Kromek Group rounds off "landmark year" | News Direct

Kromek Group rounds off "landmark year"

Kromek Group PLC
News release by Kromek Group PLC

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Kromek Group PLC (AIM:KMK) CEO Arnab Basu speaks to Thomas Warner from Proactive after releasing final results for the year ended 30 April 2023, a period he describes as "in many ways a landmark year for Kromek." Basu says that it was a year of "very strong growth" and gives an overview of how it was achieved, speaking with reference to the group's post-Covid "growth journey."


He also highlights what he calls a significant improvement in margins and notes that much of the revenue growth came from product sales, indicating a shift away from development contracts.


Looking ahead, Basu suggests that Kromek's sectors remain strong, with advanced imaging benefiting from an ageing population's demand for better healthcare and the need for improved diagnostics. On the other side of the business, Basu is also upbeat on the prospects for Kromek's Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) arm due to increasing security demands driven by global political instabilities.


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