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Center for the Study of Capitalism at Wake Forest University Hosts Diversity & Inclusion Webinar


Wake Forest University’s Center for the Study of Capitalism will host a July 15 webinar titled, “Doing the Right Thing: How Companies Lead in the New Age of Diversity & Inclusion.” The event will focus on potential diversity and inclusion initiatives for businesses currently rethinking their policies and communications tactics. The panel’s evolution was prompted by the recent focus on the Black Lives Matter protests that have generated far more conversation than all other social issues – abortion, immigration, gun control, #MeToo – combined . The panel will be hosted by the Center for the Study of Capitalism at Wake Forest University, a research and teaching center and a trusted source of information about well-functioning democratic capitalism. The panel will be hosted by Richard Levick, Chairman and CEO of LEVICK and Executive Affiliate of the Center for the Study of Capitalism. Webinar panelists include: Neil Foote, Foote Communications Kurt Bardella, LEVICK William Ide, Akerman Chris Jackson, Ipsos Derede McAlpin, LEVICK “Since the murder of George Floyd and the Battle of Lafayette Square, diversity and inclusion have dominated our society’s debate in ways they haven’t since the great Civil Rights movement of the 1960s,” Levick said. “All the CEOs, general counsels and board members we have spoken with recognize this historic nature of this moment and tell us ‘We want to do the right thing, but we don’t fully know what or how.’ This webinar is designed to provide the pathway.” While some companies have made significant changes to their policies policy to respond to the Black Lives Matter movement and the public’s outcry for corporate action, many are still asking how and what to do while others are unnecessarily immobilized by past actions or inactions. The webinar will include communications and legal experts who will examine the internal and external changes that companies need to adopt given societal upheaval. For more information on the webinar, visit About the Center for the Study of Capitalism The Center for the Study of Capitalism at Wake Forest University is a research and teaching center and a trusted source of information about well-functioning democratic capitalism. Contact Details Maria Stagliano +1 404-245-0899 Company Website

July 10, 2020 09:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Current Patent Litigation Costs Are Between $2.3 to $4M - from the BlueIron blog

BlueIron, LLC

Patent litigation in the US has two major stages: claim construction (sometimes called a Markman hearing) and a trial for infringement and damages. In a vast majority of cases, once the claim construction is done, the writing is on the wall and a settlement happens. "With the cost of litigation at an all-time high, patent enforcement and defense insurance makes sure you have the ability to survive," says Russ Krajec of BlueIron, a patent-finance company. The American Intellectual Property Lawyer’s Association (AIPLA) issues a bi-annual survey of IP-related costs . In the latest survey, the claim construction portion of a patent litigation ranges from $250,000 for less than $1M at risk to $2.375M for cases where $25M or more is at risk. For the entire trial, the AIPLA says that for less than $1M at risk, the trial will cost $700,000, while the very high value cases will cost $4M or more. “The AIPLA data says that with less than a million dollars at stake, both parties will have to spend $700K – or a total of $1.4 million dollars to fight a patent lawsuit,” says Krajec. “That is crazy that the expenses are so high.” “Startup companies are always cash-constrained,” continues Krajec. “No startup has the cash reserves required to go up against a Big Tech company that decides they want to use the startup’s technology. Not only does this happen in technology-based companies, but it is standard practice with the life sciences space. Certain big companies find it cheaper to blatantly infringe a startup’s patents and just dare them to sue.” Patent enforcement and defense insurance gives a startup the means to survive patent litigation, yet few startups bother to get these policies. “Most angel investors who are board members require a startup to have director’s and officer’s insurance. Over the last decade there were fourteen patent lawsuits for every individual D&O claim,” says Krajec. BlueIron is a broker for patent enforcement and defense insurance policies, including policies written by Intellectual Property Insurance Services Corporation in Louisville, Kentucky. “IP insurance is the only insurance we sell, as part of our whole patent-based financing options for companies from startups to publicly traded companies.” Schedule a call with BlueIron and see if Intellectual Property Insurance is right for your company. Learn more about Patent Litigation here on the BlueIron blog. Learn more about BlueIron's IP insurance here. The PatentMyth Podcast has an episode on patent insurance. About BlueIron: BlueIron provides IP-related financing for companies from startups to publicly traded companies. BlueIron finances the cost of getting a patent and building patent portfolios, provides insurance for enforcement and defense of those patents, and can provide $2-5M loans using patents as collateral. You can read the BlueIron blog here. About Russ Krajec: Russ Krajec is a registered patent attorney who has been practicing for over 20 years, as well as a podcaster, blogger, and author. His book “Investing In Patents” describes the business criteria used to identify good inventions and good patents. Krajec is the host of the Patent Myths podcast, which looks at IP from a business standpoint. Contact Details Russ Krajec +1 970-776-4355 Company Website

July 10, 2020 08:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Patent Myths from BlueIron: You Should Never File A Provisional Patent Application

BlueIron, LLC

“Provisional patent applications are widely touted as the go-to thing for startup companies or independent inventors, but they are always the wrong thing to do,” says Russ Krajec , CEO of BlueIron , a company providing IP-related funding for emerging companies. A provisional patent application has a lower filing fee than a conventional, non-provisional patent application, and many patent attorneys will do provisional applications for much less than a “full” or non-provisional patent application. A provisional patent application has a one-year deadline to convert to a non-provisional patent application, so many people use this opportunity to add more material to the patent application. Even the United States Patent and Trademark Office suggest that independent inventors use the provisional patent application route. “From a business and economic standpoint, the provisional patent application creates more problems than it solves,” says Krajec, a registered patent attorney. “The provisional application process is designed to delay getting a patent, but in almost every situation, it is better to speed up the process – the exact opposite of the provisional.” The faster a company can get its patent, the faster the company can license and enforce their technology. The faster the patent issues, the more value the company has when it is raising money or getting loans using IP as collateral. “The difference in filing fees between a provisional and non-provisional patent application is about $600. When raising money, a provisional patent application screams to an investor ‘I don’t think this patent application was worth the extra $600 to file it as a non-provisional!’” explains Krajec. “Some sophisticated angel investors see provisional patent applications as ‘angel bait.’ Many entrepreneurs know their patents might be worthless, but they do provisionals to satisfy gullible angel investors.” A low-cost provisional patent application often results in a loss of international filing rights, but always results in a delay in getting an enforceable/licensable asset, and a more expensive patent overall. “Many entrepreneurs are mistaken that just because they filed a ‘thin’ provisional application that they are ‘protected.’ But the actual protection only starts when the complete, non-provisional patent application is filed.” To learn more, please visit the BlueIron Blog "Should I File a Provisional Patent Application" or the PatentMyths podcast episode entitled “The Myth of Provisional Patent Applications” . About BlueIron: BlueIron provides IP-related financing for companies from startups to publicly traded companies. BlueIron finances the cost of getting a patent and building patent portfolios, provides insurance for enforcement and defense of those patents, and can provide $2-5M loans using patents as collateral. You can read the BlueIron blog here. About Russ Krajec: Russ Krajec is a registered patent attorney who has been practicing for over 20 years, as well as a podcaster, blogger, and author. His book " Investing In Patents " describes the business criteria used to identify good inventions and good patents. Krajec is the host of the Patent Myths podcast, which looks at IP from a business standpoint. Contact Details Russ Krajec +1 970-776-4355 Company Website

July 09, 2020 11:06 AM Mountain Daylight Time

Article thumbnail Digital Asset Direct

Minuteman Press Franchise Reviews How Print is Essential With Infographic

Minuteman Press International

Contact Details Chris Biscuiti +1 631-249-1370 Company Website

July 09, 2020 11:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Op-ed by Thomas E. Pierce, Filmmaker, Entrepreneur, and CEO of Pierce Media & Associates

Pierce Media & Associates

While history chapters are unfolding, we are watching culture shift as we live it. We have grieved. We have feared. We have huddled in our homes. And this is just the beginning of a brighter tomorrow. As CEO of an entertainment marketing consultancy, a filmmaker, a philanthropist, and on the verge of launching something a-new, I blinked just like you and everything changed. And so, we adapt because that’s what we do. Despite our losses and frustrations what makes us trailblazers is our determination to do better, to be our best, and we were given a window to do just that. During quarantine, our habits shifted. Behaviors changed. We all look in the mirror and know we’ll never be the same people again. In fact, 76% of people picked up new habits, behaviors and routines of that 89% say they plan to keep them, according to Reach3 Insights ongoing study. As an optimist, a culture driver, and an entrepreneur, I constantly wonder how this will be played out. Who will flourish and rise up and who might fall off that thin hanging thread. A shake-up is upon us, now is the time to stay focused, be actionable, define new tactics, drive with empathy, and create initiatives, campaigns, and offerings for our clients to shape a better tomorrow. What a gift. As leaders, we listen. As entrepreneurs, we seek to understand as decisions are made. As filmmakers, we are excited to go, eager to be courageous, and responsible to get it right. In our marketing transcention, now is a time we cannot rely on assumptions. Data from six weeks ago is already out-of-date. I share trends and habits with my clients and look forward and around the corner, and I encourage lively discussions among other trend seekers and setters so we pave our way forward and help ensure brands/corporations make good decisions. Key finding #1: Influencers changed People have digital maturity. Digital word-of-mouth is the new influencer, authentic conversation is more powerful than a clicked/liked on post, discussing your products to advertise your products. Thought leadership is replaced with helpfulness. People want to be invited to contribute context to foster community. People will idolize peers shaping our future for a better tomorrow more than celebrities that don’t share their values. The micro-social audience is proving to be more powerful than a macro audience if spoken-to and shared-with correctly. Key finding #2: the now buzzword authenticity has always been our guidepost Less polished, authentic content in a video connects more deeply. Brands who care, win mind share. Asking the question of "what do you need" and "what can I do to help" are key. Flexibility to adapt. Customer service and customization is at the forefront of marketing. Quality over quantity, less is more is here to stay. Empathy wins. More than half (56%) of people say they want to hear what brands do in communities, according to the American Association of Advertising. Key finding #3: humankind unites with home-sweet-home Humankind unifies with a shared purpose. Acknowledgment of shortfalls and being raw in communications is valued. Except, don’t rush to understand diversity issues like others have tried and backfired, stay in your lane, listen, action speaks louder than words. The "Homebody Economy" sticks even as restrictions are lifted. “Safety-subconscious” will always be first in line. Key finding #4: Innovation no longer an option speaking to your consumers Innovation becomes a necessity. People expect and need a personalized experience and with all touchpoints throughout their journey, to instill brand loyalty. In two years, revival in nightlife and social indulgence makes a comeback. This means, think ahead and be courageous in your planning. Key finding #5: New Gen’s are born Gen "ZEOs" - usually future-focused - used COVID time for personal and professional development Gen C is born and is not an age group but a powerful new force and mindset in consumer culture. A term used to describe people who care deeply about creation, curation, connection, and community. Generation Alpha are those under age 10 who did homeschooling and online learning during COVID Coronial Generation are those born in 9 months from quarantine. As we enter the decade of a new counterculture shift, let us drive culture to new levels. Make 2020 the year we see better and do better. Pierce Media (PMA) is a Marketing & Public Relations Consultancy specializing in popular culture. We build brands and individuals through integrated partnerships, bespoke brand experiences, content production, and media. We pride ourselves on being an influential and innovative consultancy, helping brands create culturally-relevant, highly impactful initiatives that drive business results. Contact Details Shari Beagelman +1 917-626-7071 Company Website

July 09, 2020 09:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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EOS Labs Hires Trust Relations as Agency of Record to Pilot its Branding and PR Initiatives

Trust Relations

Rapidly-expanding, challenger public relations agency, Trust Relations , today announced a partnership with EOS Labs to spearhead a comprehensive branding, email marketing and media relations campaign. A utility management software and services company, EOS Labs will benefit from Trust Relations’ ability to simplify complex service offerings and make them both accessible and compelling, while also honing in on the company’s brand vision. Empowering smarter and faster utility management decisions, EOS Labs’ innovative solution delivers actionable insights for building managers to help them reduce energy waste and better manage utility operations. The company’s proprietary Utility Financial Intelligence (UFIQ™) system saves building managers time by automating the analysis of metered data to show how energy waste could impact their bottom line—before it shows up on their next utility bill. EOS Labs attributes its decision to partner with Trust Relations to the agency’s nimble and scalable “dream team” approach, which allows the firm to achieve both publicity and creative branding needs with one cohesive team. With the capacity to add and subtract team members as clients’ needs change, Trust Relations can easily accommodate growth and quickly adapt to the company’s changing objectives. “We needed an agency that could do it all and do it well. We’re at an exciting moment at EOS Labs where we needed a team that could help us anchor our vision in words and communicate it to our target markets,” said Sal Alhelo, founder and CEO of EOS Labs. “Trust Relations uses a unique staffing structure that feels like a genuine extension of our own team, and the value they provide is unmatched” Trust Relations conducted a SWOT analysis for EOS Labs, developed the company’s brand messaging and website, created its marketing collateral materials and is overseeing its email marketing campaign. Next, the agency will execute a robust public relations campaign targeting key verticals including banking, education, healthcare, hospitality, retail and more. “Our team thrives on working with companies like EOS Labs who have created a great new solution that will truly improve the lives of those it serves—in this case, facility managers,” said April White, president and founder of Trust Relations. “We were excited to help EOS Labs develop its brand positioning and presence from the ground up, and now we are looking forward to launching the company to the world, in a highly strategic media relations campaign. This work has gone above and beyond the typical PR sphere and shows that our team has genuinely creative grit and depth.” About Trust Relations Trust Relations, founded in 2019, is a virtual strategic communications firm that creates nimble and proactive “dream teams” for clients through a national network of the industry’s best and brightest practitioners. "Trust Relations" is a term coined by President and Founder April White to describe a new approach to strategic communications that focuses on communicating clients' authentic actions, value and goodwill. In technology, trust relationships are an administration and communication link between two domains. In communications, they are a bond of mutual respect between a brand and the people it serves. The firm excels at identifying inspiring ways for clients to show their brand value by identifying supportive proof points and ideating creative activations that demonstrate their unique story and value proposition. For more information, visit About EOS Labs EOS Labs is an energy management platform that leverages proprietary AI and deep learning capabilities to analyze utility data, define the anomalies wasting energy, connects users with an expert who can recommend a plan to remove them, and then verify savings in real dollars. EOS Labs’ process-driven team is dedicated to helping organizations eliminate energy waste without costly building upgrades. Customers utilizing EOS Labs’ solution maximize the use of utility and metering data and benefit from actionable financial intelligence with the flexibility and agility to pivot strategies for a positive and lasting effect on a company’s bottom line. Learn more at Trust Relations, founded in 2019, is a virtual strategic communications firm that creates nimble and proactive “dream teams” for clients through a national network of the industry’s best and brightest practitioners. "Trust Relations" is a term coined by President and Founder April White to describe a new approach to strategic communications that focuses on communicating clients' authentic actions, value and goodwill. In technology, trust relationships are an administration and communication link between two domains. In communications, they are a bond of mutual respect between a brand and the people it serves. The firm excels at identifying inspiring ways for clients to show their brand value by identifying supportive proof points and ideating creative activations that demonstrate their unique story and value proposition. For more information, visit Contact Details April White +1 347-870-9402 Company Website

July 09, 2020 08:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Transforming Business Development


Contact Details Natalie Papaj +1 703-586-0048 Company Website

July 09, 2020 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail Digital Asset Direct

Minuteman Press Franchise Presents Free COVID-19 Resource Bounce Back USA - Free Marketing to Support Local Business

Minuteman Press International

Contact Details Chris Biscuiti +1 631-249-1370 Company Website

July 08, 2020 10:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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EOS Labs Launches to Help Building Managers Optimize Utility Efficiency

EOS Labs

As a typical facility can waste 30 percent of the energy it consumes or more due to lack of optimization, EOS Labs , a leading utility financial intelligence and technology company, launched today to help building managers ensure facilities are operating at optimum levels. The demand for determining where buildings can cut energy costs has increased dramatically in recent months, due to the COVID-19 crisis and resulting financial downturn— and a spotlight has been placed on this issue as buildings were left partially empty for months and were not energy optimized. EOS Labs is uniquely positioned to solve this challenge and assist facility managers in delivering both immediate and long-term cost savings strategies. In addition to automating and centralizing utility data, EOS Labs’ Utility Financial Intelligence ( ) platform uses AI and advanced analytics to further analyze smart meter and interval utility data, define anomalies wasting energy and deliver actionable insights to support decisive action for facility managers across vertical industries. These financial insights are adjusted for weather, occupancy and specific building consumption variables, helping organizations to eliminate energy waste without costly building upgrades, as well as increase savings. The platform’s added value is providing intelligence powered decision center that host all data related to utilities and energy; such as, billing itemized data, weather, building and business operational data, and more. “Today, building managers across vertical markets are inundated with data and many technology tools available actually hurt operational efficiencies by raising unnecessary alarms that slow cost-saving decisions,” said Sal Alhelo, Founder and CEO. “Currently, when building managers receive an alarm or alert from their BMS or utility management software, those alarms are treated at the same level of urgency, which doesn’t allow for focusing on the alarms that have the most impact on an organization’s bottom line. This is a continual challenge for facilities managers and one we are looking forward to helping them solve.” How it Works With a focus on increasing efficiencies for facilities across Education, Healthcare, Banking, Hospitality, Retail, Fitness and other markets, EOS Labs takes the data points that directly impact a company’s bottom line and prioritizes those data points to determine which alarms require immediate action. Data collected by EOS Labs is presented to building facility managers via dashboards containing simplified and actionable financial insights and custom alerts. EOS Labs automates the majority of the analysis as well as the review process, providing customers with easy to digest insights built on the customer s’ priorities and goals. EOS Labs presents any alarming data enabling immediate action, providing how long an issue has been in effect and the associated costs. For buildings with existing IoT-enabled building management systems (BMS), UFIQ provides an added element of financial intelligence. To elevate the existing platform, UFIQ eliminates the critical and costly blind spot in energy management that typical fault detection algorithms might miss. “During emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to be able to quickly manage utilities effectively and oversee usage across facilities,” added Alhelo. “The extra layer of visibility ensures building managers can minimize energy consumption of assets.” UFIQ provides that visibility to the entire building's energy financial performance in alignment with the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) and equips managers with the financially sound guidance they need to operate and adjust BMS to achieve optimal energy savings. Based in McKinney, Texas, EOS Labs’ Founder and CEO, Sal Alhelo, has nearly 15 years of experience in energy management, engineering, construction and building operations. He has significantly contributed to the design of multi-billion-dollar hotels and casinos in Las Vegas and several healthcare facilities in Texas, as well as managed facilities programs for a Fortune 500 company for more than six years. For more detail, please visit . EOS Labs is the utility financial intelligence and technology company behind UFIQTM – a platform that provides the financial intelligence necessary to ensure your building is operating at an optimal efficiency level. The company leverages proprietary AI and advanced analytics to analyze smart meter and interval data, define the anomalies wasting energy and deliver actionable insights to support decisive action for facility managers across vertical industries. The platform’s added value is providing an intelligence-powered decision center that hosts all data related to utilities and energy; such as, billing itemized data, weather, building and business operational data, and more. Contact Details Jennifer Mirabile +1 724-493-3027 Company Website

July 08, 2020 08:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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