AMD Celebrates Earth Day 2022 by Justin Murrill, Director, Corporate Responsibility at AMD
Northampton, MA | April 22, 2022 01:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
The theme for Earth Day 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet.” AMD has a long history of investing in environmental sustainability, dating back to our first sustainability report in 1995. Today, we are investing in a collaboration with Neighborhood Forest to plant 2,000 trees across North America. Five hundred AMD employees across nine sites volunteered to plant a tree seedling for Earth Day. In addition, 1,500 tree seedlings are being distributed by Neighborhood Forest to children who have requested a free tree. We are happy to celebrate Earth Day with our employees and share this experience with some of our world’s future leaders.
Throughout the year, we advance and invest in environmental sustainability in several ways, such as:
1. MINIMIZING environmental impacts at AMD and in our supply chain
Last year, AMD announced the completion of several 2014-2020 goals, including a 38 percent reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our global operations (scope 1 and 2) and a 31.7x increase in energy efficiency for our processors powering mobile devices. We also announced our next generation goals that include a 30x increase in energy efficiency for processors and accelerators powering servers for AI-training and high-performance computing (2020-2025); a 50 percent reduction in GHG emissions for our operations (2020-2030); and for 80 percent of our manufacturing suppliers to source renewable energy by 2025. We have been making progress and look forward to sharing an update in our 27th annual Corporate Responsibility Report.
2. ADVANCING environmental performance for IT users
At AMD, we design innovative technologies that help improve people’s lives and enable IT users to reduce their own energy use and GHG emissions. This includes collaborating with our customers and partners on product design and system-level optimizations. For example, AMD RyzenTM processors deliver energy-efficient laptops without compromise, including up to 43 percent better energy efficiency than Energy Star 8.0 requirements for our Ryzen 5800U processors.i In the data center, our world-record-setting energy-efficient AMD EPYCTM server processors can help reduce energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across a broad range of workloads and may require fewer servers to do the same work as prior generation or competitive solutions. For example, delivering 10,000 units of integer performance using 2P AMD EPYC 7763 powered servers compared to 2P Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 powered servers can result in ~33 percent fewer servers using ~50 percent less space and ~42 percent less power while delivering an estimated 36 percent lower 3-yr total cost of ownership (TCO).ii
3. INNOVATING collaborative solutions to address environmental challenges
Through collaborations with CIOs, public leaders, academic researchers and others, AMD technology is used to advance various sustainability solutions. For example, AMD Embedded processors are being used to help individual wind turbines optimize the production of clean energy, while AMD EPYC server processors help optimize the orchestration of an entire wind farm through cloud-based solutions.iii While these and other AMD-enabled solutions are helping to reduce GHG emissions, AMD technology is also helping climate researchers and scientists better understand the interrelated forces contributing to climate change, and solutions to help mitigate the worse impacts. By analyzing massive and complex data sets, researchers and scientists can gain insights into the causes of climate change and perhaps predict the impacts of extreme weather to help save lives.
We thank our employees, customers and partners around the world for continuing to help invest in efforts to advance environmental sustainability.
For more information on environmental sustainability at AMD, please visit:
[i] Based on measurements by AMD labs as of February 2022 of the AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 5800U against Energy Star 8.0 requirements. CZM-146
[ii] MLNTCO-003a: This scenario contains many assumptions and estimates and, while based on AMD internal research and best approximations, should be considered an example for informational purposes only, and not used as a basis for decision making over actual testing. This estimate compares the selected AMD EPYC™ and Intel® Xeon® CPU based server solutions required to deliver a TOTAL_PERFORMANCE of 10000 units of integer performance based on the published scores for Intel Xeon and AMD EPYC CPU based servers. This analysis is based on AMD EPYC™ BARE METAL SERVER TCO ESTIMATION TOOL; VERSION: 05/21/2021 1.6 Master4. This estimation reflects a 3-year time frame. This analysis compares a 2P AMD EPYC EPYC_7763 powered server with a SPECrate®2017_int_base score of 839(1ku price $7,890),
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