Sports Business Analyst Mike Bako’s Winter Olympic Analysis Mike Bako, Daily sports editor, provides insights and analysis on the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games

New York,NY
February 15, 2022 10:25 AM Eastern Standard Time
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Mike Bako, Daily sports editor, provides insights and analysis on the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and the latest on the scandal that is overshadowing the games.
Failed Test Casts Shadow Over Skating, the Olympics’ Showcase Event. Russian skater’s Kamila Valieva positive test were an embarrassing failure of the systems designed to keep doping out of the Olympics.
Valieva was cleared to skate even though she failed a drug test taken Dec. 25, the result only emerging last week, after her two brilliant performances in the team competition helped win gold for the Russian team. The Court of Arbitration for Sport gave her a favorable decision early Monday in part because she is a minor, known as a "protected person,'' and is subject to different rules from an adult athlete.
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