Filament Health takes major step forward entering into licensing agreement with Reset Pharma | News Direct

Filament Health takes major step forward entering into licensing agreement with Reset Pharma

News release by Filament Health Corp

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Filament Health CEO Ben Lightburn joined Steve Darling from Proactive to announce a significant licensing agreement between Filament Health and Reset Pharmaceuticals.

The agreement involves the licensing of Filament Health's proprietary botanical psilocybin drug candidate, known as PEX010, and its associated intellectual property to Reset Pharmaceuticals. The purpose of this partnership is to conduct a phase 2 clinical trial for the treatment of demoralization syndrome.

Lightburn explained to Proactive that PEX010 is formulated as an oral capsule and is currently being tested in various phase 1 and phase 2 human clinical trials approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada. Demoralization syndrome is a clinically significant condition that affects around 20% of patients with life-altering cancer. This syndrome often presents independently of other mood disorders like depression or anxiety.

The licensing agreement with Reset Pharmaceuticals aligns with their goal of developing a psilocybin-related product specifically aimed at treating demoralization syndrome in patients with cancer. By leveraging Filament Health's proprietary botanical psilocybin drug candidate, Reset Pharma aims to contribute to addressing the mental and emotional well-being of patients facing serious medical challenges.

This collaboration underscores the growing interest and research into the potential therapeutic applications of psilocybin and highlights Filament Health's commitment to advancing innovative solutions to improve patients' quality of life in the field of mental health and oncology.


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proactiveinvestorsfilamenthealthcorpotcqbflhlfneofh @pex010resetpharmadepressionPsychedelicDrugDevelopmentFilamentHealthCorpNaturalPsychedelicsPsilocybinResearchClinicalTrialsBotanicalMedicinePsychedelicTherapyMentalHealthTreatmentCancerSupportInnovativeMedicineLicensingAgreementResetPharmaPsychotherapyMedicalAdvancementsBenjaminLightburnDrugDevelopmentHealthcareInnovationMindfulnessAlternativeMedicineHolisticHealingPatientWellnessMilestoneAchievementResearchCollaborationMentalWellbeingDrugEfficacyPatientCareinvestinvestinginvestmentinvestorstockmarketstocksstockstockmarketnews