NCMA Collaborates with The FedPROPEL Institute to Foster Federal Contracting Training
National Contract Management Association
The National Contract Management Association (NCMA) is collaborating with The Fed PROPEL Institute (TFI) with the mutual goal to help small businesses compete effectively for federal contracts. TFI will use the widely respected NCMA Contract Management Standard ™ (CMS™) and the Contract Management Body of Knowledge ® (CMBOK ® ) as guiding standards in its training program designed to accelerate small businesses in the federal marketplace. TFI will launch a pilot program in early 2023 to leverage its training and operational resources. “We are looking for 40-60 entrepreneurs with existing businesses who are motivated to build an operational platform that is sustainable,” said Richard D. Hanks, Founder and Executive Director of The FedPROPEL Institute and CEO of FP Enterprises. Upon program completion, participants will be able to apply for the NCMA Certified Contract Management Associate (CCMA) certification, an ANSI National Accreditation Board-accredited designation. “Obtaining this TFI training using the NCMA CMS™ and CMBOK® resources and gaining CCMA certification demonstrates to the federal contracting community that TFI program graduates are committed and prepared for success,” said Kraig Conrad, CAE, CTP, NCMA CEO. “It also reinforces the NCMA ‘common language’ initiative that helps ensure effective communication across the federal contracting industry.” TFI co-founder, Jennifer Hanks, is a longtime member of NCMA, and her commitment to both organizations facilitated subsidizing registration for the CCMA preparation course, CCMA application and testing fees, and a one-year NCMA membership for its program graduates. The National Contract Management Association (NCMA), was founded in 1959 and is the world’s leading association in the field of contract management. The organization, which has over 18,000 members, is dedicated to the professional growth and educational advancement of procurement and acquisition personnel worldwide. NCMA strives to serve and inform the profession and industry it represents and to offer opportunities for the open exchange of ideas in neutral forums. To learn more, please visit www.ncmahq.org. Founded in 2020, The Fed PROPEL Institute is the brainchild of MMC founders Jennifer and Richard Hanks. Envisioned as a response to the detrimental impact of the pandemic on minority businesses, The Fed PROPEL Institute is part of a small business engagement ecosystem MMC founders are creating in the federal marketplace. To learn more, visit www.fedpropel.org or contact us at info@fedpropel.org. ### Contact Details National Contract Management Association Dominick Belfiore, Director of Operations and Special Projects +1 571-382-1121 dominick.belfiore@ncmahq.org Company Website https://www.ncmahq.org/
October 04, 2022 10:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time