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SBLive Sports Announces Strategic Partnership with Campus Multimedia

Stewbowie Sports & Entertainment

SBLive, the fastest-growing high school sports media company in the nation, today announced an exclusive partnership with Campus Multimedia to enhance marketing opportunities and connect schools with and the SBLive app. The announcement comes on the heels of SBLive’s partnership with Sports Illustrated, where comprehensive high school content is amplified through Sports Illustrated’s network. As a division of Stewbowie Sports & Entertainment, Campus Multimedia is a leader within the high school sports ecosystem. Led by longtime sports and entertainment executive Karl Mawhinney, Campus Multimedia are experts at connecting athletic directors, student athletes, fans, and brands to platforms like SBLive. “SBLive Sports provides a direct marketing platform for brands to reach and engage millions of student-athletes, parents, coaches, and fans each month,” said Dan Beach, CEO and Founder of SBLive Sports. “With our traffic and awareness increasing every season, we are excited to bring the experience and sophistication of Campus Multimedia to introduce brands to our compelling platform that attracts and serves a valuable consumer audience.” “Through this partnership with SBLive Sports, we will bring the passion and magic of high school sports to national, regional, and local brands, said Karl Mawhinney, Founder and CEO of Campus Multimedia. “Our strategy focuses on supporting high schools and high school sports in their local communities. Combining SBLive’s access and offerings to our Campus Multimedia capabilities will be a significant differentiator in the marketplace.” Campus Multimedia works with a roster of blue-chip clients to help drive brand and business objectives in the space, including Jersey Mike’s, Planet Fitness, Marco’s Pizza, the U.S. Army and more. About SBLive Sports SBLive Sports (formerly known as Scorebook Live) is a tech-based sports media property with a focus on the high school and youth sports market. SBLive partners with state high school associations, athletic directors, coaches, content partners and brands to deliver sports fans with timely and relevant content to their mobile phones, desktop and social media platforms. Visit our website or download the SBLive App Today: About Stewbowie Sports & Entertainment Stewbowie Sports & Entertainment is a Brooklyn, NY-based sponsorship sales and consulting firm working with high-profile brands to help navigate the sports and entertainment sponsorship landscape while designing programs to drive business results. Campus Multimedia is the company’s high school marketing arm that enables brands to serve schools through integrated marketing programs that deliver value for schools and companies. Stewbowie believes every brand’s perfect partnership exists. Learn more at # # # Contact Details Eric Nemeth +1 602-502-2793 Company Website

October 04, 2022 09:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Ready for Ron Announces Military & Veterans Initiative

Ready for Ron

Ready for Ron, the only credible independent group working to Draft Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to run for President, announced a new initiative to recruit military, veterans, and families to sign its petition to encourage Ron DeSantis to run in 2024. ‘Veterans Ready for Ron’ led by Captain Bob “Shoebob” Carey, US Navy (Ret), will actively engage veterans, military and family voters, and veterans organization leaders. Carey had previously led the RNC’s highly successful 2016 Veterans programs, and numerous veterans and military engagement campaigns. Governor DeSantis is a U.S. Navy veteran, deploying to Iraq in support of the Navy’s SEALs, receiving a Bronze Star Medal, and as Governor is the Commander in Chief of the 12,000 members of the Florida National Guard. “Supporting Ron DeSantis is an easy decision for those who wore the uniform for our country,” stated Captain Bob “Shoebob” Carey, leader of the Veterans Ready for Ron effort. “His record supporting veterans and those in military service is unmatched.” “America needs Governor Ron DeSantis to run for President in 2024, to rebuild and restore our military and honor the pledges this country made to those military veterans once they leave service. He is a decorated veteran, runs one of the largest National Guard forces in the country, and tries to make up for VA ineptitude by building additional veteran assistance programs within his state of Florida,” Carey continued. As a Member of Congress, then Representative DeSantis was a leader on veterans issues, getting bills passed into law that restored combat wounded veterans’ unjustly reduced severance benefits, made Stolen Valor acts a crime, getting a Washington, DC memorial for veterans of the Global War on Terror, getting the VA to pay for service dogs for disabled veterans, and awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to American Ace fighter pilots. Veterans Ready for Ron is recruiting and deploying prominent veterans to lead a public effort to raise awareness, recruit additional veteran and military family voters, and build the veteran organization leadership support for a DeSantis candidacy. “I am thrilled to be working with Bob on this important initiative,” stated Ready for Ron Chief Political Strategist Ed Rollins. “His record of engaging with patriotic Americans who selflessly served our country is impressive. We are glad he is on the Ready for Ron team and look forward to building a movement together.” Bob Carey was a driving force behind the most successful military and veteran voter engagement campaigns in modern American political history. For the 2014 and 2016 campaigns, Bob Carey was National Director of Military and Veteran Engagement for the Republican National Committee, recruiting 50 full-time veteran staffers nationwide, more than 400 active veteran volunteer leaders, more than 500 members of state and regional military and veteran “Task Forces” to support the Republican National Committee and the Trump election effort, while also identifying 1.8 million voters nationwide in various databases as military and veteran voters. Republicans won the veteran vote by 27 percentage points in 2016, the greatest margin of victory ever. “I’m asking all military and veterans to join me in convincing Governor Ron DeSantis, U.S. Navy combat veteran, to bring to the rest of the country his leadership and understanding of what the military and veterans need from their Commander in Chief,” Carey continued. The declining economy, inflation, crime, and erosion of the American military significantly impact veterans and military families. We need confident, dependable, and proven leadership like only Ron DeSantis can deliver to turn the tide.” Since its launch in late May, Ready for Ron has enlisted tens of thousands of supporters, generated significant media attention, and run hundreds of ads to convince Ron DeSantis to run for President. Ready for Ron has emerged as the only credible independent organization in support of a Ron DeSantis candidacy. Americans are encouraged to sign the petition at to draft Ron DeSantis to run in 2024. ### For more information or to schedule an interview with a Ready for Ron or Vets Ready for Ron spokesperson, contact Dan Rene at 202-329-8357 or Contact Details Dan Rene +1 202-329-8357 Company Website

October 03, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Poll: Public Disdain for Politics Runs Deep — Except with Younger Americans

Public Affairs Council

A new Public Affairs Council/Morning Consult poll examines the outrage many Americans have about Washington politics and the social issues in which they want corporate America most involved. The annual Public Affairs Pulse survey of 2,210 adults, conducted Sept. 1-2, 2022, also explored the most trusted sources of political information, which industries are the most and least trusted, and the institutions that are expected to grow in influence. What do American’s loathe most about Washington? The behavior of politicians. Of 10 factors measured, the most troubling were politicians too focused on getting reelected (71% considered this a major problem), politicians using their power to benefit financially (66%), intense partisanship (66%) and politicians spending too much time raising money for elections (58%). Younger Americans shrug off these concerns. Younger Americans were much less concerned about those four most troublesome factors than were older Americans. The most egregious behavior — the amount of time politicians spend trying to get reelected — was considered a major problem by only 53% of Gen Zers, compared with 85% of baby boomers. On politicians benefiting financially, the same comparison was 44% and 80%, respectively. The divide on intense partisanship was 43% of Gen Zers versus 82% of baby boomers, and for raising money for elections it was 37% compared with 73%. Businesses face great expectations for social involvement. Protecting the environment and ending hunger were the top social issues Americans want major companies to be engaged in, with 68% of respondents supporting involvement for each. Americans were also strongly supportive of corporative involvement in ending discrimination by gender (67% support), race (66%) and sexual orientation (62%). Seventy percent (70%) of Americans consider racism to be a problem in the U.S., yet only 21% said companies were playing a positive role. Seventeen percent (17%) said businesses were playing a negative role, and 45% believed they weren’t making a difference. Democrats were more supportive of social-issues involvement than were Republicans across all 12 issues surveyed: Social Issue Democratic Support Republican Support Ending Discrimination by Gender 78% 55% Ending Hunger/Supporting Food Security 77% 63% Supporting Environment/Sustainability 77% 61% Ending Discrimination by Race 75% 56% Ending Discrimination by Sexual Orientation 74% 52% Ending Discrimination by Gender Identity 74% 51% Supporting Access to Quality Education 72% 53% Supporting Human Rights 72% 48% Supporting Affordable Housing 67% 47% Improving Voting Access 65% 29% Supporting Legal Access to Abortions 59% 23% Supporting DACA 58% 25% Other notable findings: Pharma and health insurance are still the least trusted industries. Forty-three percent (43%) of the public said the pharmaceutical industry is less trustworthy than average, and 41% said the same about the health insurance industry. Despite its poor ranking, pharma has gained trust in recent years. In 2021 its distrustful score was 46%, and in 2020 it was 49%. The most trusted sources of political information were friends and family (71% trusted) and businesses (44%). The least trusted were super PACs (17% trusted) and political campaigns (23%). The news media had a trust rating of 40%. The survey asked which institutions would have greater influence three years from now. Tied for first place were major companies and the U.S. Supreme Court — both with 32% of the public expecting them to become more influential. Two other institutions that were expected to have greater influence were the federal government (31% said it would gain influence) and political parties (30%). Visit our website to view the full Public Affairs Pulse survey results: Survey Methodology: This poll was conducted between September 1-2, 2022, among a sample of 2,210 adults. The interviews were conducted online, and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on gender, educational attainment, age, race, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points. About the Public Affairs Council Both nonpartisan and nonpolitical, the Public Affairs Council is the leading global association for public affairs professionals. The Council’s mission is to advance the field of public affairs and to provide its 700 member companies, nonprofits and universities with the executive education and expertise they need while maintaining the highest ethical standards. Learn more at Contact Details Lydia Niles +1 773-677-5327 Company Website

October 03, 2022 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Freelancer wins US$6.7m task order with NASA and the National Institutes of Health in gene editing


Freelancer Limited (ASX: FLN, OTCQX: FLNCF), the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace by number of users and jobs posted, today announced it has won a US$6.7 million task order for NASA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of the Director (OD) Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) Office of Strategic Coordination (OSC). NIH seeks two, three-phased contests to encourage technology development in two areas of strategic significance as part of Phase II of the NIH Somatic Cell Genome Editing (SCGE) program: A highly efficient (e.g. 50%+ editing efficiency) non-viral delivery system capable of crossing the blood brain barrier to deliver genome editing machinery to a majority of target cell types in the central nervous system. A programmable (e.g. 3+ configurations) delivery system to deliver genome editing machinery that can target specific tissues or cell types. Somatic cell genome editing holds great promise in treating various diseases. However, current techniques in genome editing approaches, such as those based on CRISPR-Cas9, pose many challenges that need to be overcome before they can be widely used in the clinic. For example, the delivery of genome editors to clinically relevant cells and tissues and achievement of editing efficiency that is adequate for addressing human diseases. These contests will be administered under the America COMPETES Act and will be launched on with a total prize purse of US$6,000,000 (GMV). This is the biggest task order to date under NASA’s NOIS2 and to be selected is testimony to the company’s track record of delivery to date under the program. It is expected that FLN will generate approximately US$700,000 in net revenue contribution for this task order. About the NIH SCGE Program The NIH Common Fund’s Somatic Cell Genome Editing (SCGE) program is working to improve the efficacy and specificity of gene editing approaches to help reduce the burden of common and rare diseases caused by genetic changes. SCGE is developing quality tools to perform and assess effective and safe genome editing in non-reproductive (“somatic”) cells of the body. These research tools will be made widely available to the research community to reduce the time and cost required to develop new therapies. About Freelancer Twelve-time Webby award-winning is the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace by total number of users and projects posted. More than 60 million registered users have posted over 20 million projects and contests to date in over 2,000 areas as diverse as website development, logo design, marketing, copywriting, astrophysics, aerospace engineering and manufacturing. Freelancer owns, the leading provider of secure online payments and online transaction management for consumers and businesses on the Internet with over US$6 billion in transactions secured. Freelancer also owns Freightlancer & Loadshift, enterprise freight marketplaces with over 550 million kilometres of freight posted since inception. Freelancer Limited is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange under the ticker ASX:FLN and is quoted on OTCQX Best Market under the ticker FLNCF. End Contact Details Marko Zitko +61 404 574 830 Sebastian Siseles +1 415-801-2271

September 29, 2022 10:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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A video accompanying this announcement is available at: Crime continues to skyrocket across the nation with vehicle crimes increasing to near record highs. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) found nearly 1 million vehicles were stolen in 2021, and 2022 is looking even more grim for vehicle owners. Recent analysis shows vehicle and catalytic converter thefts and carjackings are continuing to rise. NICB’s data includes information on the following topics: Total auto thefts are the highest seen by the NICB since 2008. Catalytic converter thefts are up 1,215% since 2019, and are continuing to increase. Carjackings are up dramatically in many major cities. There is a new warning for anyone who owns or leases a vehicle: Vehicle Thefts, Catalytic Converter Thefts, and Carjackings are continuing to rise. According to NICB, there were more than 933,000 thefts of vehicles in 2021, a 27% increase since 2019. Catalytic converter theft insurance claims increased by 1,215% over 2019. Carjackings, the theft of a car by force or intimidation, continue to skyrocket in many major cities, increasing anywhere from 160% to nearly 530%. For more information, visit National Insurance Crime Bureau website at Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727

September 28, 2022 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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DoD’s CMMC Model Won’t Scale to Fit GSA Schedule, Federal Acquisition Service Commissioner Hashmi Says

National Contract Management Association

In an exclusive interview in Contract Management Magazine, Sonny Hashmi also outlines how GSA tracks parts in “Made in America” products to other countries and details joint project to ‘handhold’ innovative companies to first contracts. Contract Management is a benefit offered exclusively to members of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA), however, NCMA is making the Hashmi interview in the September issue available publicly. Press can access it at: The Defense Department’s Cyber Security Maturity Model Certification wouldn’t work for the thousands of companies holding GSA Schedule contracts, FAS Commissioner Sonny Hashmi told Contract Management in an exclusive interview for the September issue. “You cannot possibly go through that level of documentation, scrutiny, review, personnel oversight, for every single thing in the GSA catalog,” Hashmi told Contract Management Editor in Chief Anne Laurent. “So, we need a different model that scales better for a vast majority of software suppliers in government,” he continued. Hashmi’s comments come amid continued changes and uncertainty regarding application of CMMC to defense contractors, which have complained it is too onerous, and are concerned about extension of the model governmentwide. The Homeland Security Department recently said it was considering a contractor self-assessment program because CMMC is disadvantageous to small companies. Hashmi called tracking the provenance of goods and services in the federal supply chain “the challenge of the decade.” He explained how GSA segments supplies to identify cybersecurity concerns and uses third-party data to source chipsets, raw materials, subassemblies, and parts of goods. The process helped GSA remove tens of thousands of products from the schedules, in many cases because their makers had mis-certified them as made in America. Some large companies knowingly or unknowingly misrepresented their products, he said. Hashmi also described how GSA is working with the Defense Innovation Unit to “white-glove handhold’ emerging tech companies with Small Business Innovation Research awards into the Schedules and onto first contracts. ### The National Contract Management Association (NCMA), which was founded in 1959 and is the world’s leading association in the field of contract management. The organization, which has over 18,000 members, is dedicated to the professional growth and educational advancement of procurement and acquisition personnel worldwide. NCMA strives to serve and inform the profession and industry it represents and to offer opportunities for the open exchange of ideas in neutral forums. To find out more, please visit Contact Details NCMA Dominick Belfiore, Director of Operations and Special Projects +1 571-382-1121 Company Website

September 27, 2022 04:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Ready for Ron Pushes Federal Election Commission on Sharing “Draft” Petition Signers

Ready for Ron

Ready for Ron, the only credible organization working to draft Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to run for President, stepped up its fight with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) today. At issue is whether Americans have free speech rights to “draft” candidates, with the FEC attempting to prevent Ready for Ron from sharing the names of those who want to draft him with Governor DeSantis. Ready for Ron filed a second round of public comments with the FEC challenging the Democrat Commissioners’ arguments at a recent public hearing related to Ready For Ron’s request to share its Draft petition and signers with DeSantis. Prominent Republican campaign finance attorney Dan Backer recently argued at a public hearing in favor of Ready for Ron’s request to share the list of supporters with DeSantis both before, and during, a potential candidacy – as an act of Constitutionally protected political speech. In the filing today, he and Chief Legal Counsel Lilian Rodriguez-Baz offer a nearly 25-page argument citing binding D.C. Circuit Court precedent and legislative history of rejecting the exact proposal. “The FEC would stop Ready For Ron from sharing a petition – the quintessential form of free speech – unless we also charged for it.” Dan Backer added. “Act Blue does the same thing we propose – sharing support names and contact information on a vastly larger scale – millions of individuals – while funneling well over a billion dollars a cycle”. “The FEC is fine with Act Blue doing this to support Biden, as long as money is involved, but when the speech is actually free or is bad for Biden, suddenly it must be suppressed’” Backer continued. The filing concludes arguments with the following: “…This Commission, undeterred by a lack of any constitutional, statutory, or regulatory grant of power to regulate draft committees at all, has asked RFR for precedent justifying an action the Commission itself lacks precedent for prohibiting. The Committee has now afforded the Commission the benefit of precisely that binding D.C. Circuit precedent, the consistent rejection by Congress of the Commission’s repeated requests and proposals for such power, and the Commission’s own advisory opinions permitting precisely this activity. The Commission cannot ignore the reality it has approved tens of millions of political transactions accounting for billions of dollars in federal political activity – potentially as much as a third of all federal political contributions – in which contact information is conveyed from a contributor, through a conduit, to a candidate. It would grossly pervert the protection of the core constitutional rights of free expression and political association for this Commission to hold RFR could provide its signed petition to Governor DeSantis only if it forced signatories to make a monetary contribution to a draft fund to be transmitted to him for the privilege of signing…” “FEC Democrats are happy to do all they can to prevent Ron DeSantis from beating the pants off Joe Biden in 2024. Their latest shameful effort to limit free speech once again puts them on the wrong side of the Constitution,” Backer noted. “More than a thousand people a day are signing this petition to let Ron DeSantis know they support him and want him to pursue a White House run. If the FEC persists in suppressing free speech, we are confident the Courts will once again put our rights ahead of their bureaucracy.” The FEC previously rejected two draft advisory opinions, both of which would have prevented sharing the Ready for Ron petition signers with DeSantis while a candidate or “testing the waters,” but differed on whether it could be done while he was a private citizen. Democrat commissioners went so far as to suggest that even being asked to consider running for office could constitute “testing the waters” – a vast, unprecedented attempt to expand the FEC’s regulatory power over speech and ideas. “I want the commission to tell me what exactly is ‘testing the waters,’ because my rights are not subject to an amorphous standard,” Dan Backer told Politico as he left the FEC meeting. “Ready for Ron will be aggressive and will pursue litigation should the commission try to throw up barriers.” Commission Chair Allen Dickerson appeared taken with Ready for Ron's arguments, and the matter now goes back for a third draft attempt by the FEC. A new draft advisory opinion is expected in the coming days to form policy around a “testing the waters” standard. “We are disappointed some on the FEC are once again standing in the way of political speech and freedom of association. Millions of Americans want Ron DeSantis to run. Signing their names to Ready for Ron’s draft petition is the ultimate act of political free speech and association, and there is simply no basis to say they cannot give those names to the Governor if – and when – he heeds their call and runs. We’ve notified the Commission of our intent to file additional Public Comment on their next draft – addressing the silly arguments raised by some Democratic Commissioners – and if Litigation is where we end up over their partisan recalcitrance, we are confident we will prevail,” Backer continued. Ready for Ron pursued the novel step of submitting a formal Advisory Opinion Request to the FEC seeking to share its supporter list with Governor DeSantis to encourage him to run, and – if successful – once he announces his candidacy. Since its launch in late May, Ready for Ron enlisted tens of thousands of supporters, generated significant media attention, and run hundreds of ads to help convince Ron DeSantis to run for President. Ready for Ron has emerged as the only credible and significant independent organization in support of Ron DeSantis. Americans are encouraged to sign the petition at to draft Ron DeSantis to run in 2024. ### For more information or to schedule an interview with ‘Ready for Ron’ legal counsel, Dan Backer or Lilian Rodríguez-Baz, contact Dan Rene at 202-329-8357 or Contact Details Dan Rene +1 202-329-8357 Company Website

September 27, 2022 04:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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How Climate Solutions are Helping Local Economies


Billions of dollars in U.S. manufacturing investment are fueling the clean energy industry. But what does it mean for local economies? Recently, Dr. Sweta Chakraborty and Dr. Frances Colón participated in a nationwide satellite media tour to discuss how climate solutions can potentially create jobs, lower costs, and provide new opportunities for families to save money. A video accompanying this announcement is available at: The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law last month, is the most significant climate bill in history. It will put our nation on the path to cutting pollution by 40% by 2030, create millions of good-paying clean energy jobs, invest in environmental justice, and reduce energy bills for working families across the country. With climate disasters directly impacting one in three American residents, the Inflation Reduction Act is a great first step to making sure communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis get the resources they need—and working families are able to save money. Since the passage of the IRA, billions of dollars in domestic manufacturing investments are fueling the clean energy industry. The Inflation Reduction Act incentivizes domestic manufacturing and as a result, First Solar, the United States’ largest solar manufacturer, announced its plan to invest $1.2 billion to expand its manufacturing capabilities. SPI Energy announced its plan to begin manufacturing solar wafers, a component of solar cells, in the US. Toyota recently announced that it plans to invest over $5 billion in creating electric batteries in US and Japan plants. And many more companies in the clean energy industry continue to expand and create jobs in the U.S. For more information about how these climate investments impact you, visit About Dr. Sweta Chakraborty: Dr. Chakraborty is a globally recognized risk and behavioral scientist and expert on global risks ranging from climate change to COVID-19. She is a trusted authority on proactive preparedness to mitigate against the impacts of climate change, motivated by the need for clear, credible, evidence-based communication. Sweta is the President of US Operations for We Don't Have Time. Sweta is a TEDx and SXSW featured speaker, most recently alongside Nikolaj Coster-Waldau for the UNDP’s #dontchooseextinction campaign, and is regularly interviewed on major, international news media outlets including CNN, the NYT, the BBC, Forbes, Fox News Channel, Sky News, CBS, NowThis, MSNBC to name a few. She has appeared on networks like Nickelodeon and Discovery+, where she was featured alongside Kamala Harris for an Earth Day 2021 special. Sweta has written extensively in peer-reviewed journals, is a book author from her time as a postdoc at Oxford University, and is currently working on her second book on adaptation to global risks. She has built her career around how to connect science, media and policy to change attitudes, empower audiences, and inspire action alongside celebrities like Questlove and Joaquin Phoenix. About Dr. Frances Colón: Frances Colón is the senior director for International Climate Policy at American Progress, where she leads a program to drive international ambition and action to meet global climate mitigation and adaptation goals. Colón is the former deputy science and technology adviser to the Secretary of State, where she promoted integration of science and technology into foreign policy dialogues, global advancement of women in science, and climate policy for former President Barack Obama’s Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas. Colón earned her Ph.D. in neuroscience in 2004 from Brandeis University and her B.S. in biology in 1997 from the University of Puerto Rico. Colón was a 2019 Open Society Foundations Leadership in Government fellow, a city of Miami Climate Resilience Committee member, and a 2020 Yale-OpEd Project Public Voices on the Climate Crisis fellow. She is a member of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability, and she co-chairs the academies’ Global Science Diplomacy Roundtable. About Climate Power: Climate Power is an independent strategic communications and paid media operation focused on building the political will and public support for bold climate action. Founded by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, League of Conservation Voters, and Sierra Club, Climate Power integrates hard-hitting research, polling, state and national earned media, digital and paid media to influence the national conversation, embolden leaders to take immediate, bold climate action, and expose climate deniers and their oil and gas lobby allies Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727

September 27, 2022 04:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Elsevier Appoints Emily Singley to the Newly Created role of Vice President, North American Library Relations


Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, is pleased to announce the appointment of Emily Singley to the newly-created role of Vice President, Library Relations, North America. Emily will join Elsevier on October 3, 2022 to strengthen the company’s relationships with the North American library community, and to reinforce Elsevier’s commitment to be a trusted, innovative, and collaborative provider of services and content. She will report to Gwen Evans, Vice President of Global Library Relations, who joined Elsevier in 2020 from OhioLink to lead the company’s engagement and partnerships with the librarian community. Commenting on the appointment, Gwen Evans said: “I am thrilled to welcome Emily to our team at Elsevier. Her invaluable experience, depth of knowledge, and connections within the North American library community will expand our capacity to listen to librarians’ unique concerns and needs to better serve them across the continent.” Emily added: "I am delighted to take on this new role, serving the librarian community that is pivotal to the research endeavor. I’m excited to have the opportunity to listen and learn from academic librarians in North America, and am looking forward to building new, long-lasting partnerships with them.” Emily brings to the role more than 16 years of experience building sustainable partnerships in academic libraries and an expertise in engaging academic leadership in game-changing conversations. She most recently served as Associate University Librarian, Technology and Technical Services at Boston College (BC), an R1 research institution. During her tenure at Boston College, she directed the vision, strategic planning, staffing, and resourcing for five key library programs. In 2022, she successfully engaged with senior university administrators to advocate for significant funding for scholarly communications and Open Access initiatives. Emily’s past positions include Head Librarian, Systems & Applications at Boston College; Systems Librarian at Harvard University; Instructor and Systems/Reference Librarian at Southern New Hampshire University; and Technical Services Supervisor at Curry College. About Elsevier As a global leader in information and analytics, Elsevier helps researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. We do this by facilitating insights and critical decision-making for customers across the global research and health ecosystems. In everything we publish, we uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity. We bring that same rigor to our information analytics solutions for researchers, health professionals, institutions and funders. Elsevier employs 8,700 people worldwide. We have supported the work of our research and health partners for more than 140 years. Growing from our roots in publishing, we offer knowledge and valuable analytics that help our users make breakthroughs and drive societal progress. Digital solutions such as ScienceDirect, Scopus, SciVal, ClinicalKey and Sherpath support strategic research management, R&D performance, clinical decision support, and health education. Researchers and healthcare professionals rely on our over 2,700 digitized journals, including The Lancet and Cell; our over 43,000 eBook titles; and our iconic reference works, such as Gray's Anatomy. With the Elsevier Foundation and our external Inclusion & Diversity Advisory Board, we work in partnership with diverse stakeholders to advance inclusion and diversity in science, research and healthcare in developing countries and around the world. Elsevier is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. Contact Details Elsevier Andrew Davis Elsevier Dan DiPietro-James Company Website

September 27, 2022 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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