Ukraine and Libya conflicts microcosms for upending today's world order
Morgan Marketing & Communications
Speakers JASON PACK ( Senior Analyst at the NATO Foundation and President of Libya-Analysis LLC ) and Ambassador Jonathan Winer (Former US Special Envoy to Libya and Non Resident Fellow at the Middle East Institute) will be illuminating today's dis-order in today's geopolitics at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on the occasion of the launch of Mr. Pack's new work, Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder, being held on Monday, April 11th from 3-5PM in the Zenger Room. The world seems to have gone directly from a hegemonic US-led international system to an interregnum in global order. The traditional phase of multipolarity—or a restoration of the balance of power, or even a struggle among rival systems of order, has been skipped. Jason Pack's Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder (Hurst/Oxford University Press) presents the Libya and Ukraine conflicts as an ideal microcosms for examining the collective action failures typical of our new geopolitics. Jonathan Winer's Afterword contextualizes what the Libya conflict reveals about today's international arena. Their talk is an examination of the current state of the world and American and Western policy towards key geostrategic hotspots framed in light of Jason Pack's Enduring Disorder concept. Broadening out from the discoveries of his core research on Libya, he will discuss how the West's response to the Ukraine crisis highlights where today's geopolitics seem to be headed -- bringing into sharp focus the need for a Western-led, rules-based global order. For more background on the book's main argument and its applicability to the current Ukraine crisis consult, Jason's recent pieces in New Lines Magazine Why Putin Is Playing Poker, Not Chess or with Foreign Policy ' Libya’s Chaos Is a Warning to the World '. For Mr Pack's, argument for a more robust transatlantic approach to order the current disorder, see his: When the US shrinks from the stage, things fall apart --- lead article Boston Globe IDEAS Section. For more information on the event, go to https://www.press.org/events/ukraine-libya-and-global-enduring-disorder Morgan Marketing and Communications is a client-based, retained marketing and communications agency in the maritime industry committed to providing its clients with the highest quality professional marketing and communications services available. Our mission is to partner with our clients to meet their needs, and exceed their goals. Contact Details Morgan Marketing & Communications Carleen Lyden Walker +1 203-260-0480 c.walker@morganmarketcomm.com Company Website https://morganmarketcomm.com/
April 05, 2022 04:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time