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Select Sector SPDR ETFs: A Strategic Approach to Precision Investing and Customized Portfolios

Select Sector SPDR

In the dynamic world of investing, Exchange-Traded Funds ( ETFs ) have proved to be a powerful tool for investors seeking diversification, flexibility, and potentially a more sector-driven approach. Select Sector SPDR ETFs offer a focused approach to sector investing, enabling investors to specifically target sectors within the broader market. This method of investment strategy is designed to arm investors with greater control and flexibility over their portfolios. Select Sector SPDR ETFs segment the S&P 500 into 11 investable sectors, covering all broad market segments. They provide access to various industries, allowing investors to craft a diversified portfolio that aligns with their unique investment goals. This approach presents an excellent opportunity for both individual and institutional investors to effectively navigate the financial markets. Each ETF comprises well-known, large-cap companies from the S&P 500, ensuring broad exposure and diversification. The transparent nature of ETFs allows for daily disclosure of portfolio holdings and weightings, providing investors with visibility into their investments. The full lineup of Select Sector SPDR ETFs includes: Communication Services Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLC) Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLY) Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLP) Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLE) Financials Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF) Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLV) Industrials Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLI) Materials Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLB) Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLRE) Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLK) Utilities Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLU) These ETFs provide flexible, transparent, and low-cost investment options to both retail and institutional investors. The flexibility offered by these ETFs empowers investors to make strategic adjustments in their portfolios as market conditions change. This flexibility, combined with the transparency of daily disclosure of portfolio holdings, allows investors to always be aware of where their money is invested. Select Sector SPDR ETFs offer a unique opportunity to invest in various sectors with precision and flexibility. They provide a simplified approach to sector investing, allowing investors to customize their portfolios to meet their specific investment objectives. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of research and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Therefore, Select Sector SPDRs or the publisher is not liable for any decision made based on the publication. About the Company: Select Sector SPDR ETFs offer flexibility and customization opportunities. Many investors have similar outlooks, but no two are exactly alike. Select Sector SPDR ETFs let investors select the sectors that best meet their investment goals. DISCLOSURES The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 common stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market. The index is heavily weighted toward stocks with large market capitalizations and represents approximately two-thirds of the total market value of all domestic common stocks. The S&P 500 Index figures do not reflect any fees, expenses or taxes. An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses before investing. One may not invest directly in an index. Transparent ETFs provide daily disclosure of portfolio holdings and weightings All ETFs are subject to risk, including loss of principal. Sector ETF products are also subject to sector risk and nondiversification risk, which generally will result in greater price fluctuations than the overall market. Diversification does not eliminate risk. An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF (732-8673) or visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing. ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust. Media Contact: Company: Select Sector SPDRs Contact: Dan Dolan* Address: 1290 Broadway, Suite 1000, Denver, CO 80203 Country: United States Email: Website: *Dan Dolan is a Registered Representative of ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc. ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is the distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust. SEL007439 EXP 5/31/24 Contact Details Dan Dolan +1 203-935-8103 Company Website

April 12, 2024 05:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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American Clean Power Association Providing Solutions and Powering the Future


A video accompanying this announcement is available at: American made clean power is rapidly growing from coast to coast.. Renewables like wind and solar—coupled with battery storage—led new power generation over the past several years and the future is bright. The clean energy industry is fueled by American workers and supports family farms and communities across this country. Clean energy is a leading source of U.S. job creation and investment. Clean energy provides jobs for nearly a half a million Americans. The U.S. has enough installed clean energy to power nearly 70 million American homes. Harnessing our world-class clean energy resources will play an essential role in strengthening the country’s economy. Fully realizing our clean power potential will create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs, boost U.S. manufacturing, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The American Clean Power Association (ACP) is the leading voice of today’s multi-tech clean energy industry, representing over 800 energy storage, wind, utility-scale solar, clean hydrogen, and transmission companies. ACP is committed to meeting America’s national security, economic and climate goals with fast-growing, low-cost, and reliable domestic power. On April 3 rd, Jason Grumet, American Clean Power Association, Chief Executive Officer conducted a nationwide media tour discussing the following topics: What is clean power and how widespread its usage is. National and local economic benefits. How adoption of clean power is a major job driver. Benefits of renewable farming and success stories from local farms and farm owners For more information, visit FUELFORTHOUGHT.ENERGY Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727

April 11, 2024 02:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Most cannabis consumers would vote for pro-cannabis candidates regardless of party, new polling finds


A majority of cannabis consumers who are likely to vote this November would cast their ballot for a pro-cannabis presidential candidate regardless of that candidate’s party, according to a new poll that sheds light on how aligned cannabis consumers are as a voting bloc and what they think about this year's presidential election. When asked whether a presidential candidate’s endorsement of pro-cannabis policies would increase their likelihood of voting for that candidate, 59% of the respondents said: “Yes, this would make me more likely to vote for that candidate regardless of their party.” Just 14% of respondents said they are locked into voting for their party or candidate of choice. The poll was conducted by, the largest telehealth platform for cannabis, using its own first-party data. The full results are available on the company’s website. It shows President Biden outperforming Donald Trump, 43% to 36%, among those who use cannabis regularly, a population of at least 35 million voting-age people. President Biden also polled well ahead of a generic Republican candidate, while Trump was roughly tied with a generic Democratic candidate. Concerning cannabis policy, the Democratic Party polled better than the GOP among this audience. Fifty-six percent of respondents said Democratic electeds have better ideas for cannabis policy, compared to 16% who said the same of Republicans. But this support is neither universal nor particularly intense. Nearly 40% of respondents indicated that they believe Democrats “want to suppress the legal use of cannabis,” while 68% said the same of Republicans. While 88% of respondents said understanding cannabis culture is a requirement for writing and passing effective cannabis legislation, 73% said elected officials in general currently lack that understanding. “This poll shows that adopting pro-cannabis policies can move more constituents into either party’s camp,” said Deb Tharp, head of legal and policy research at NuggMD. “This is a large voting population we’re talking about, and its demographics are changing quickly.” She continued: “Respondents say they’re motivated by policy commitments and wins, not by grievance politics, outrage, or red meat. The degree to which this emerging constituency is moveable, and how to move them, will probably come as a surprise to insiders of both parties. “To me, it signals that Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot by continuing to embrace the platform of prohibition. Democrats should double down on cannabis and expand their voting base by embracing full decriminalization and expungement for victims of targeted, unjust enforcement.” Methodology conducted the poll digitally from March 25 to April 3 using a random sample of its first-party data. In total, 53,380 individuals were contacted and 755 completed the survey, resulting in a margin of error of 3.89% at a confidence level of 95%. Six swing states (n=120 in aggregate) were over-indexed. The full data set is available upon request. About NuggMD NuggMD is the nation's leading medical marijuana technology platform, serving patients in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. They've connected over 1,300,000 patients face-to-face with their new medical marijuana doctors via their state-of-the-art telemedicine platform. They believe every human being has the right to explore the benefits of medical cannabis and are fully committed to helping each patient explore every option in their journey to wellness. For further information, visit Contact Details Andrew Graham +1 646-385-0189 Company Website

April 11, 2024 12:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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kevin. triunfa con la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en iPhone


En un evento innovador destinado a trastornar el panorama de los pagos en tiendas, kevin., pionero en tecnología de pagos, ha realizado con éxito la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en un iPhone. Vídeo de la transacción: enlace En un mundo financiero donde la conveniencia y la seguridad son primordiales, kevin. ha establecido un nuevo pináculo al ejecutar el primer pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta que no es Apple Pay en un iPhone. Este salto tecnológico sigue la presión de la Comisión Europea sobre Apple para democratizar el acceso a NFC. Esto llega después de años en los que el estricto control de Apple sobre la tecnología NFC en dispositivos iOS había sofocado la competencia de terceros. Pavel Sokolovas, cofundador de kevin., articula la magnitud de este momento: “Superar las barreras finales de los pagos NFC en dispositivos iOS representa un verdadero momento trascendental. Estamos inmensamente orgullosos de ser los primeros en proporcionar transacciones de cuenta a cuenta utilizando NFC de Apple, dando a los consumidores el poder de elegir cómo pagan.” En enero de 2022, kevin. hizo olas al habilitar este método de pago innovador para los usuarios de Android, un movimiento elogiado por su originalidad y empuje hacia un ecosistema de pagos abierto. Ahora, con los cambios regulatorios en marcha, kevin. obtuvo rápidamente la autorización bajo el Programa de Derechos NFC de Apple y se embarcó en el desarrollo en su entorno controlado. Justamente seis semanas después del lanzamiento del programa de Apple, kevin. celebró la ejecución exitosa de la transacción experimental en modo de desarrollo, preparando el escenario para lo que podría revolucionar las interacciones en el punto de venta (POS). Sokolovas delineó el viaje técnico: “Hemos estado desarrollando rigurosamente dentro del marco arquitectónico de Apple. Nuestro equipo trabajó incansablemente para integrar nuestra solución técnica de kevin. dentro de la emulación de tarjeta anfitrión (HCE) de Apple, incluyendo estándares de seguridad, validación de transacciones y mucho más para crear una experiencia sin fisuras que permita a los usuarios realizar transacciones desde sus aplicaciones bancarias o de billetera.” La Comisión Europea continúa monitoreando los comentarios de los primeros desarrolladores como kevin. mientras anticipa el inicio oficial de una implementación más amplia de NFC. Este escrutinio subraya la dedicación de la Comisión para fomentar la innovación y la competencia equitativa en la esfera de pagos móviles. Mirando hacia el futuro, la industria anticipa un aumento en soluciones de pago similares tras este éxito inicial. kevin. de hecho ha establecido un precedente dominante, prometiendo un mercado abierto donde los consumidores ya no están limitados por plataformas de pago específicas del dispositivo — una reconfiguración fundamental de cómo se realizan transacciones en todo el mundo. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología visionaria que está reformando los sistemas de pagos para las necesidades del mañana. Desde sus oficinas centrales en Europa hasta la reciente expansión en el bullicioso centro financiero de Dubái, la misión de kevin. ha sido consistente: ofrecer tecnología de punta a punta confiable y ahorros significativos en tarifas por transacción sin cambiar la forma en que las personas pagan. La introducción de su red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria y agnóstica de la marca marca un cambio significativo para consumidores y empresas por igual, otorgando autonomía y valor sin los impedimentos de la tecnología heredada. Descargar: logotipo de Kevin, imagen de Pavel Sokolovas y vídeo de la transacción de iOS: enlace - termina - Acerca de kevin. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología pionera con la misión de revolucionar los sistemas de pagos heredados. Con una infraestructura recién construida, kevin. hace que las transacciones sean más eficientes, seguras y convenientes tanto para ventas digitales como físicas. La red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria de la compañía es de etiqueta blanca, agnóstica de la marca y sin intermediarios, ofreciendo a los socios el control completo de sus procesos de pago en tienda. Esto les permite desbloquear un valor mayor a través de nuevos servicios, tasas de conversión mejoradas y lealtad de clientes reforzada. La red de kevin. redefine los pagos internacionales, asegurando una infraestructura de pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta segura y sin fisuras para terminales POS en todo el mundo. Esta innovación ofrece una experiencia de 'tap and go', compatible con dispositivos Android y iOS, haciendo los pagos internacionales tan familiares como los locales. kevin. cuenta con el respaldo de Accel, Eurazeo y otros inversores, incluyendo OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean y Global Paytech Venture. Compromiso con el Ecosistema El objetivo de kevin. es empoderar a todos los jugadores en el ecosistema de pago, incluyendo bancos, billeteras digitales, minoristas y otros. La compañía permite a estas entidades lanzar sus propios esquemas independientes no tarjetas o expandir sus servicios conectándose con una red existente en la plataforma de kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relaciones Públicas Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Trust & Will Enhances Advisor Platform for Streamlined Estate Planning

Trust & Will

Trust & Will, the leading digital estate planning and settlement platform in the U.S., introduces significant enhancements to its Trust & Will for Advisors platform, serving over 11,000 financial advisors nationwide. With a focus on simplifying estate planning and probate, Trust & Will for Advisors offers comprehensive solutions encompassing wills, trusts, and probate services. The latest features include: Estate Reports: Visualizations of clients' estate plans, providing advisors with automated insights into assets, succession, and planning opportunities. Estate Summary: Client-centric summaries detailing key estate decisions, ensuring advisors maintain visibility and adaptability as clients' circumstances evolve. Personalized Client Insights: Tailored insights derived from clients' estate decisions, facilitating proactive engagement and fostering lasting advisor-client relationships. Legacy Contact: Client-assigned read-only access for designated individuals to assist during the settlement process. New Dashboard Design: Introducing a sleek, user-friendly interface tailored exclusively for financial advisors. Dedicated Support Team: A committed support team providing seamless onboarding for financial professionals utilizing the platform. "We're excited to expand our product offerings tailored for financial advisors, enhancing their ability to serve clients effectively," says Andres Mazabel, Head of Advisors at Trust & Will. "By incorporating direct feedback from our advisor network, we've reimagined the advisor experience from start to finish. These new features empower advisors with enhanced visibility into their clients' holistic financial landscapes, fostering enduring and impactful relationships." Financial professionals can register for a free webinar on April 17, 2024, to learn more about Trust & Will for Advisors. In conjunction with these enhancements, Trust & Will conducted a study to explore generational preferences in financial advisory services amid the impending Great Wealth Transfer. Key findings from Trust & Will’s 2024 Annual Study: “ Planning Through the Pressure: The Millennial Approach to Estate Planning ” include: More than half of Millennials and Gen Z (57%) express interest in working with financial advisors for estate planning, suggesting a generational shift towards professional guidance. A striking 28% of respondents, predominantly from Gen Z (48%), express a preference for using the same financial advisor as their parents or family members. Almost a quarter of respondents (23%) included hiring a financial advisor as part of their 2024 or 2025 financial goals. For the complete study results, please visit Since its inception in 2017, Trust & Will has facilitated estate planning for nearly 700,000 families, safeguarding sensitive financial information through bank-level encryption and SOC 2 Type II compliance. With a network exceeding 11,000 financial advisors, Trust & Will remains the largest estate planning platform tailored specifically for financial professionals in the U.S. # # # Study Methodology For general population data, Trust & Will worked with OnePoll to survey a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Americans aged 18 and older from March 12-13, 2024. ABOUT TRUST & WILL Trust & Will is simplifying estate planning and settlement with attorney-approved, legally valid documents and processes designed to adhere to individual state guidelines. Since 2017, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of Trust & Will members leave their legacy with an affordable way to create an estate plan or settle the estate of a loved one. Our platform uses bank-level encryption that protects customer data and complies with the highest security standards, including SOC 2 and HIPAA. Trust & Will is a certified B Corporation and is the official estate planning benefit provider for AARP members, along with several leading financial institutions, who all believe in our mission of helping every family leave their legacy. To learn more, visit Trust & Will is an online service providing legal forms and information. Trust & Will is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. Contact Details Trust & Will Danielle Nuzzo +1 631-807-7772 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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KME Insurance Brokerage Partners with ICON


ICON, a joint venture between AIMCOR Group, LLC (“AIMCOR”) and AmeriLife Group, LLC (“AmeriLife”), announced today that it has entered into a partnership with KME Insurance Brokerage, a leading, national brokerage firm that specializes in corporate and individual disability and life insurance. Per the agreement, terms of the deal were not disclosed. “I’m excited to partner with Steve Heney and his team and look forward to a bright future for KME as part of ICON,” said Marc Verbos, president of ICON. “This partnership further highlights our vision and dedication to create a platform that combines expertise, resources and innovation to offer value to our affiliates. KME's knowledge of the disability market strengthens our overall capabilities and enables our affiliates to broaden the range of services they offer their agents, allowing them to have a greater impact on the lives of their clients." Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Chicago, KME was built to serve and grow the businesses of employee benefit firms and independent producers to assist their clients with disability and life insurance protection. With more than 100 years of combined industry experience, KME’s in-house experts provide comprehensive support, including point-of-sale assistance, benefits implementation, case manager coordination, underwriting assistance and post-issue client administration. The team’s hands-on approach and deep product knowledge have helped the firm earn a strong reputation for excellence in service, which has been a major engine for its growth and persistency. “The KME Team is excited to partner with ICON,” said Heney, principal of KME. “This collaboration will allow us to expand our footprint and further educate producers on the importance of income protection and life insurance. This partnership will not only enhance our services, but also provide our producers with even more valuable resources and support.” As part of ICON, KME will gain access to new life insurance and annuity products, among other leading resources, and become a part of a rapidly expanding AmeriLife Wealth Group, which aims to deliver best-in-class services to the modern agent and financial professional to ensure their clients – no matter their stage of life – never outgrow them. “Continuing to add to ICON’s strong, diverse roster of partners is a crucial piece of AmeriLife Wealth Group’s long-term strategy to transform wealth distribution,” added Mike Vietri, Chief Distribution Officer of AmeriLife Wealth Group. “I’m thrilled to welcome Steve to our growing platform and look forward to watching his business grow and thrive under Marc’s leadership.” ### About KME Insurance Brokerage Founded in 2007, KME Insurance Brokerage specializes in both disability and life insurance to assist benefit consultants and independent producers with their clients’ needs. KME’s experts’ combined 100-plus years of experience is a testament to its knowledge and relationships within the industry, providing unparalleled results for its affiliated brokers. For more information, visit About ICON ICON (“AIMCOR Consolidated LLC”) is a joint venture between AIMCOR Group, LLC and AmeriLife Group, LLC. By combining the power of a premier national marketing organization (“NMO”) with capital resources, ICON offers brokerage distributors access to innovative technology, a multi-product platform and a robust suite of centralized shared services to better scale their business, protect their legacy, and enhance their service offerings. As part of ICON, affiliates not only benefit from access to resources and distribution, they join a community that allows them to maximize their entrepreneurial spirit and drive innovation, be at the forefront of transformation, take a long-term view, and most importantly make a greater impact on the lives of their team, their agency, and their communities. For more information, visit, and follow ICON on LinkedIn. About AmeriLife AmeriLife’s strength is its mission: to provide insurance and retirement solutions to help people live longer, healthier lives. In doing so, AmeriLife has become recognized as the leader in developing, marketing, and distributing life and health insurance, annuities, and retirement planning solutions to enhance the lives of pre-retirees and retirees across the United States. For more than 50 years, AmeriLife has partnered with top insurance carriers to provide value and quality to customers served through a distribution network of over 300,000 insurance agents and financial professionals and more than 100 marketing organizations and insurance agency locations nationwide. For more information, visit, and follow AmeriLife on Facebook and LinkedIn. Contact Details AmeriLife | Media Jeff Maldonado ICON | Media Mike English Partnership Inquiries Patrick Nichols Company Website

April 10, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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FeganScott Announces Lawsuit Against Hyundai and Kia Over Alleged Defect in Certain Hybrid-Electric Vehicles that Poses Serious Safety Risks


FeganScott announces it has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of Hyundai and Kia vehicle owners and lessees, claiming the automobile manufacturers sold thousands of hybrid-electric vehicles containing a defect that poses serious safety risks to drivers and passengers. The lawsuit revolves around a defect in the engine clutch actuator (ECA), sometimes called the hydraulic clutch actuator. The vehicles named in the suit include 2017-2022 Kia Niro Hybrid, 2018-2022 Kia Niro Plug-In Hybrid, and 2017-2022 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid vehicles. According to the complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, the defect allows fluid to leak into the engine clutch actuator, which can cause the car to stall and, in some reported instances, start a vehicle fire. In July 2023, Kia issued a safety recall for certain Niro Hybrid vehicles due to the alleged ECA defect. However, the lawsuit states that the recall failed to fix the root cause of the defect, and that it does not prevent the risk of stalled vehicles. The suit also notes that Hyundai installed the same ECA component in its Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid vehicles and has not issued a safety recall. “Hyundai and Kia have a long history of failing to issue timely and complete fixes for known defects in their vehicles, and this latest defect with the engine clutch actuator in certain hybrid-electric models is no different,” said FeganScott attorney Jonathan Lindenfeld. “Our firm has devoted significant time and resources to ensure that the largest automobile manufacturers in the world live up to their responsibilities. Consumers who spend tens of thousands of dollars for their vehicles deserve products that are safe and reliable.” Drivers of the affected vehicles are encouraged to send their contact information to to learn more about their rights. # # # Case No. 8:24-cv-00731 About FeganScott FeganScott is a national class action law firm dedicated to helping victims of consumer fraud, sexual abuse, and discrimination. The firm is championed by acclaimed veteran class action attorneys who have successfully recovered $1 billion for victims nationwide. FeganScott is committed to pursuing successful outcomes with integrity and excellence while holding the responsible parties accountable. Contact Details Mark Firmani +1 206-466-2700 Company Website

April 05, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Annette Clayton Joins Flash Board of Directors

Flash Parking

Flash, the leading digital ecosystem provider connecting drivers to parking and EV charging experiences, today announced Annette Clayton, chairwoman and former CEO of Schneider Electric, has joined the company’s board of directors. Ms. Clayton has decades of automotive, technology and energy industry experience and brings an extensive track record guiding corporate strategy and operations for growth companies and pioneering startups. “We are incredibly fortunate to welcome Annette to our board of directors,” said Dan Sharplin, Flash’s CEO and Chairman. “She is an accomplished leader who has dedicated her career to companies that are transforming their respective industries, and her talents and expertise will be invaluable to our next chapter of growth, particularly when it comes to meeting the needs of modern drivers through the next wave of EV adoption.” Ms. Clayton joins Flash’s board of directors after recently concluding her tenure as CEO of Schneider Electric North America. During that time, Ms. Clayton led business strategy for the region, representing 30,000 employees and sales of more than $11 billion in fiscal year 2022. “Working with innovators like Flash that reimagine an industry is the work I love,” said Ms. Clayton regarding her appointment. “I have followed Flash’s evolution from its startup days and think the current moment is among its most exciting – Flash has done the heavy lifting and is poised to bring all the players together to set the new standard for a first-of-its-kind digital ecosystem.” Ms. Clayton currently serves on the public boards of Duke Energy, NXP Semiconductors, Oshkosh Corporation and Nordson Corporation. Ms. Clayton’s prior board service includes National Electrical Manufacturers Association, National Association of Manufacturers and many of Schneider Electric’s Energy-as-a-Service joint ventures. She was also a member of Rewiring America’s CEO’s for Electrification coalition for business leaders. Prior to Schneider Electric, she served in senior management roles for Dell, where she led the transformation of its global supply chain and fulfillment model, and General Motors Corporation, including president of Saturn Corporation, where she oversaw strategic direction, financial accountability, and profitability. Ms. Clayton holds a bachelor’s degree in general engineering from Wright State University, a master’s degree in engineering management from the University of Dayton and has completed the London Business School executive development program. About Flash Flash is a pioneering technology company bringing seamless parking and EV charging experiences to drivers through a first-of-its-kind digital ecosystem. Flash’s platform connects reservable parking and charging in the apps drivers use every day with garage, surface lot, event, and valet parking locations — connected and controlled via a cloud-based operating system with unrivaled intelligence. Customer-obsessed brands partner with Flash to deliver digital, easy-to-use, reliable, and increasingly frictionless experiences to drivers eager to pay for a solution that eliminates wasted time, excess emissions, and stress from driving. The solution has arrived. Visit to learn more. Contact Details Flash Parking Ray Young +1 512-694-6097 Company Website

April 04, 2024 03:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Article thumbnail News Release sees positive results from deployment of AR wayfinding at campus of Brandenburg University Chief Product Officer Shadnam Khan joined Steve Darling from Proactive to unveil the successful deployment of an innovative AR navigation system within the 5G campus network built by Deutsche Telekom AG at the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences campus in Germany. The fully funded partnership with the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences and its prestigious institute ifii (Institute for Innovation and Information Management), originally announced in October 2023, revolutionizes the way faculty and visitors experience the university campus. It provides a seamless and intuitive AR experience and AR-powered navigation. As part of their 2024 roadmap, the university will implement, evaluate, and publish research on over 20 different use cases with ARway's technology, highlighting the depth of this collaboration. Khan emphasized that a significant number of master's students are conducting their theses on AR, leveraging the new system for their research. This academic involvement underscores the system's role not only as a navigational tool but also as a platform for academic and technological exploration. The company anticipates that this project will set new standards for digital campus experiences and open new pathways for the application of AR and 5G technologies in various sectors. Contact Details Proactive United States +1 347-449-0879

April 03, 2024 10:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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