Entigrity Solutions
Entigrity has joined the BDO Alliance USA, a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting, and service firms with similar client service goals. As an independent member of the BDO Alliance USA, Entigrity can expand the services offered to clients by drawing on the resources of BDO USA, LLP, one of the nation’s leading professional services firms, and other Alliance members. BDO USA currently serves clients through more than 65 offices and over 800 independent alliance firm locations nationwide. BDO Alliance USA enhances member firm capabilities through the availability of supplementary professional services, comprehensive management consulting services, focused industry knowledge, and internal training programs. “ We believe that the professionals from Entigrity share the BDO’s commitment to exemplary client service, and we want to welcome them into the BDO Alliance USA. We strive to establish relationships with service providers that can offer the kind of forward-looking capabilities that our Alliance members and their clients need. ” said Rob Merl, Practice Leader for the BDO Alliance USA’s Business Resource Network. “ Partnership with BDO, is a big leap for us, and also augurs well for all of their member firms, as they can now have access to global staffing solutions. Both partners have a common goal of making accounting firms more successful and efficient, and hence, it brings a lot of synergies together. We are already successfully working with 25+ BDO Alliance firms and have helped them in building offshore teams," said Shalin (Shawn) Parikh, CEO and Founder Entigrity. As staffing is the No. 1 challenge faced by accounting firms today, Offshore staffing, post pandemic, has been a strategy for many firms. And many firms are progressively looking at offshore staffing as an alternative to mitigate their staffing challenges. Indiana based firm Somerset CPAs, is one of the BDO Alliance member firms that has been using Entigrity’s services to fulfill their staffing needs. It currently has a team of 17 offshore professionals through Entigrity. Kim Dollin, a Principal Partner at Somerset CPAs, said, “ We looked at Entigrity as we needed more staff to help us out. We were getting business left and right. What we loved about this program was that we got to interview these individuals and have a say in the hiring and the stipulations of the agreement.. Initially, we hired auditors and today we have 7 full time Auditors.. We went on to hire 9 Full Time Tax professionals as well and 2 Virtual Assistants” Watch this video for more. It goes without saying that one of the main issues facing accounting businesses in the US and Canada is staffing challenges. The Big 4 and larger firms have opened their offshore offices in India. They have established numerous offices spread over India with a sizable offshore workforce. Entigrity is trying to help mid-size and regional firms in building their offshore teams without them having to come to India and undergo all the challenges of setting up infrastructure, doing compliance, data security, recruitment, IT set up, etc. Entigrity is democratizing access to global staffing for mid-size and regional firms. And Entigrity’s partnership with BDO will further help them in achieving this goal of helping mid-size and regional firms. About Entigrity Entigrity is a global leader in providing offshore staffing to accounting firms. It currently provides services to 600+ CPA and accounting firms globally, its clientele includes accounting and tax firms of all sizes, from small, sole practitioners to large, multi-employer accounting firms. It has offices in Toronto, Ontario, Houston, Texas, and 8 offices in India. Entigrity is the preferred offshoring partner to 30 of the top 100 Accounting firms across the country. Entigrity has been exclusively working with accounting firms for about a decade now. It has staffed a team of over 2000+ people who operate from their 8 secure offices in India for all positions. About the BDO Alliance USA The BDO Alliance USA is a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting, and service firms with similar client service goals. The BDO Alliance USA presents an opportunity for these firms, by accessing the resources of BDO USA, LLP and other Alliance members, to expand services to their clients without jeopardizing their existing relationships or their autonomy. The BDO Alliance USA was developed to provide member firms with an alternative strategy for gaining competitive advantage in the face of a changing business landscape. The Alliance represents an opportunity for BDO to enhance relationships with reputable firms. The BDO Alliance USA is a subsidiary of BDO USA, LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. About BDO USA, LLP BDO is the brand name for BDO USA, LLP, a U.S. professional services firm providing assurance, tax, and advisory services to a wide range of publicly traded and privately held companies. For more than 100 years, BDO has provided quality service through the active involvement of skilled and committed professionals. The firm serves clients through more than 65 offices and over 800 independent alliance firm locations nationwide. As an independent member firm of BDO International Limited, BDO serves multinational clients through a global network of more than 95,000 people working in over 1,700 offices across 164 countries. BDO USA, LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, is the U.S. member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO is the brand name for the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms. For more information, please visit: www.bdo.com The primary contact is Chris Rivera, Director Client Relations at chris@entigritysolutions.com (Feel free to schedule a quick introduction call ) or 646-827-4348 or The Business Resource Network Liaison is Brenda Sleeper at bsleeper@bdo.com Feel free to contact Chris or Brenda regarding Entigrity’s solutions and capabilities to help your accounting firm grow. Contact Details Entigrity Chris Rivera +1 646-827-4348 chris@entigritysolutions.com Company Website https://www.entigrity.com/
July 01, 2022 12:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time