LINE Hydrogen founder visits Downing Street to discuss zero-carbon green hydrogen | News Direct

LINE Hydrogen founder visits Downing Street to discuss zero-carbon green hydrogen

LINE Hydrogen
News release by LINE Hydrogen

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LINE Hydrogen Founder and Executive Chairman Brendan James speaks to Thomas Warner from Proactive during a trip to London, where he has been holding meetings about the company's work in the zero carbon green hydrogen space.

James explains that LINE Hydrogen is focusing on the delivery of zero-carbon green hydrogen fuel as a diesel replacement into the heavy transport and mining industries. He describe LINE as Australia's first fully-licensed and permitted commercial-scale green hydrogen project for diesel replacement, highlighting its flagship project currently under construction in Tasmania and ambitious expansion plans.

"We're now working on expanding our projects and operations into the UK and Europe, hence being here this week and visiting 10 Downing Street to talk about how we can facilitate that rollout." James highlights their commitment to producing hydrogen exclusively from renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydro.

Partnering with Climate Capital for solar power and backed by government-owned hydro power stations in Tasmania, the firm aims to cater to a significant portion of California's hydrogen distribution market.



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EnergyHydrogenRenewablesGreen EnergyZero CarbonDiesel