The Qualcomm Racial Justice Giving Initiative Supports Nonprofits Driving Change | News Direct

The Qualcomm Racial Justice Giving Initiative Supports Nonprofits Driving Change

News release by Qualcomm

facebook icon linkedin icon twitter icon pinterest icon email icon Northampton, MA | June 15, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

We are committed to supporting racial justice. In 2021, we introduced the Racial Justice Giving Initiative (RJGI) and formed the RJGI Committee to support nonprofit organizations in the United States that are working to drive systemic change in racial justice and equity. The Committee is comprised of diverse employee volunteers from across the Company.

To prepare Committee members for their role as decision-makers, we hosted a consultant-led workshop where they learned how to advance and promote equitable grantmaking and offered a similar workshop for other employees across the Company who act as decision-makers around our grantmaking efforts.

The RJGI afforded employees the opportunity to nominate nonprofit organizations that were addressing racial justice to receive funding from Qualcomm and the Qualcomm Foundation. The RJGI committee reviewed all nominations and selected ten organizations to each receive a $50,000 grant – a total allocation of $500,000.

Five of the selected organizations, in partnership with their employee nominators, presented at a TED Talk-style event attended by over 450 Qualcomm employees to build awareness around the issues of racial justice and equity.

Learn more in Qualcomm's 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report

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