LiDAR and EYE Safety Explained by Dr. Jun Pei: CEO of Cepton, Inc | News Direct

LiDAR and EYE Safety Explained by Dr. Jun Pei: CEO of Cepton, Inc

News release by Cepton Inc

facebook icon linkedin icon twitter icon pinterest icon email icon Vancouver | October 19, 2023 12:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time


Cepton, Inc's co-founder and CEO Dr Jun Pei joined Steve Darling from Proactive to delve into the convergence of LiDAR technology and eye safety. Addressing concerns about LiDAR's impact on human eyes and its role in eye safety, Dr. Pei outlined the company's approach to ensuring safety standards are met.

Dr. Pei emphasized that all devices placed on vehicles must adhere to regulatory eye safety standards. He clarified misconceptions about the impact of different wavelengths on safety, highlighting that safety involves a combination of factors including power, pulse rate, and exposure time, in addition to wavelengths. Dr. Pei pointed out that Cepton, Inc's choice of 905nm wavelengths for their LiDAR technology is not only for safety but also due to other advantages, such as lower power consumption and reduced heat generation, which align with AI safety thresholds.

This interview with Dr. Jun Pei provides valuable insights into Cepton, Inc's dedication to eye safety, the rationale behind using 905nm LiDAR technology, and the importance of transparently assuring customers of the safety and reliability of their products through third-party validation and data-backed evidence.


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