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With the new memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between the United States of America (U.S.) and Peru, over 300 delegates -- the largest Peruvian business delegation ever – showed up in force at MINEXPO 2024, the premiere mining conference for the industry. Sponsored by the National Mining Association, it was held recently in Las Vegas. This underscores the importance of the relationship between the U.S. and Peru, a top producer of crucial minerals such as copper, lithium, silver and rare earth elements, essential for manufacturing a range of products, including cell phones, computers, and renewable energy technologies. As the U.S. transitions to green energy, these minerals are vital for producing batteries, electric vehicles, and other clean technologies, potentially saving the country billions in energy costs and enhancing energy independence. “Expanding the supply access to crucial minerals including copper and lithium, both of which are required for green energy technology, is essential,” emphasized Alvaro Silva-Santisteban, the ​ Executive ​ ​ Director ​ of PROMPERU in the U.S., which is the Investment, Trade and Tourism Commission of Peru. “As a result, Peru fortifies its world leadership as a natural location for mining companies seeking to expand production.” The MOU, which was finalized last August, opens the door to more mining opportunities for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and clears the way for the U.S. and Peru to partner on the extraction of a small portion of Peruvian green technologies. “Peru, with its vast reserves of copper, zinc, lithium, and other important minerals, is an invaluable partner for the U.S. as they strive to meet this immense growth in demand,” said José W. Fernández, U.S. Undersecretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, after the signing. The cooperative effort strengthens international investment in strategic resources essential to not only product manufacturing, but green technology as well. “Almost every electric car and smartphone use these minerals, and in Peru, the vast majority of these crucial metals are yet to be mined,” Silva-Santisteban added. “This is a boon for our planet’s future and the Peruvian economy.” According to the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Peru is the world’s second-largest exporter of copper, ranks third for silver, and holds massive reserves of gold, zinc, and lead. Peru holds more than six tons of lithium reserves and the production of eight crucial ‘green minerals,’ minerals that are needed to support the transition to clean energy technologies, such as iron, lead, molybdenum, indium and graphite. “With the MOU and our participation in MINEXPO, bringing together knowledgeable exporters of services, minerals and machinery, the synergies will create an opportunity that will strengthen foreign investment in strategic resources for green technology, which will lead to even greater international developments,” said Silva-Santisteban. Peru, holding the second-largest ore reserves for both silver and copper in the world, also accounts for substantial global reserves of gold (5.6%), zinc (8%), lead (6.2%), and other metals. Peru has 31 copper projects across 14 regions, representing a potential investment of nearly $39.8 billion. Minister of Energy and Mines, Rómulo Mucho Mamani, highlighted that Peru holds 11% of the world's copper reserves and that these projects could yield an additional two million tons of copper. ### For more information please visit: Contact Details The Hoyt Organization Kelly Reynolds +1 310-343-3197

October 08, 2024 09:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

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NAVEX Unveils Curated AI Content Library to Simplify Compliance and Risk Mitigation

NAVEX Global

NAVEX, the global leader in integrated risk and compliance management software, introduces its new AI-focused content library designed to help organizations address the rapidly evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulations and frameworks. As AI technologies become part of daily operations, many organizations find themselves entering uncharted waters regarding effective AI governance. According to Forrester’s September 2023 Artificial Intelligence Pulse Survey, 56% of AI decision-makers said their organization will use generative AI (genAI) in the next 12 months for internal or customer-facing production applications for employee productivity. The stakes are rising, and navigating these challenges without a clear framework can feel overwhelming, leaving companies vulnerable to risks. NAVEX plays a critical role by enabling companies to implement strong controls, automate workflows, and perform comprehensive testing. This approach simplifies complex challenges and transforms them into strategic opportunities. NAVEX’s content library is continuously curated to cover international and industry-specific AI regulations, including emerging standards and compliance requirements. By leveraging this resource, customers can ensure their AI initiatives align with ethical guidelines and regulatory mandates. A.G. Lambert, Chief Product Officer at NAVEX, captures the pivotal moment many organizations face: "As AI technologies revolutionize industries, companies find themselves standing at a crossroads, navigating the intricate landscape of effective AI governance. Our AI content not only empowers risk management professionals to establish crucial controls but also enhances efficiency by automating compliance processes. This dual approach enables organizations to embrace AI technology with confidence, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation." Key features of the NAVEX AI content library include: Centralized AI Regulatory Resources: Access a consolidated library of global AI regulations and industry-specific guidelines. Streamlined Control Development: Simplify the process of creating and implementing AI-specific controls to align with emerging regulations. Automated Compliance Monitoring: Leverage automation to track compliance requirements and ensure adherence through continuous control testing. Enhanced Risk Mitigation: Identify and mitigate AI-related risks proactively using structured regulatory frameworks. Future-Proof Compliance Strategy: Stay ahead of evolving AI laws and standards, ensuring the organization remains compliant and competitive. NAVEX is enhancing AI governance with its NAVEX One platform that streamlines the process of developing and distributing AI-related policies, ensuring companies stay aligned with fast-changing compliance requirements in the AI landscape. Should employees or third parties have AI-related issues or concerns, the NAVEX One platform offers employees a secure solution to report them. This proactive approach helps organizations identify and mitigate potential risks early on. The NAVEX content library offers over 400 regulations and compliance frameworks, continuously expanding to meet the demands of an evolving regulatory environment. This extensive resource includes critical AI regulations such as the EU AI Act, NIST AI Risk Management Framework, and the Colorado Artificial Intelligence Act. As AI governance becomes increasingly critical, NAVEX integrates AI training, incident management, and policy management into this comprehensive resource, ensuring organizations stay ahead of compliance requirements. With real-time updates, businesses can select tailored content to meet emerging AI regulatory standards, providing the tools to navigate current and future compliance challenges effectively. This seamless integration helps organizations maintain a proactive risk and compliance posture while leveraging cutting-edge technologies. The new AI content library is now available as part of NAVEX’s Integrated Risk Management solution. For more information, visit NAVEX’s Website. NAVEX is trusted by thousands of customers worldwide to help them achieve the business outcomes that matter most. As the global leader in integrated risk and compliance management software and services, we deliver solutions through the NAVEX One platform, the industry’s most comprehensive governance, risk and compliance (GRC) information system. For more information, visit and our blog. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. Contact Details Navex Global +1 617-388-5773 Company Website

October 08, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Danmarks Blomstrende Spille- og casino-scene: Nye Innovationer og Ansvarligt spil

AM Europe

København, Danmark - [October, 4th] - Danmarks spil- og gamblingkultur fortsætter med at blomstre, præget af innovative nye spil, spændende begivenheder og et stærkt engagement i ansvarligt spil. Med en rig spilhistorie omfavner danske spillere de nyeste trends, samtidig med at de nyder godt af en robust lovgivningsmæssig beskyttelse, der sikrer et sikkert spilmiljø. Spændende nye spil lanceres dette efterår Denne sæson vil flere spilleselskaber lancere spændende nye titler, der lover at forbedre spiloplevelsen for danske spillere. Fra fordybende online slots til engagerende live dealer-spil kan spillerne se frem til banebrydende grafik og innovativt gameplay. Bemærkelsesværdige udgivelser inkluderer " Viking Quest ", en spændende eventyrautomat, der fejrer Danmarks rige historie, og "Nordic Roulette", der kombinerer klassisk casino-spænding med et tydeligt dansk twist. Store casino-begivenheder i horisonten Casino Copenhagen gør klar til sit årlige "Danish Poker Championship", hvor spillere fra hele landet vil konkurrere om pengepræmier og den eftertragtede mesterskabstitel. Arrangementet finder sted den 15.-17. november og vil tiltrække både erfarne professionelle og entusiastiske amatører. Deltagerne kan forvente en weekend fyldt med dygtighed, strategi og kammeratskab, der afspejler den livlige ånd i Danmarks pokersamfund. Forpligtelse til ansvarligt spil Danmark er stolt af sine stærke lovgivningsmæssige rammer, som sikrer, at spilaktiviteter udføres retfærdigt og ansvarligt. Den danske Spillemyndighed fører tilsyn med alle spiloperationer og håndhæver strenge regler, der beskytter spillerne. Dansk lov kræver, at operatørerne giver klar information om risici ved spil, så spillerne kan træffe informerede valg. Desuden er initiativer, der har til formål at fremme ansvarligt spil, i højsædet i det danske spillelandskab. Spillere opfordres til at sætte grænser for deres forbrug, og mange operatører tilbyder muligheder for selvudelukkelse for at hjælpe dem, der måske har brug for en pause fra spil. What is ROFUS? ROFUS, det danske onlinespilleregister, er et vigtigt initiativ, der er etableret for at fremme ansvarligt spil i hele Danmark. ROFUS administreres af Spillemyndigheden og giver spillere mulighed for frivilligt at udelukke sig selv fra at deltage i onlinespil, siger Denne brugervenlige platform giver enkeltpersoner mulighed for at tage kontrol over deres spillevaner ved at sætte personlige grænser eller vælge en midlertidig eller permanent selvudelukkelse. ROFUS blev lanceret for at forbedre spillernes sikkerhed og sikrer, at personer, der kan være i fare for at få spilleproblemer, kan søge hjælp og få adgang til støtte. Ved at stille et centralt register til rådighed fremmer det ikke kun en kultur med ansvarligt spil, men styrker også integriteten i spilindustrien i Danmark. En kultur af fællesskab og sjov Danske spillere nyder godt af en unik blanding af sociale spiloplevelser, både online og på fysiske kasinoer. Kammeratskabet mellem spillerne er et afgørende træk ved den danske spillekultur, hvor deling af strategier og fejring af gevinster skaber et indbydende miljø. I takt med at branchen udvikler sig, er Danmark fortsat forpligtet til at fremme en sikker og fornøjelig spilleatmosfære. Med nye spil, spændende events og ansvarlige regler på plads ser fremtiden for spil og gambling i Danmark lysere ud end nogensinde. Contact Details Oliver Damgaard +45 27 35 72 27

October 04, 2024 11:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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NHRA Los Angeles Names 2024 Executive of the Year

IMA Financial

The National Human Resources Association Los Angeles Chapter (NHRA-LA) proudly announces Cheryl Baptiste, Vice President of People Operations & Culture at Murad as the 2024 Executive of the Year. Nearly 300 HR professionals gathered at the Skirball Cultural Center to honor Baptiste and celebrate the Los Angeles HR community. With more than 25 years of experience in Human Resources, Baptiste is renowned for her expertise in Talent Management, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), and Employee Engagement. Throughout her career, she has led diverse teams across multiple industries, and her leadership at Murad has been instrumental in cultivating a thriving workplace culture. "Cheryl Baptiste exemplifies the future of HR leadership and her ability to drive innovation, create inclusive cultures, and adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the workforce has made her a transformative leader," said President of NHRA-LA Andrew Agress. "Her passion and commitment reflect the very best of what HR professionals bring to the table, driving meaningful change within organizations and empowering employees to reach their full potential." Each year, NHRA Los Angeles celebrates three finalists and their organizations at its Executive of the Year gala. Along with recognizing Baptiste, NHRA-LA honored: Murad with the 2024 Organizational Category of Innovation, acknowledging its forward-thinking approach and commitment to pushing the boundaries in the beauty and skincare industry. CIM Group, represented by Jason Mullens, Global Head of Human Resources, with the 2024 Organizational Category of Community, recognizing its efforts in fostering strong, supportive networks both within the company and the communities it serves. Velocity Vehicle Group (VVG), represented by Jessica Ramirez, Vice President of Human Resources, with the 2024 Organizational Category of Growth, highlighting its focus on employee engagement and organizational development on a global scale. This year’s gala theme “Thrive" highlighted the resilience and adaptability of the HR community, celebrating the achievements of those who turn challenges into opportunities for growth. Throughout 2024, NHRA-LA has focused on evolving its role as a dynamic, purpose-driven community for HR professionals. The chapter remains dedicated to providing exceptional networking opportunities, executive-level insights, and top-tier speakers while fostering deeper connections and driving impactful change within the HR industry. This year, NHRA-LA launched a partnership with AiXHR, to introduce innovative workshops that explore how AI can revolutionize HR practices. The chapter's DEI Council also made significant strides in promoting workplace inclusivity through town halls and webinars, emphasizing how AI can enhance DEI initiatives. NHRA-LA continues to proudly support Best Buddies International, an organization dedicated to breaking down barriers for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Through these collaborations and initiatives, NHRA-LA remains committed to building a more inclusive and forward-thinking HR community. As the HR profession continues to evolve, NHRA-LA's partnership with i4cp has provided members with exclusive, data-driven insights, empowering them to thrive in a competitive landscape. The success of joint events between NHRA-LA and i4cp underscores the value of this collaboration and the importance of equipping HR professionals with the knowledge to lead. Since 1951, The National Human Resources Association (NHRA) has been dedicated to advancing the individual career development, planning, and leadership of human resources (HR) professionals. Through insightful professional development programs relevant to today’s business challenges and opportunities to build one’s professional network of experts, the organization strives to support human resource professionals throughout their career life cycle—from intern to executive—as Human Resources leads the way for change in today’s businesses. Contact Details Center Reach Communications Jessica Poulalier IMA Financial Group, Inc. Sophia Tzavalas Company Website

October 02, 2024 09:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

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Kevel Named to Newsweek’s List of The Top 200 America’s Most Loved Workplaces for 2024


Newsweek Magazine today published the annual America’s Top Most Loved Workplaces® list, developed by Most Loved Workplace®, a division of Best Practice Institute (BPI). Kevel has been honored with a place in the top 20, being ranked # 18 out of the 200 companies included in the list. This marks the fourth annual Most Loved Workplace® list. This year, the list has expanded to the Top 200, reflecting companies' growing commitment to prioritizing employee sentiment and creating workplaces that employees love. The results were determined after surveying more than 2.6 million employees from businesses with workforces varying in size from less than 50 to more than 10,000. The list recognizes companies that put respect, caring, and appreciation for their employees at the center of their business model and, in doing so, have earned the loyalty and respect of the people who work for them. “We are so proud about our inclusion on the Most Loved Workplace® list,” said Mike Kohn, Chief People Officer at Kevel. “We have focused on building a people-first organization since our founding, and have used our values as a north star as we scaled our company. We routinely use engagement surveys and qualitative check-ins both to keep a pulse on how we are working as well as to identify trends and insights that enable us to drive actions in support of building a workplace where everyone can thrive.” How positive workers feel about their future at the company, career achievement, how much employer values align with employee values, respect at all levels, and the level of collaboration at the firm were the five critical areas measured to gauge employee sentiment. In addition, areas such as inclusion, diversity, equity and belonging, career development, and company leadership were identified and analyzed in relation to the five critical areas measured. “It’s inspiring to see the list expand this year to 200 companies, a clear indication that organizations are truly committed to creating workplaces where employees feel valued and connected. We’re thrilled to celebrate their achievements as this recognition continues to grow.” - Nancy Cooper, Newsweek’s Global Editor in Chief To view Kevel’s ranking and the top honored companies view the Top 20 Most Loved Workplaces in America or view the full list of the 2024 America’s Top 200 Most Loved Workplaces®. About Kevel Kevel powers world-class retail media networks with the Retail Media Cloud™. With the combination of the Kevel Ad Server and Kevel Audience, multi-brand retailers, marketplaces, and ecommerce companies can launch limitless ad formats and unique targeting segments online and in-store, all with closed-loop attribution. Kevel believes that every digital retailer should have the capability to scale their own distinct ad platform, just like big tech players like Amazon. Customers like Edmunds, Klarna, Delivery Hero, Leroy Merlin, Slickdeals, and other leading retailers and marketplaces all launched their own retail media network with Kevel. The company has garnered numerous accolades, most recently earning recognition as one of the leading 100 innovative tech start-ups driving the future of brand-to-consumer in 2023 and awarded the MarTech Breakthrough Award for best overall ad tech company in 2022. Learn more at About Newsweek Newsweek is the modern global digital news organization built around the iconic, over 90-year-old American magazine. Newsweek reaches 100 million people each month with its thought-provoking news, opinion, images, graphics, and video delivered across a dozen print and digital platforms. Headquartered in New York City, Newsweek also publishes international editions in EMEA and Asia. About Best Practice Institute Best Practice Institute is an award-winning leadership and organization development center, benchmark research company, think tank, and solutions provider. BPI is the only certifying body for Most Loved Workplace® and conducted the original research to create the model and criteria for becoming a Most Loved Workplace®. BPI’s research proves that Most Loved Workplaces® produce 3-4 times better customer service, employee performance, and retention than companies not loved by their employees. For more information on how to apply to become a certified Most Loved Workplace, go to: Contact Details Kevel Jennifer Choo Director of Marketing +1 973-343-8819

October 02, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Kevel Named to Newsweek’s List of The Top 200 America’s Most Loved Workplaces for 2024


Newsweek Magazine today published the annual America’s Top Most Loved Workplaces® list, developed by Most Loved Workplace®, a division of Best Practice Institute (BPI). Kevel has been honored with a place in the top 20, being ranked # 18 out of the 200 companies included in the list. This marks the fourth annual Most Loved Workplace® list. This year, the list has expanded to the Top 200, reflecting companies' growing commitment to prioritizing employee sentiment and creating workplaces that employees love. The results were determined after surveying more than 2.6 million employees from businesses with workforces varying in size from less than 50 to more than 10,000. The list recognizes companies that put respect, caring, and appreciation for their employees at the center of their business model and, in doing so, have earned the loyalty and respect of the people who work for them. “We are so proud about our inclusion on the Most Loved Workplace® list,” said Mike Kohn, Chief People Officer at Kevel. “We have focused on building a people-first organization since our founding, and have used our values as a north star as we scaled our company. We routinely use engagement surveys and qualitative check-ins both to keep a pulse on how we are working as well as to identify trends and insights that enable us to drive actions in support of building a workplace where everyone can thrive.” How positive workers feel about their future at the company, career achievement, how much employer values align with employee values, respect at all levels, and the level of collaboration at the firm were the five critical areas measured to gauge employee sentiment. In addition, areas such as inclusion, diversity, equity and belonging, career development, and company leadership were identified and analyzed in relation to the five critical areas measured. “It’s inspiring to see the list expand this year to 200 companies, a clear indication that organizations are truly committed to creating workplaces where employees feel valued and connected. We’re thrilled to celebrate their achievements as this recognition continues to grow.” - Nancy Cooper, Newsweek’s Global Editor in Chief To view Kevel’s ranking and the top honored companies view the Top 20 Most Loved Workplaces in America or view the full list of the 2024 America’s Top 200 Most Loved Workplaces®. About Kevel Kevel powers world-class retail media networks with the Retail Media Cloud™. With the combination of the Kevel Ad Server and Kevel Audience, multi-brand retailers, marketplaces, and ecommerce companies can launch limitless ad formats and unique targeting segments online and in-store, all with closed-loop attribution. Kevel believes that every digital retailer should have the capability to scale their own distinct ad platform, just like big tech players like Amazon. Customers like Edmunds, Klarna, Delivery Hero, Leroy Merlin, Slickdeals, and other leading retailers and marketplaces all launched their own retail media network with Kevel. The company has garnered numerous accolades, most recently earning recognition as one of the leading 100 innovative tech start-ups driving the future of brand-to-consumer in 2023 and awarded the MarTech Breakthrough Award for best overall ad tech company in 2022. Learn more at About Newsweek Newsweek is the modern global digital news organization built around the iconic, over 90-year-old American magazine. Newsweek reaches 100 million people each month with its thought-provoking news, opinion, images, graphics, and video delivered across a dozen print and digital platforms. Headquartered in New York City, Newsweek also publishes international editions in EMEA and Asia. About Best Practice Institute Best Practice Institute is an award-winning leadership and organization development center, benchmark research company, think tank, and solutions provider. BPI is the only certifying body for Most Loved Workplace® and conducted the original research to create the model and criteria for becoming a Most Loved Workplace®. BPI’s research proves that Most Loved Workplaces® produce 3-4 times better customer service, employee performance, and retention than companies not loved by their employees. For more information on how to apply to become a certified Most Loved Workplace, go to: Contact Details Kevel Jennifer Choo Director of Marketing +1 973-343-8819

October 02, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Market Alert: Silexion Therapeutics (NASDAQ: SLXN) Sees Record Volumes Following Breakthrough Preclinical Data for SIL-204

Global Markets News

Shares of Silexion Therapeutics (NASDAQ:SLXN) are seeing significatnly today after the company announced promising new preclinical data for its next-generation siRNA candidate, SIL-204. The stock saw a significant initial of price spike of over 50% in pre-market activity as investors responded to the latest developments in Silexion's RNA interference (RNAi) platform, which targets KRAS-driven cancers. As of now, volume is at record highs, currently standing at over 50 million shares today. The company revealed that SIL-204, an extended-release microparticle formulation, demonstrated substantial tumor reduction and necrosis in mouse models of pancreatic cancer bearing the KRAS G12D mutation—one of the most common mutations found in pancreatic cancer patients. This latest data builds on a string of recent successes for Silexion, including its September 24 announcement of results from the Phase 2 trial for its first-generation product, LODER™, which showed significant improvements in tumor resectability among non-resectable pancreatic cancer patients. Alongside the new preclinical results, Silexion has recently reported plans to begin toxicology studies for SIL-204 in preparation for Phase 2/3 clinical trials expected to commence in the first half of 2026. The company is also expanding the application of its siRNA technology to colorectal cancer models, reflecting its broader ambitions to target multiple KRAS-driven cancers, which are notoriously difficult to treat with conventional therapies. While stock price has pulled back since premarket, The spike in Silexion’s market activity as marked by these record high volumes (according to market data) may highlight the growing market interest in the company’s novel approach to tackling cancers with high unmet medical needs, particularly its focus on KRAS mutations, which are common across a variety of aggressive cancers, including pancreatic and colorectal cancer. Silexion’s continued momentum in the precision oncology space potentially positions it as a leading player in the development of next-generation RNAi therapies. With its promising pipeline and recent positive developments, the company seems to be gaining attention as it advances toward clinical trials that could offer new hope for patients battling some of the deadliest cancers. Click here to read Silexion's full announcement *** This update is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as financial, investment or any form of professional advice, recommendation or endorsement. Please review the full documentation detailing financial compensation disclosures and disclaimers the article is subject to. []. Global Markets News Network is a commercial digital brand compensated to provide coverage of news and developments related to innovative companies as detailed in the full documentation and it is thus subject to conflicts of interest. Contact Details News Coverage

October 01, 2024 11:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Velocity Global Named a Leader in NelsonHall’s Global Employer of Record (EOR) Evaluation for the Fourth Time in a Row

Velocity Global

Velocity Global, the world’s expert on work, announced today that it was positioned as a leader in the 2024 Vendor Evaluation & Assessment Tool (NEAT) for global EOR services by NelsonHall. The report recognizes Velocity Global for both its ability to deliver immediate customer benefits as well as its capabilities to meet future customer needs. This marks the fourth time in a row that Velocity Global has earned this distinction, solidifying its position as a trusted partner for companies expanding their global presence. "Deploying a global workforce is extremely complex, as companies need to navigate a maze of varying regulations, compliance needs, and talent expectations in different countries," said Jeanine Crane-Thompson, Principal Analyst at NelsonHall’s HR & Talent Transformation practice. "Velocity Global’s blend of strategic R&D investments and compliance expertise has transformed them into a critical partner for companies looking to accelerate global growth. Their comprehensive EOR solution allows organizations to focus on their expansion goals without the burden and potential risks of logistical and legal complexities." As a trailblazer in global workforce solutions, Velocity Global empowers companies to hire, manage, pay, and retain talent, anywhere in the world. Over the years, Velocity Global has evolved from offering a point solution to being a strategic partner to its customers as they execute on their global growth plans. Velocity Global’s powerful combination of its self-service Global Work Platform and its deep legal and HR expertise ensures seamless compliance, no matter how complex the jurisdiction. Both employers and employees benefit from a frictionless, user-friendly experience. In its 2024 report, NelsonHall highlights several strengths that contributed to Velocity Global’s positioning as a leader, including: Mature EOR market provider: Velocity Global offers a compliant, integrated EOR solution that enables multinational companies to confidently hire across borders. Technology roadmap: Velocity Global’s roadmap is centered on AI-driven enhancements, expanded platform integrations, and robust self-service functionality. Competitive service offerings beyond EOR: Velocity Global offers an array of services beyond EOR, including global benefits, immigration support, pensions, equity management, and office space logistics. ”The ability to hire anyone, anywhere is a huge differentiator as companies expand across geographies and tap into underutilized talent pools,” says Francoise Brougher, CEO of Velocity Global. “To simplify and streamline this process for customers, we invest in our technology. This, coupled with our extensive in-country and compliance expertise, means customers can have peace of mind and focus on growing their business.” This latest recognition reinforces Velocity Global’s unwavering commitment to empowering businesses with the tools and expertise to navigate the complexities of the global workforce landscape and drive sustained growth. To learn more about what sets us apart, download the report [ here ]. For more information on how Velocity Global makes opportunity borderless for people everywhere, visit About Velocity Global Velocity Global gives you the power to build your team everywhere—combining seamless technology and local expertise in 185+ countries. We make it simple to compliantly hire, pay, manage, and retain talent anywhere. With Velocity Global, the world is yours. About NelsonHall NelsonHall is the leading global analyst firm dedicated to helping organizations understand the 'art of the possible' in digital operations transformation. With analysts in the U.S., U.K., Continental Europe, and Asia, NelsonHall provides buy-side organizations with detailed, critical information on markets and vendors (including NEAT assessments) that helps them make fast and highly informed sourcing decisions. And, for vendors, NelsonHall provides deep knowledge of market dynamics and user requirements to help them hone their go-to-market strategies. NelsonHall's analysis is based on rigorous, primary research, and is widely respected for the quality and depth of its insight. Media Contact: Contact Details Media contact +1 720-650-4348 Company Website

October 01, 2024 07:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time

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drive21, Van Wagner Collaborate to Elevate In-Venue Branding and Fan Engagement Across College Athletics


drive21, a leader in experiential design and marketing solutions, today announced a strategic relationship with leading collegiate athletics marketing agency, Van Wagner to become a preferred experiential graphic design and implementation provider for Van Wagner. Van Wagner is recognized for its expertise in collegiate sponsorship sales and multi-media rights and will collaborate with drive21 to redefine branding strategies, drive revenue growth, and create Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) execution opportunities in the collegiate sports industry. Through this relationship, Van Wagner’s collegiate clients will be afforded advantageous pricing and access to drive21’s suite of services to provide innovative branding and design solutions across their venues; driving innovative solutions that bridge the gap between brand aspirations and reality, creating immersive environments that resonate with audiences and drive tangible business results. "This relationship represents a significant step forward in our mission to transform sports and entertainment venues into impactful environments that are also powerful marketing tools," said Warren Godridge, drive21 Founder and President. "By collaborating with Van Wagner, we can leverage our creativity and expertise to deliver a consistent brand experience across all venues, enhancing the value for brands, universities, and fans alike." “Traditional approaches often focus solely on aesthetics and overlook the potential to maximize partnership, sponsorship and NIL opportunities, leaving untapped value on the table” said John Libro, Head of Sports and Entertainment at drive21. “Working with Van Wagner College will allow us to push the boundaries of experiential design and transform collegiate athletic facilities into dynamic revenue-generating tools that engage fans and drive real business growth.” This relationship may also offer an even more comprehensive solution to collegiate clients by providing new NIL revenue streams. Through this collaboration with drive21, a portion of the facility’s expenditure can be reallocated to the universities’ NIL efforts. This allows universities to offer a more engaging experience for athletes and fans while creating dynamic environments supporting athletic performance, fan engagement and brand partnerships. "drive21’s ability to seamlessly integrate brand experiences into our facilities is a game-changer for our clients,” said Mark Donley, Chief Revenue Officer at Van Wagner College. “Through our arrangement with drive21, our university clients have an opportunity to access the expertise of drive21 to not only enhance their facilities but also ensure a consistent and high-quality experience for a variety of initiatives at an advantageous rate. It's truly a win-win-win scenario." The first major joint effort was a collaboration at Florida International University for the brand implementation of the newly named Pitbull Stadium. drive21 and Van Wagner played a key role in creating cohesive branding for the first college athletic venue named after a musician, exampling the transformative potential of experiential design and strategic branding. To learn more about the partnership, or drive21’s sports, entertainment and hospitality solutions, please visit About drive21 drive21 elevates the sports, entertainment, and hospitality industries by delivering one-of-a-kind branded venue experiences. A leader in experiential design and marketing solutions, drive21 bridges the gap between imagination and reality to deliver functional and impactful environments through design, fabrication, implementation, and holistic project management. Servicing organizations including MLB, MLS and NCAA institutions, drive21 helps its clients maximize partnership and sponsorship revenue and turns ordinary environments into extraordinary works of art. For more information, visit About Van Wagner Van Wagner is a leading sports advertising and entertainment agency with global expertise in filmed and live entertainment, sponsorship sales, multi-media rights, and aerial advertising. Van Wagner creates, advises, and sells for world-class teams, leagues, brands, and properties. An innovator in the sports and media business, Van Wagner is a global leader in high-impact broadcast visible signage throughout the MLB, NBA, NCAA, and international soccer, sponsorships sales, college multi-media rights, and in-venue content production at the world’s biggest sporting events. For more information, visit Contact Details Hot Paper Lantern Jackson Gaskins Company Website

September 25, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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