Heroes Work Here: Gas Construction's Jonathan Harmon Races To Help a Community Member in Need | News Direct

Heroes Work Here: Gas Construction's Jonathan Harmon Races To Help a Community Member in Need

News release by Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)

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Photo: Gas Construction Street Mechanic Jonathan Harmon
Photo: Gas Construction Street Mechanic Jonathan Harmon

For customer Arlene Robin, thanking the PSE&G employee who went out of his way to help her after she fell near her home was particularly important, she said, because there is so much negativity in the world today.

“He stayed by my side until he knew I was okay, which is wonderful,” Robin said of PSE&G Gas Construction Street Mechanic, Jonathan Harmon. “They are doing their jobs, working as hard as they can, but I noticed that Jonathan always was very observant while working.”

Although he got his first aid kit, bandaged her knee and took charge even though a local police officer also offered help, Robin didn’t know at the time just how prepared Harmon was to offer his assistance.

First, Harmon said, just out of school in Wyoming he had a short stint as a social worker, but he decided to switch careers because his empathy had him bringing too much of his social work home with him.

Second, when he decided to work for PSE&G about 8 years ago, his dad, James Patrick Harmon, a retired troubleshooter in PSE&G Electric Operations, impressed upon him the need to help community members.

“He told me, ‘It’s Public Service, and you serve the public.’ Whenever you see somebody in need, you need to respond. You’ll see a lot of situations that call you to act outside of your job classification.’ And, he gave me examples of how he helped people out along his career.”

For Harmon, stopping his work and racing to Robin’s assistance was just what anybody would do.

“I was just the first one to see her fall. I think she was more scared than anything else, because she told me, a few months earlier she fractured her knee,” Harmon said. “We offered to call an ambulance but she said she just needed to rest. That’s when I ran to get the first aid kit, out of my truck, and cleaned out her cuts.”

Later that same day, Robin emailed PSE&G to express her thanks. She followed up to make sure the act of heroism was noted by senior leaders.

“Jonathan was aware of his surroundings stopped his work and helped. Not everyone would have done that,” Robin said. “It’s important to recognize employees who have gone far beyond regular duties.”

Harmon agreed that more people need to look out for each other and he said he is glad he works for a company where such acts are encouraged.

“We all have our jobs and need to come to work and do our best,” Harmon said. “Sometimes, in order to not only be a better worker but a better person, you have to act and help somebody else out.”

Gas Construction Supervisor Eric Adams said he has a lot to be proud about when it comes to Harmon, including the care he takes at work even in the midst of expecting his first child to be born.

“Jonathan always goes above and beyond and does whatever it takes to get the job done,” Adams said. “Thank you, Jonathan!”

PSEG’s Heroes Work Here highlights employees who have gone above and beyond in the line of duty. Hear inspiring stories of employees that are changing lives and making a difference in their communities and at work.

Learn more about PSE&G "Heroes Work Here"

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