be food shortages and social unrest in poor countries. Now the folly of the West’s dependence on Russia for energy is obvious. Will Mr. Solomon ramble on about sustainability and ESG, or will he allow the free market to operate and help our country to re-achieve energy security? At the very least, he should stop taking trips on private jets provided by Goldman shareholders. Come to think of it, shouldn’t he cut out private jet travel completely if he believes what he says about the threat of climate change? Maybe if we had a separate Chairman and CEO, one could alert the other to such hypocrisy and bad judgment, sparing the company public embarrassment. Last year, Goldman signed on to an advertisement criticizing QUOTE, UNQUOTE “discriminatory legislation” that suggested Republican efforts in Georgia and elsewhere to ensure voting integrity were aimed at obstructing ballot access based on race. Yet Goldman has big plans to expand its business in China, which has never had a free election, and which pursues genocidal policies toward the Uyghur minority. So Goldman is hard on Georgia, soft on China. Goldman is very proud of its new partnership in a wealth management venture with the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. This bank is a state-owned enterprise, with capital provided by the Ministry of Finance of China. So Goldman doesn’t just do business in China, it also partners with the Communist Chinese government, following in the footsteps of John Thornton, former Goldman co-president. Let’s hope that China’s pledge of QUOTE, UNQUOTE “limitless friendship” with Russia is not fulfilled, and that it does not invade Taiwan. Maybe if there were more viewpoints in the Goldman executive suite, someone would question whether this partnership with mass murderers is a good idea. Activism by “woke” CEOs may be reaching its limits, as Disney CEO Robert Chapek is finding out the hard way. Goldman bankrolls the groups that claim gender is a form of oppression, and that kindergarteners must be forced to confront it against their parent’s wishes. Public opinion polls show dissatisfaction with big corporations is at an all-time high. Goldman may consider itself too big and powerful to be affected by public wrath. But I warn you that something is brewing out there. Corporate America has placed itself at odds with the economic and cultural interests of the American people. Maybe it’s time for some diversity of thought at Goldman Sachs. END Founded in 1991, NLPC promotes ethics in public life and government accountability through research, investigation, education, and legal action. Contact Details Paul Kamenar +1 301-257-9435 Company Website

April 28, 2022 08:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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COVID Related Microchip Shortages and the Lemon Law: Who’s Responsible?

Amar Law Group

The worldwide microchip shortage that caused very limited new car inventories and a massive increase in car prices also has ramifications after you purchase a new vehicle. Imagine buying a new car that turns out to be a “Lemon.” After a breakdown, you take it in to the shop for warranty repairs and are told you’ll have to wait weeks or even months to get your car back because of the worldwide microchip shortage. You call the car company to plead for help and they say that nothing can be done. The component that’s defective on your car needs to be replaced, but it can’t be because there are no microchips available to produce the replacement component. It looks like you bought a “Lemon” that can’t be repaired because of COVID. But if your car truly can’t be repaired, then surely the Lemon Law steps in to get you a Buyback or a New Vehicle…shouldn’t it? Not so fast the car company says. COVID is an exception to the Lemon Law because it is equivalent to a natural disaster that should prevent the Lemon Law from covering your vehicle. Does COVID really prevent Lemon Law help? Some car manufacturers we deal with on behalf of consumers actually argue that about Lemon Law matters in an attempt to avoid responsibility. We respectfully disagree. Before delving further into whether the automotive industry can escape from its Lemon Law obligations, here’s a quick rundown of what the Lemon Law actually is. All 50 States in the U.S. have Lemon Laws to aid consumers of new vehicles that turn out to be defective “Lemons”. Although the standards vary somewhat State to State, the heart of all Lemon Laws is that if a substantial vehicle problem takes too many times or too long to repair under warranty within a certain time and mileage limit after the vehicle is purchased, then the consumer is entitled to get his or her money back or a new vehicle. There is also a Federal Lemon Law called the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act that provides compensation to consumers of manufacturer warranted products like cars that are not repaired under warranty within a reasonable opportunity. Most of these laws also allow consumers to recover attorneys’ fees for successfully resolved cases. This was done so consumers can get the help of an attorney to make sure the Lemon Law is properly complied with by the vehicle’s manufacturer. Lemon Laws don’t cover everything that could possibly go wrong with a vehicle for any reason. They have exclusions for circumstances such as the age of a vehicle and outside causes of problems like abuse, misuse, or unauthorized modification by an owner. Another set of exclusions in some (not all) Lemon Laws are warranty repairs that suffer delays due to war, invasion, or a natural disaster such as a fire, tornado, or flood. Certain manufacturer representatives argue that COVID should be considered a natural disaster under the Lemon Laws that have such exclusion and even in ones that don’t! After all, it is a once in a lifetime pandemic that’s caused massive economic disruptions and numerous deaths. Merriam-Webster defines a natural disaster as, “a sudden and terrible event in nature (such as a hurricane, tornado, or flood) that usually results in serious damage and many deaths.” COVID may match this definition as far as serious damage and deaths, but it clearly does not meet the definition of being an event in nature such as a hurricane, tornado, or flood. It’s important to note that Lemon Laws are remedial consumer protection statutes which courts have routinely held should be interpreted in favor of consumers to promote their consumer protection purpose. That means that if there is a gray area as to whether COVID should be considered a “natural disaster,” which there obviously is based on its dictionary definition, the interpretation of whether COVID is or is not a natural disaster should favor the consumer, not the manufacturer. However, that is not the only reason why the automotive industry should not be allowed to claim COVID is a natural disaster shielding it from any Lemon Law responsibility. What’s also important to consider are the mistaken decisions car companies made that contributed to the chip shortage mess in the first place… What caused the chip shortage in the automotive industry? The chip shortage crisis can be traced back to March of 2020 when COVID shutdowns forced automakers to shutter manufacturing plants. See What Happened With the Semiconductor Chip Shortage—and How and When the Auto Industry Will Emerge. The car companies also decided to temporarily halt chip orders from suppliers who are mostly in Taiwan and China assuming (incorrectly) that production would be stalled for a long period of time. Id. During the COVID caused lockdowns, demand for TVs, videogame systems, cell phones, computers, and other consumer products increased dramatically. Chip manufacturers supplied more microchips to the electronics industry instead of the automotive industry to meet this demand. Id. When auto industry vehicle production started back up faster than anticipated in the summer of 2020, carmakers found the microchips needed were no longer available because they were already committed to the consumer electronics industry. Id. Making matters worse, cars use a lot of older, lower-tech microchips that cost only a few dollars each and have lower profit margins. Chipmakers have little incentive to increase production of these chips, especially because they may get phased out over time. Id. So why would a microchip shortage cause delays in car repairs, we’re talking about cars, not computers or phones aren’t we? The reason that the microchip shortage has caused havoc with car repairs is that modern day vehicles rely on such microchips for everything from door locks and infotainment to brakes and advanced driver assist systems. Id. Most diagnostic modules on a vehicle have microchips as well. According to Jami L. LaReau of The Detroit Free Press and USA Today, one car part could use 500 to 1,500 chips depending on the complexity of the part. See Everything You Need to Know About the Chip Shortage that's Plaguing Automakers. As cited by Motor Trend, Volkswagen of America CEO Scott Keogh admitted at a Reuters Automotive Summit that, "historically, we've made decisions as if chips were nearly infinite so each and every module required a chip, every window lift, every modulator." Because of that, any defective component on a vehicle that has microchips can have egregiously lengthy repair delays when it must be replaced. You might be thinking, “COVID is a once in a lifetime pandemic, why should car companies be penalized under the Lemon Law for warranty repair delays caused by the chip shortage?” Well, the fact that microchips are so crucial for today’s vehicles requires having a large back up supply of them. Instead, most car companies were only ordering barely more than the minimum number of chips required to produce vehicles as they’re manufactured, while basically ignoring the need to order extra chips to cover potential future repair issues or to mitigate any supply disruptions. The chip shortage crisis was not inevitable. For example, Toyota had the wherewithal to have an additional supply of microchips due to lessons learned from past supply disruptions caused by natural disasters in Japan. See What Happened With the Semiconductor Chip Shortage... Other automakers should have done the exact same thing. The automotive industry, not consumers, should suffer the consequences of making the wrong call According to Alisa Pridle of Motor Trend, some researchers project the global supply of microchips for cars won't catch up with demand until 2025. Id. So we’re not only talking about a few more months of chip shortage caused repair delays. These delays will last for several years! There was clearly both a mistaken assumption about the effect of COVID on vehicle sales and a lack of foresight by manufacturers to stock microchips which caused this shortage. Is it fair for consumers of defective “Lemon” vehicles not to have Lemon Law coverage until 2025 because of that? Would you feel it was fair if your vehicle was the one that couldn’t be timely repaired until 2025? At the end of the day, the issue is whether an innocent consumer or vehicle manufacturer should bear the burden of manufacturers’ decisions to cancel or delay microchip orders and to not have adequate stockpiles of chips to complete repairs. The burden on the budget of the average consumer to pay for a defective vehicle that can’t be used is obviously much greater than the burden on manufacturers to reacquire a “Lemon.” Buying back or replacing a Lemon vehicle that can’t be timely repaired because of the microchip shortage is the right thing to do especially because it’s not the individual consumer’s fault that auto manufacturers decided to cancel or delay their chip orders. The automotive industry had a legitimate reason for what it did with cancelling and delaying microchip orders due to COVID, but that incorrect choice was still the manufacturers’, not the consumer’s, and manufacturers should bear the financial consequence of that decision (and the decision not to have additional microchips stockpiled) being incorrect. Part of that consequence is accepting responsibility for Lemon vehicles that cannot be repaired within a reasonable opportunity, rather than trying to avoid responsibility with questionable COVID Lemon Law loopholes arguments. After all, me, you, and all other regular people have to face the consequences of our incorrect choices in life. So should motor vehicle companies. Shalev Amar is the owner of the consumer protection law firms Amar Law Group and Katz & Amar. The Firms’ phone number is (866) 904-2627. The Firms’ websites are: Contact Details Shalev Amar, Esq. +1 866-904-2627

April 27, 2022 04:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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State of Texas Selects Comcast Business to Offer High-Speed Networking Solutions Throughout the State

Comcast Houston

The State of Texas’ Department of Information Resources (DIR) has selected Comcast Business as one of its providers in delivering high-capacity, fiber and broadband services to state agencies and public sector entities throughout the state. This new agreement provides agencies an additional set of diverse network solutions statewide. “We understand how critical it is for Texas’ agencies and educational institutions to stay up-to-date on, and connected to, some of the latest network solutions, particularly as reliance on them has increased exponentially in recent years,” said David Cross, Vice President of Public Sector Sales for Comcast Business. “We are proud to be able to offer a convenient and quick path to network connectivity for the State of Texas. We look forward to future partnerships, and to building the future of Texas’ network.” About Comcast Business: Comcast Business offers a suite of Connectivity, Communications, Networking, Cybersecurity, Wireless, and Managed Solutions to help organizations of different sizes prepare for what’s next. Comcast Business offers an expansive portfolio of services through the TEX-AN Program, including offerings such as Metro Ethernet, Dedicated Internet Access, SDN, software-defined wide-area-network (SD-WAN), network function virtualization, and network virtualization. Comcast Business has also been consistently recognized by industry analysts and associations as a leader and innovator, and one of the fastest-growing providers of Ethernet services. Contact Details Comcast Houston Foti Kallergis +1 832-986-0196 Company Website

April 27, 2022 02:22 PM Central Daylight Time

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Kivvit Named a Finalist for PRovoke Media’s North America Digital Agency of the Year


Kivvit has been chosen as a finalist for North America Digital Agency of the Year as part of PRovoke Media’s annual Agencies of the Year review – an exhaustive research process involving more than 150 submissions and 50 meetings with agencies across the U.S. and Canada. In announcing the recognition, PRovoke praised Kivvit for “bringing the tenacity—and results-orientation—of political campaigns” into its work with partners across sectors and for its “outstanding digital operations—including an investment in proprietary data and analytics that powers its campaigns and enables it to demonstrate real business impact.” PRovoke unveiled its 2022 agencies of the year and awards short list ahead of its SABRE North America gala, which will be held in New York City on May 4 th. Kivvit has been among PRovoke’s North American agencies of the year for the past 5 years and previously won Digital Agency of the Year in 2020. In the lead up to SABRE, PRovoke has also named Kivvit partner Anheuser-Busch the Diamond SABRE award winner for Company of the Year, pointing to the company’s innovative data-driven corporate reputation campaign, which Kivvit is proud to support. This prestigious award recognizes an organization that has embraced public relations as a key management discipline and can demonstrate that public relations has made a significant contribution over the course of the year to its overall performance. Additionally, Kivvit’s industry-leading work earned finalist recognition in several other SABRE award categories, including: The Diamond SABRE Award for Superior Achievement in Research and Planning, which recognizes public relations campaigns that draw on original research and modern data and analytics to develop critical insights into the client and its audience, and use formal planning techniques to devise the most appropriate strategic approach to address a challenge or seize and opportunity; The Diamond SABRE Award for Superior Achievement in Measurement and Evaluation, which recognizes campaigns focused on specific metrics to achieve a meaningful and measurable contribution to an organization’s bottom-line results; Educational & Cultural Institutions, which recognizes leading work on behalf of schools, universities, museums, and art galleries; and Issues Management, which recognizes advocacy campaigns that effectively shape attitudes and outcomes related to public policy. You can find the full list of this year’s finalists here. DIGITAL AGENCY OF THE YEAR PROFILE Below is an excerpt from PRovoke’s profile of Kivvit as an Agency of the Year finalist: Backstory Kivvit was created in October of 2015 through the merger of ASGK Public Strategies and M Public Affairs, with the goal of bringing the tenacity—and results-orientation—of political campaigns into corporate and nonprofit sectors to corporate clients. It is best known for public affairs and issues management work, as well as for its outstanding digital operations—including an investment in proprietary data and analytics that powers its campaigns and enables it to demonstrate real business impact. Locations Kivvit has operations across the United States, with offices in Boston, Chicago, Miami, New York, New Jersey, and Washington, DC. Performance Kivvit reported a very respectable 13% increase in revenues in 2021, ending the year just a little short of the $40 million mark and consolidating its position as one of the largest independent public affairs firms in the US. Driving the growth was the doubling of the firm’s advertising and research and insights revenue. Kivvit continued its work for blue-chip brands like Abbott, Anheuser-Busch, Google, the New York League of Conservation Voters, Tesla, The Nature Conservancy and the University of Chicago, while adding new assignments from the American Library Association, the Asian American Federation, the National Brain Tumor Society, and Similarweb. People & Culture Kivvit expanded its management team and increased the diversity of its leadership corps in 2021, most notably with the addition of four new managing directors: Arielle Goren, an executive and crisis communications expert who previously headed her own firm; Aaron Mays, who also led his own business; Terri Sanders, who joined from HIMSS, where she was chief marketing and communications officer; and Jalisa Washington-Price, a veteran of iHeartMedia and the Biden presidential campaign. The firm also doubled the size of its digital and insights teams. And the firm partnered with consultant Ivy Planning Group and talent firm Offor to ensure that it remained on the leading edge in terms of inclusion. Thought Leadership & Work Kivvit’s best work is driven by insights derived from data—an area in which it excels. This includes a Covid-19 vaccination effort for New Jersey’s Department of Health that included a survey examining all the reasons for vaccine hesitancy and then produced highly targeted messaging that helped the state achieve one of the highest vaccination levels in the country. On the corporate front, meanwhile, Kivvit helped Anheuser-Bush rethink its reputation strategy, focusing on its major economic investments, game-changing commitments to sustainability, and product innovation to maximize favorable opinions. But Kivvit also works on big issues, expanding harm reduction services in New Jersey and securing investment in New York’s disabilities sector. And the firm’s interest in the most critical progressive issues of the day also extends to its own thought leadership, highlighted by research into corporate support for Black Lives Matter. - Paul Holmes About Kivvit Kivvit is one of the largest and fastest-growing independent strategic communications and public affairs firms in the United States, with over 130 professionals across six offices in Boston, Chicago, Miami, New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. Kivvit has earned over 60 awards and recognitions in the past 5 years, including Public Affairs of the Year (Reed Awards), Digital Agency of the Year (PRovoke SABRE North America), Most Innovative Agency (Bulldog Stars of PR Awards), and a Best Agency to Work For (PRovoke). Kivvit also leads O'Dwyer's national rankings of independent communications firms across multiple categories, including #1 for Real Estate Finance & Development, #2 for Energy and Non-Profit, #4 for Purpose and Corporate Social Responsibility. To learn more and see what we do, visit and follow us @TeamKivvit. Contact Details Zach Silber +1 212-929-0669 Company Website

April 27, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Volatus Aerospace Becomes Exclusive Global Marketing and Distribution Partner for Full Throttle Aerial

Volatus Aerospace Corp.

Volatus Aerospace Corp. (TSXV:VOL) (OTCQB:VLTTF) ("Volatus" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that it has signed an exclusive sales and distribution agreement with American UAV manufacturer Full Throttle Aerial ("Full Throttle"). "We are thrilled to have signed this exclusive agreement with Full Throttle. They produce a fleet of heavy lift, high endurance, robust drones that meet our clients' needs for infrastructure inspection and cargo delivery," stated Glen Lynch, Volatus CEO. "Our clients are looking for North American manufactured drone options and the Full Throttle line-up can fill this important niche in the enterprise and industrial UAV market and clients can be assured that the data they collect is secure". "Signing a strategic partnership with Volatus will allow us to concentrate on our development and design capabilities. We produce heavy-lift, long-range and high endurance drones with payloads from 12.5 lbs to 1,000 lbs, and many customized solutions created for specific use cases," said Steve Dixon, CEO and Founder of Full Throttle Aerial. "Volatus have the global reach to optimize the marketing and distribution of our production line drones." The announcement was made at the industry leading exhibition hosted by the AUVSI - Exponential 2022 where Volatus presented two of the aircraft from the Full Throttle line - Stealth and Cetan. About Volatus Aerospace: Volatus Aerospace Corp. is a leading provider of integrated drone solutions throughout Canada, the United States, and Latin America. Operating a vast pilot network, Volatus serves commercial and defense markets with imaging and inspection, security and surveillance, equipment sales and support, training, and design, manufacturing, and R&D. Through its subsidiary Volatus Aviation, Volatus carries on the business of aircraft management, charter sales, and cargo services using piloted, remotely piloted, and autonomous aircraft. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Forward-Looking Statement This news release contains statements that constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including statements regarding the plans, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of the Corporation with respect to future business activities and operating performance. Often, but not always, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as “plans”, “expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, or “believes” or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or statements formed in the future tense or indicating that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” (or other variations of the foregoing) be taken, occur, be achieved, or come to pass. Forward-looking information includes information regarding (i) the business plans and expectations of the Corporation; and (ii) expectations for other economic, business, and/or competitive factors. Forward-looking information is based on currently available competitive, financial and economic data and operating plans, strategies or beliefs as of the date of this news release, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Corporation to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors may be based on information currently available to the Corporation, including information obtained from third-party industry analysts and other third-party sources, and are based on management’s current expectations or beliefs. Any and all forward-looking information contained in this news release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking information is not based on historical facts but instead reflects expectations, estimates or projections concerning future results or events based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made. Forward-looking information reflects the Corporation’s current beliefs and is based on information currently available to it and on assumptions it believes to be not unreasonable in light of all of the circumstances. In some instances, material factors or assumptions are discussed in this news release in connection with statements containing forward-looking information. Such material factors and assumptions include, but are not limited to: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Corporation; meeting the continued listing requirements of the TSXV; and anticipated and unanticipated costs and other factors referenced in this news release and the Circular, including, but not limited to, those set forth in the Circular under the caption “Risk Factors”. Although the Corporation has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. The forward-looking information contained herein is made as of the date of this news release and, other than as required by law, the Corporation disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Source: Volatus Aerospace Corp. TSXV: VOL Contact Details Rob Walker +1 514-447-7986 Company Website

April 27, 2022 07:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Maple, a provider of reliable, remote online access for students, announced the availability of its fully portable and pocket-sized connectivity solutions for closing the digital divide in rural and low-income communities. School leaders throughout the United States can partner with Maple to take advantage of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) to give students a safe and reliable home internet connection that promotes online learning and unlocks opportunities. Remote and hybrid learning is here to stay, making technology and at-home internet access essential for students to access academic resources. These basic tools that millions of students need are often unavailable to children in underserved and low-income communities, creating gaps in learning, reducing opportunities to advance, and threatening future goals. According to the Federal Communication Commission, nearly 17 million students lack at-home internet access —many of whom are from minority, low-income, and rural communities. "Education is a human right," stated Michael Kadisha, Chief Executive of Maple. "Equal access to education is, in my view, the defining civil rights issue of our time. Regardless of location or economic status, all students today must have equal access to the internet to succeed.” Maple and its leadership team have a proven history of creating solutions for education and serving students. At the outset of the pandemic, Maple provided Chromebooks and other technologies to support remote learning. They quickly realized that a computer or tablet is of little use without reliable internet access. To solve this, Maple partnered with StratusX to build the Maple Hotspot, a cellular, cloud-managed personal WiFi solution that connects students and educators to their digital classrooms from anywhere. Maple hotspots eliminate the frustration associated with slow or 'spotty' service. When students in areas with limited mobile service utilize the Maple hotspot, they can reliably access the internet whenever and wherever they want. "We are proud to partner with StratusX in this critical endeavor," Kadisha said. “Their unique patented technology prevents service disruptions as devices switch seamlessly between mobile carrier networks to capture the optimal signal at all times. This benefit is critical as it gives high-speed connectivity while avoiding downtime for students from any carrier facing weather disruptions, technical issues, or even poor reception in the students' location." "With Maple's insights, experience, and guidance in the education sector, our team designed many specific features, including cloud-managed CIPA compliance to ensure safe access to content authorized by schools," explained Raviv Laor, StratusX's CEO. "With Maple, connecting online is always available, safe, and compliant." While several other hotspot providers exist, Maple's school-centric solution uniquely addresses the needs of educators, students, and school leadership. "This turnkey connectivity solution meets the specific demands of the education sector: schools have customized features to implement certain web surfing restrictions and verification options that ensure students have safe experiences online. Most importantly, the device's proprietary SIM management technology allows schools to connect, manage, configure and operate their fleets 100% remotely," said Laor. "It is a win-win situation. Schools save time and students learn with the technology they need," Kadisha continued. "We are proud of our role in eliminating these easily addressable inequities that arise from a lack of online access and improving learning outcomes for all students." Schools may use the funds they secure through the ECF program to procure Maple hotspots. A new application window opens on April 28 and runs through May 13, where schools may request 100% funding for student connectivity needs. Maple also provides schools with white-glove service, with end-to-end assistance from government funding applications to hardware setup and device deployment. “We know that the Homework Gap is a financial and emotional burden for students," Kadisha said. "We can and will do better." About Maple Maple provides trusted technology solutions for schools, students, and libraries that bridge the digital divide by delivering high-quality internet access that unlocks valuable educational experiences for students. Please visit ### For more information or to schedule an interview with a Maple spokesperson, please contact Dan Rene of kglobal at or 202-329-8357 Contact Details Dan Rene +1 202-329-8357 Company Website

April 26, 2022 12:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Akeneo Appoints Mark Holenstein as Chief Operating Officer


Akeneo, the global leader in product experience management (PXM) and product information management (PIM), announced today the appointment of e-commerce and PIM veteran Mark Holenstein as Chief Operating Officer (COO), effective immediately. In his role as COO, Holenstein is responsible for the Sales, Customer Service, and Marketing departments, overseeing Akeneo’s aggressive growth strategy in the United States, Europe, and Asia-Pacific regions. Holenstein joins the company with more than 25 years of leadership experience across the retail, e-commerce, and PIM industries. Prior to joining Akeneo, Holenstein held the position of COO at SaaS vendor Signavio, where he successfully scaled and optimized the Go-To-Market teams and strategy, both of which were instrumental in the company’s $1.2B sale to SAP in 2021. “With a history of scaling SaaS companies to unicorn status, Mark brings unique expertise to Akeneo that will be instrumental as we prepare a massive global scale-up,” said Fred de Gombert, Co-founder and CEO of Akeneo. “Over the course of his career, Mark has demonstrated time and time again the ability to develop and manage innovative go-to-market strategies across global teams, and I’m thrilled to welcome him to the Akeneo family.” Before joining Signavio, Holenstein spent ten years at Hybris, a market-leading omnichannel commerce platform, where he grew their market share across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). After playing an instrumental role in Hybris’ sale to SAP in 2013, Holenstein stayed on to lead EMEA sales in the newly created SAP Hybris division. Through his leadership, he guided the division, later renamed SAP CX, to combined revenues of $1B while overseeing a team of more than 800 global employees. “I’ve long admired Akeneo’s innovative approach to PIM, helping retailers and brands build composable, omnichannel strategies that will be sustainable in the long run,” said Holenstein. “I’m excited to be joining the team at this pivotal moment as they look to capitalize on the massive potential of the industry and redefine the product information management category.” Holstein joins recent executive hires Dagbert Sansen, Lisa Manske, and Antoine Barbier as Akeneo begins its ambitious global expansion. Last month, Akeneo finalized its $135M Series D funding round led by Summit Partners, which allows the company to further accelerate its product development roadmap and international growth under the newly scaled leadership team. To learn more, please visit About Akeneo Akeneo is a global leader in Product Experience Management (PXM) helping businesses with products to unlock growth opportunities by delivering a consistent and compelling product experience across all channels, including eCommerce, mobile, print, points of sale and beyond. With its open platform, leading PIM, add-ons, connectors and marketplace, Akeneo PXM Studio dramatically improves product data quality and accuracy, simplifies catalog management, and accelerates the sharing of product information across channels and locales. Leading global brands, manufacturers, distributors and retailers, including, Staples Canada,, and Air Liquide trust Akeneo to scale and customize their omnichannel commerce initiatives. Using Akeneo, brands and retailers can activate product experiences in any channel, therefore driving improved customer experiences, increased sales, reduced time to market, accelerated global expansion, and increased team productivity. For more information: Contact Details North 6th Agency for Akeneo Nick Eghtessad +1 814-450-7478 Company Website

April 26, 2022 05:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Retention Cloud Leader CleverTap Recognized as the “Breakout SaaS Startup of the Year” at SaaSBOOMi Awards 2021


CleverTap, the world’s leading retention cloud today announced it has been awarded the "Breakout SaaS Startup of the Year'' at the SaaSBOOMi Awards 2021. The awards, presented by SaaSBOOMi, an informal group of SaaS founders looking to network and learn from each other, recognizes excellence in Indian SaaS companies, their founders, and their many achievements and successes. India’s SaaS industry now boasts over $1.5 billion in annual revenues, with around 1,500+ SaaS companies as an active part of the SaaS community. Acknowledging the importance of this industry, the SaaSBOOMi Awards were launched in 2020 with a mission to celebrate the extraordinary aspirations and efforts of Indian SaaS founders. “The SaaSBOOMi Awards were introduced to recognise exemplary SaaS startups in the country that have set global standards in deep tech and cutting-edge innovation,” said Vinod Muthukrishnan, Member, SaaSBOOMi Awards team. “For the recently concluded 2021 edition, we are very happy to recognise CleverTap as the ‘ Breakout SaaS Startup of the Year.’ This accolade truly reflects the brand’s phenomenal work over the last year and its commitment to building exceptional user experiences for its customers.” “This is our first award from SaaSBOOMi and will be our most precious. Our customers make us successful and this award, which is shaped and judged by the community, underlines the importance of that bond and trust for us as a company and the partners who support us,” said Anand Jain, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer, CleverTap. “We will continue to focus on solving the problem of user retention for consumer apps of all sizes. Our goal is to be the retention category market leader, not just in India and Southeast Asia but also North America and Europe and amplify the Indian SaaS success story to a growing and global audience.” The award is just one in a string of recent accolades recognising CleverTap’s technology prowess and capabilities. More than 10,000 apps across industries and geographies use CleverTap for customer engagement and retention over 3 billion devices. Built for speed, security, and scale, CleverTap has helped customers send over one trillion messages and create about 9 million campaigns in 2021. About CleverTap CleverTap is the modern, integrated retention cloud that empowers digital consumer brands to increase customer retention and lifetime value. For brands that understand and value user retention, CleverTap drives context and individualization with the help of a unified and deep data layer, AI/ML powered insights and automation. Customers around the world representing over 10,000 apps, including Vodafone Idea, SonyLIV, Daimler, Gojek, Carousell, and Premier League, trust CleverTap to achieve their retention and engagement goals, growing their long term revenue. Backed by leading venture capital firms including Sequoia India, Tiger Global Management, and Accel, the company is headquartered in Mountain View, California, with offices in Mumbai, Singapore, and Dubai. For more information, visit or follow on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Contact Details CleverTap Sony Shetty Company Website

April 26, 2022 02:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Volatus Aerospace Signs Global Marketing and Distribution Contract for UAVTEK Drone Technologies

Volatus Aerospace Corp.

Volatus Aerospace Corp. (TSXV:VOL) (OTCQB:VLTTF) ("Volatus" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that it has signed a global marketing and distribution agreement with UAVTEK. UAVTEK is a respected UAV designer and manufacturer who supplies defence and public safety with innovative drone solutions. This week, the UAVTEK Ares and Bug will be presented at Booth 1307 at the AUVSI Xponential in Orlando. "UAVTEK has delivered remarkable UAV technologies to defence over the last few years, with hundreds deployed in the field. These technologies provide us with an opportunity to fulfill the demand for drone technologies designed and manufactured in NATO countries. The information captured by these drones is 100% protected - no data is recorded in the drone and because it uses military-grade radio it is less susceptible to electronic warfare," said Glen Lynch, CEO of Volatus. "We are thrilled to partner with the team at UAVTEK, and Steve Emerson, Volatus VP for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, will take the lead on expanding the products' footprint globally." Howard Humphries, CEO and Founder of UAVTEK, stated, "The strategic partnership with Volatus will allow us to focus on designing and building new technologies, and customizing solutions for new use cases. We have only scratched the surface of what is possible for drones working in the air, on land, and at sea. Volatus has the global marketing capabilities we need to increase our footprint globally. We look forward to strengthening our relationship and optimizing our efforts." The drones produced by UAVTEK are highly modular with many payloads available. All technologies share the same controller and the same battery type. The platforms are highly innovative and the drones have been field-tested in Lapland in -40C. Today they are deployed in both the Arctic and Africa. There is a full range of drones available from fixed-wing to nano. If you are attending AVUSI in Orlando, please visit Booth 1307 to learn more. About Volatus Aerospace: Volatus Aerospace Corp. is a leading provider of integrated drone solutions throughout Canada, the United States, and Latin America. Operating a vast pilot network, Volatus serves commercial and defense markets with imaging and inspection, security and surveillance, equipment sales and support, training, and design, manufacturing, and R&D. Through its subsidiary Volatus Aviation, Volatus carries on the business of aircraft management, charter sales, and cargo services using piloted, remotely piloted, and autonomous aircraft. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. 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Forward-looking information includes information regarding (i) the business plans and expectations of the Corporation; and (ii) expectations for other economic, business, and/or competitive factors. Forward-looking information is based on currently available competitive, financial and economic data and operating plans, strategies or beliefs as of the date of this news release, but involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Corporation to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors may be based on information currently available to the Corporation, including information obtained from third-party industry analysts and other third-party sources, and are based on management’s current expectations or beliefs. Any and all forward-looking information contained in this news release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking information is not based on historical facts but instead reflects expectations, estimates or projections concerning future results or events based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made. Forward-looking information reflects the Corporation’s current beliefs and is based on information currently available to it and on assumptions it believes to be not unreasonable in light of all of the circumstances. In some instances, material factors or assumptions are discussed in this news release in connection with statements containing forward-looking information. Such material factors and assumptions include, but are not limited to: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Corporation; meeting the continued listing requirements of the TSXV; and anticipated and unanticipated costs and other factors referenced in this news release and the Circular, including, but not limited to, those set forth in the Circular under the caption “Risk Factors”. Although the Corporation has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. The forward-looking information contained herein is made as of the date of this news release and, other than as required by law, the Corporation disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Source: Volatus Aerospace Corp. TSXV: VOL Contact Details Rob Walker +1 514-447-7986 Company Website

April 25, 2022 05:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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