July Is #Creators4BIPOC Month - Logitech for Creators | News Direct

July Is #Creators4BIPOC Month - Logitech for Creators

News release by Logitech

facebook icon linkedin icon twitter icon pinterest icon email icon Northampton, MA | July 06, 2021 12:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time

The #Creators4BIPOC movement harnesses the creator community to work collectively to address the barriers disproportionately faced by BIPOC creators.

Starting with July as #Creators4BIPOC month, Logitech commits to provide recognition, representation, and resources to BIPOC creators, addressing barriers they disproportionately face.

Last year, Logitech's Streamlabs brand initiated the BIPOC Equality Commitment, a holistic long-term response to address racial inequality through a minimum $1 million donation to charities over the next ten years. This year, Logitech is stepping up our actions and bringing together our community to amplify underrepresented voices and empower creators to create change, big or small.

Recognizing the importance of giving credit where it is due, Logitech is partnering with award-winning choreographer and visionary JaQuel Knight, to help ten creators secure copyright of their choreography, paving the way for BIPOC creators to own and monetize their creations. Knight made history as the first pop/hip-hop choreographer to copyright his dance moves — including the iconic moves in Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It).”

Together we drive change: We are partnering with creators across Twitch, Instagram, and Twitter to raise awareness of the movement and encourage people to take action.

Creators can also raise funds for or donate to any charity on the Streamlabs Charity platform, but not all charities are eligible for the fund matching during this July fundraising drive. We will be highlighting BIPOC-related charities all July on Streamlabs Charity.

Step up, take action: This July, step up and join the #Creators4BIPOC movement through three easy actions.

  1. Subscribe to, share or shoutout your favorite BIPOC creators
  2. Donate or fundraise for charities addressing racial inequality 
  3. Be an active voice of change. Share this news, share your story, join a conversation, use your influence to build a more inclusive world.

Diversity within: We commit to improve the diversity of our creator partners to ensure equitable representation and opportunity.

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Logitech on 3blmedia.com