Newsome’s Gun-Grab Scheme Underscores the Danger of Electing Democrats Daniel Miller for Texas Lt. Governor Campaign

Newsome’s Gun-Grab Scheme Underscores the Danger of Electing Democrats
“The latest proposed initiative by California Gov. Gavin Newsome to enact even stricter gun control measures in his state should be a harbinger of what Democrats may attempt here in Texas. But, they will fail.
“For the California Governor to suggest that the Texas Heartbeat Bill should be the California model for gun control demonstrates cynicism and a misguided ideology towards the proper role of government and the rights of individual American citizens. The Texas Heartbeat Bill is an effort by Texans to protect innocent baby Texans from the inhumane, industrial slaughter engaged in by the abortion industry. The Heartbeat Bill grants hardcore protections for the unborn while still complying with Roe v. Wade.
“Governor Newsome targets firearm manufactures who are guilty of no criminal activity. Gun manufacturers and dealers are not responsible for the spikes in gun violence being suffered in Democrat-led cities and states. Gun manufacturers and dealers compel no one that possesses a firearm to us it for violent purposes. That legal jeopardy rests solely on those that choose to pull a trigger.
“As a candidate for Texas Lt. Governor, I believe that a citizen’s first line of defense against criminals is themselves. When seconds count, the police may be hours away. This is why I stand for true constitutional carry to be the law in Texas. When sworn into office Gov. Newsome and those of his ilk shall know that such legislation will not see the light of day in the Texas Senate.” -- Daniel Miller

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Sharon Macasil