DOGTV Launches First Original Program for Pet Owners, “Paws for Love” New Docuseries About Couple Who Sold Everything to Tour the Country With Support Dogs

December 03, 2021 11:46 AM Eastern Standard Time
DOGTV is premiering its first programming geared toward pet owners with a new docuseries that begins December 9.
“Paws for Love” is a show that follows Nashville couple Sean and Christina Conlon — and their golden retriever therapy dog Nash — who sold 90 percent of their possessions to begin a quest to travel around America helping others through therapy dogs.
In the Fall of 2019, they went through training and certifying Nash as a therapy dog. Immediately, they started serving around the Nashville area in schools, fire stations, and police stations. They saw people light up around Nash in a genuine and unique way, and knew therapy work was exactly what they were meant to be doing as a family.
But once COVID hit, everything came to a screeching halt. Sean and Christina couldn’t serve with Nash any longer, but they knew they had to do something. So they launched Nashies, a single ingredient dog treat company that financially supports therapy dog organizations across the United States. However, they realized it wasn’t just a financial problem these organizations were facing in the pandemic, it was an awareness problem. And in a time where the world needed therapy dogs more than ever, they felt called to do something bigger and more hands-on.
In late 2020, they sold 90 percent of their stuff, got an RV, and started traveling the U.S. on the @PawsForLove Tour, volunteering with Nash and creating positive, encouraging content to share on their social media that brings a smile to people’s faces.
“We heard very clearly that we needed to shine a bright spotlight on the incredible work that these therapy dog organizations do day in and day out for our communities,” said Sean Conlon. “The reality is that every single one of us needs more love and compassion than we ever have before, and there’s a lot we can learn a lot from our canine companions. And we reacted by doing the only thing we could think to do because of how strongly we felt about this calling.
“We sold 90 percent of our worldly possessions because we knew it would take money to accomplish this mission, and we knew it couldn’t wait, so we just started selling our stuff. What we began to realize is the stuff in our life was simply a weight that was holding us back, and was just sitting there idle. But we knew if we could turn that stuff into something that could impact others, we would happily part with it,” he said.
The couple embarked on a 15-city tour starting in January 2021. “Paws for Love” tracks their journey through 10 weekly 30-minute shows starting on December 9, with new episodes every Thursday.
Beke Lubeach, General Manager and Chief Marketing Officer of DOGTV, said the show is an ideal and entertaining foray into new territory for the network.
“This is an incredible series that tells a wonderful story about the dedication of Christina and Sean to improving people’s lives,” she said. “We thought this was the perfect opportunity to expand the impact of DOGTV by telling their story as the first programming we have provided for pet owners. We look forward to sharing ‘Paws for Love’ with the DOGTV family over the coming months.”
DOGTV will donate $1 per view of Episode 1 of “Paws For Love” up to $5,000 to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs Junior Handler Program. The program is aimed at educating the younger generations on the benefits of volunteering with their dogs so that they can learn early and have a life of service.
Alliance of Therapy Dogs provides testing, certification, registration, support, and insurance for members who volunteer with dogs to visit hospitals, special needs centers, schools, nursing homes, and other facilities and events in their communities. Alliance of Therapy Dogs is a network of caring volunteers who are willing to share our special canines to bring smiles and joy to people, young and old alike across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
DOGTV is planning on rolling out new series for pet parents to watch on a quarterly basis over the next year — marking the first time the channel has aired television format shows for people.
DOGTV is now available in the US, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal and S. Korea via cable and satellite providers and Direct To Consumer through their app available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, iOS and Android devices everywhere. The channel also has a robust online and social media presence as well.
DOGTV’s approach toward pet enrichment is based on more than 60 scientific studies. The channel’s content is focused on behavior and how visual stimuli can impact it, ways to help dogs counter anxiety and stimulation and enrichment through music and sound.
DOGTV is a 24/7 channel with programs scientifically developed to provide the right company for dogs when left alone. Through years of research by some of the world’s top pet experts, special content was created to meet specific attributes of a dog’s sense of vision and hearing and supports their natural behavior patterns. The result: a confident, happy dog, who’s less likely to develop stress, separation anxiety or other related problems.
To learn more about DOGTV or follow us on social media, please visit:
NOTE: Interviews available with the Conlons — please contact Tom Evans to schedule

Contact Details
Tom Evans
+1 602-448-5483