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In a Powerful Statement, Former LP Vice-Chair Endorses Miller

Media Kamp, LLC.

Daniel Miller continues to pile up impressive endorsements for his candidacy for Texas Lt. Governor with Election Day only hours away. The consistent trait of Miller endorsements are that are coming from the leaders, influencers, and activists from every sector of the Texas liberty movement. Robert A. “Bob” Phipps Sr. is the former vice-chairman of the Texas Libertarian Party. He provided this statement to the Daniel Miller Campaign: “From 1994 to 1998 I served as Vice Chair of the Texas Libertarian Party. During that time I became acquainted with Texans who love Texas and worked for Texas to return to its proper status of an Independent and Sovereign Nation. Daniel Miller was among the very best of this dedicated group. “I’ve now known and worked with Daniel for 25 years. No one has ever loved and worked for Texas the way Daniel Miller has. His dedication to the welfare of Texas is unmatched. “Daniel Miller is now a candidate for Lt Governor of Texas. No one will work harder for the good of Texas than Daniel will. I urge all Libertarians and Liberty Loving Texans to vote for Daniel Miller for Lt Governor of Texas in the 2022 Republican Primary.” A statement from Daniel Miller: “I’m heartened by the endorsement of Vice-Chair Phipps and very grateful. His endorsement makes a strong statement on how citizens of all stripes see the power and truth of our movement. For a member of a rival party to step across party lines and categorically urge supporting my candidacy speaks volumes about the unity that liberty-driven Texans are forging. My election would mean a new day of freedom and unity within the greatest state in the union.” Contact Details Sharon Macasil

February 28, 2022 06:47 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Dan Patrick Claims Texas Was Not “Locked Down”

Media Kamp, LLC.

On a post-rally wrap-up interview with Newsmax TV in Conroe, Texas, Dan Patrick claimed that Texas did not lockdown during the COVID outbreak. This assertion lit up social media as people who were affected by the closure of churches, businesses, and schools expressed their outrage at Patrick’s retroactive reimagining of recent history. Texans remember that pastors and business owners were threatened with fines, arrests, and suspension of their business licenses if they disobeyed the Fauci/Abbott lockdowns. We also remember that as our constitutional rights were stripped, Patrick didn’t utter a word of protest, often joining Abbott’s press conferences in a show of solidarity. The people of Texas need a new Lieutenant Governor who will be strong in the face of encroachments to our liberty and repel the onslaught of unconstitutional mandates from the federal government. We don’t need a Lieutenant Governor who will lie to us and hope we don’t remember the role he played in upending our lives and economy. This is why we need Daniel Miller for Lieutenant Governor more than ever. Contact Details Sharon Macasil

February 28, 2022 06:39 PM Eastern Standard Time

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CBRC Yanks Endorsement from Patrick, Gives to Miller

Media Kamp, LLC.

In an astounding campaign development, the Coastal Bend Republican Coalition (CBRC) has rescinded its endorsement of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and issued it to top challenger Daniel Miller. A very influential, liberty movement political organization of the Corpus Christi metro, CBRC awarded their endorsement of Patrick last January after deliberations by their endorsement committee. However, Daniel Miller was already booked by CBRC to appear at one of their regular community meetings for February. Miller appeared to a packed house last night at Texas Mesquite BBQ & Grill in Corpus Christi. The result of his first and only appearance before CBRC was the immediate switching of their endorsement from Patrick to Miller in less than 24 hours. DMC2022 woke up this morning to this communication from Suzanne Guggenheim, founder and leader of CBRC: "Last night we were honored to have Daniel Miller, candidate for Lt. Governor, speak to our group. If we had heard from him earlier, we feel sure our endorsement committee would have unanimously chosen him to endorse. He explained how Dan Patrick has ceded a lot of the Lt. Governor power back to Abbott – and how Dan Patrick played a role in ensuring our latest legislative sessions were set up for failure. He explained the property tax elimination plan in simple language, directly answered our pointed questions, and supports all of our interests. Mr. Miller’s insight, knowledge of Austin antics and his willingness to stop the political games is what we’ve been seeking. We would like to ask the endorsement committee to rescind our endorsement of Dan Patrick and endorse Daniel Miller." Guggenheim then added: “Daniel Miller is now officially endorsed by the Coastal Bend Republican Coalition”. A statement from Daniel Miller: “This may be one of my most joyous days in the entire history of my activism for Texas liberty. Everyone associated with the campaign is full of gratitude to Suzanne Guggenheim and CBRC. We cannot recall the last time something of this magnitude has occurred in Texas GOP politics. “To have such a respected grassroots organization recognize within one presentation the superiority of our policies, solutions to the legitimate problems Texas is facing, and the viability of our campaign speaks powerfully to the momentum we truly have going into Election Day. Our optimism is parabolic at the moment.” As of this morning, the activists of CBRC are literally gathered at their headquarters editing their thousands of printed area voters’ guide. They are scratching out the name of Dan Patrick from the guide and entering the name of Daniel Miller by hand. The Dan Patrick campaign should be shaken to the core by this Texas-shattering development. Contact Details Sharon Macasil

February 28, 2022 06:34 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Daniel Miller Earns Endorsement of TURF

Media Kamp, LLC.

Texas Lt. Governor candidate Daniel Miller has received the valuable endorsement of Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom (TURF). TURF’s mission is to defend citizens’ concerns about toll roads and eminent domain abuse. Based in the San Antonio metro, TURF is led by founder and President Terri Hall. A statement from Terri Hall: “Daniel Miller gets it. He’s the most prepared to take on the task of running the Texas Senate and ensuring our priorities make it across the finish line. No handholding needed, he will be a visible, courageous, reliable champion for freedom!” A statement from Daniel Miller: “Liberty of mobility is under threat in Texas. The proliferation of toll roads and the abuse by government of the right of eminent domain must cease. When elected, legislation to address these pressing issues as it pertains to essential components of liberty in Texas, will go to the top of the list for passage.” Contact Details Sharon Macasil

February 28, 2022 06:33 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Katy Christian Magazine Endorses Daniel Miller for Texas Lieutenant Governor

Media Kamp, LLC.

The preeminent Christian publication in the Houston area has officially endorsed Daniel Miller for Lieutenant Governor of Texas. Our campaign is proud and honored to have the endorsement of Katy Christian Magazine. Read by hundreds of thousands of conservative Christian voters in the Houston area, Katy Christian Magazine has been a strong steady voice for Christians throughout the area and has become known statewide for their reporting of public policy issues from a Christian perspective. Having previously endorsed Dan Patrick for his 2014 run for Lieutenant Governor, this endorsement is a sign that people of faith are ready for a change in leadership in the Texas Senate and that Daniel Miller is the candidate who will address their issues by bringing principled leadership to Austin. “We believe that you have both the integrity and leadership to move Texas forward. We pray for your success in your race.” -- Joseph Menslage, Publisher of Katy Christian Magazine Contact Details Sharon Macasil

February 28, 2022 06:31 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Miller Proposes Major Increase in Texas State Guard Funding

Media Kamp, LLC.

On the eve of what could be a historic Texas primary election, candidate for Lt. Governor Daniel Miller is proposing tougher measures to protect the Texas border. The first plank of Miller’s “Stop the Invasion” border security plan is the complete militarizing of the Texas State Guard (TSG). According to the office of Maj. Gen. Tracy Norris, Texas Adjutant General, the proposed funding for the TSG for biennium fiscal 2022-2023 as recommended by the Texas Senate is to be $211,972,936. This would be a reduction in military spending from the current biennium fiscal of $234,396,109 – a funding reduction of $22,423,173. Daniel Miller finds this to be a move in the wrong direction for the safety of Texans. Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick have boasted of their funding for border security of $2 billion dollars – which is.008% of on-the-books Texas government spending. Such a paltry appropriation for border security clearly indicates that current Texas government has no intention of securing the border with Mexico, in spite of the tough rhetoric that is currently thrown into the messaging echo chamber. A statement from Daniel Miller: “The Bible teaches us that where you put your money is where your heart is. At these funding levels for our Texas military, it’s obvious that Mr. Abbott, Mr. Patrick, and the Texas Legislature do not possess the heart or desire to secure our international border with Mexico. “That’s why today, on the eve of Texas Primary Election Day, and just two days from Texas Independence Day, I’m proposing exceeding the appropriated $2 billion dollars by Abbott and Patrick for border security with an appropriation of $4 billion dollars to our Texas State Guard within the next approved budget of the 2023 regular session. Those funds will be allocated toward the beginning stages of fully equipping our Texas State Guard for the mission of stopping the Texas border invasion. “Just last week, our campaign manager had a lengthy conversation with a chaplain of the TSG. He told our CM, ‘It would be nice if we could just get body armor, and our appropriations on time’. Mr. Abbott, Mr. Patrick, and the Texas Legislature are neglecting and disrespecting our Texas men and women that wear our uniform, and misusing them in a time of crisis.” The Texas State Guard is the sovereign military of Texas, which unlike the Texas National Guard, cannot be federalized. It is a volunteer force in which members are obligated to purchase their own uniforms. They are currently being used essentially as a Red Cross in camouflage that’s called into action for humanitarian missions. Miller believes they should be deployed to the Rio Grande with the primary role of defending the Texas international border from the current unceasing invasion of illegal citizens from other global nations. Segments of the Texas State Guard are currently deployed to the border region in exclusively support roles at the rear of the struggle. After being properly equipped, Miller’s “Stop the Invasion” border security plan would reassign them frontline duties with aggressive rules of engagement. Contact Details Sharon Macasil

February 28, 2022 06:28 PM Eastern Standard Time

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International Association of Political Consultants Condemns Russia Invasion of Democratic Ukraine

International Association of Political Consultants

Matthew Klink, President of the International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC) released the following statement in reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “We join the global community in condemning Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine. The fledgling Ukrainian democracy is the victim of an unprovoked action by Russia. They should cease this destructive action and immediately restore the democratically elected government and illegally seized territory.” “For over 54 years IAPC members have promoted democracy around the world. We are distressed to see an authoritarian government, in this case Russia, attempt to depose the democratically elected government of Ukraine.” “Democratic governments around the world need to come to the aid of a fellow democracy. We are witnessing increasing attacks on democracy around the world, and Russia’s actions only act as encouragement for other dictators and despots. The free and democratic nations of the world need to stand up to such a brazen assault on democracy.” “The IAPC stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and offer their support for the restoration of the democratically elected government of President Volodymyr Zelensky.” Established in 1968, The International Association of Political Consultants is committed to fostering democracy and the democratic process throughout the world. Members span a variety of political backgrounds and activities fostering the growing and diverse profession of political consulting as well as the practical aspects of democratic elections. Please note: Members of the IAPC are available for commentary on the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine. Contact Details President - IAPC Matt Klink +1 310-283-6267 Vice President - Communications IAPC Marcel Wieder +1 416-907-2126 Company Website

February 25, 2022 04:02 PM Eastern Standard Time

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Trust & Will

Trust & Will, the leading digital estate planning platform in the U.S., today released the findings of its second annual millennial estate planning study, providing insight from more than 20,000 millennials on end-of-life planning preferences. As the U.S. enters into another year of living in a pandemic, estate planning continues to see an uptick as Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as the largest generation caring for young children and their aging parents, entering into what is known as the ‘Sandwich Generation.’ “Millennials are building their own families while also caring for their aging parents amid a global health crisis, prompting more caregivers to plan for the future,” said Cody Barbo, Founder and CEO of Trust & Will. “Even though millennials are taking the lead on writing wills and establishing trusts to set up their families’ financial health, the majority of American adults still do not have any plan in place. We hope that by making digital estate planning as accessible as possible, more families will create a plan for their unique needs and situations.” Key findings from this year’s report, “Millennial Estate Planning Continues in a Pandemic” include: 34% report that having a child prompted them to create an estate plan 22% are part of the Sandwich Generation, caring for both their children and their parents 77% of pet owners designated a specific pet guardian within their plan 57% only want to receive end-of-life care if benefits outweigh the burdens 81% elected to donate their organs According to the study, most millennials (75%) chose to complete a will-based estate plan, enabling them to appoint guardians for minor children, along with pets, and make decisions about healthcare wishes and final arrangements. Only 19% opted for a trust, which helps those with more complex estates manage and distribute assets during their lifetime and after death. The study explored the top reasons millennials create estate plans. Consistent with last year’s results, the birth of a child continues to be the leading reason, followed by the death of a family member (11%) and buying a home (9%). The pandemic and work-from-home policies spurred many families across the nation to add a pet to their families. More than half of the millennials in the cohort have a pet, with three-fourths of pet owners designating someone to act as a pet guardian. The data shows that it’s clear that millennials are flouting certain traditional family norms. The study indicated that Millennials are steering away from tradition to create modern, personalized legacies. On average, millennials now list seven people in their estate plans. Their closest circle might not necessarily include blood relatives. Nearly one in four of those surveyed said they chose a non-family member as a guardian for their kids or pets or to act as an executor, trustee, or beneficiary. The study also revealed trends in end-of-life planning. Nearly 40% of the cohorts completed their health documents, including a HIPAA Authorization form, and the majority (57%) elected to receive care only if benefits outweigh the burdens. In terms of end-of-life preferences, nearly half of the cohort (48%) chose to have their body cremated, with only one in four choosing a conventional burial. Eight percent wanted their body to be donated to science. These numbers suggest that millennials are moving away from traditional end-of-life arrangements. The millennial generation is passionate about causes that matter to them and donating to non-profit organizations. Like last year, the top charities for bequests included St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Planned Parenthood, and Girl Scouts. This year, there was an increase in planned gifts to The Trevor Project, which provides crisis support for LGBTQ+ teens. For the full findings and to download a copy of the report, visit Methodology Trust & Will analyzed data from 22,850 individuals aged 25 to 44 in a proprietary study to explore specific insights and behaviors of the millennial generation when it comes to estate planning. Additionally, Trust & Will surveyed 323 individuals aged 25 to 44 to ask them about the process of creating their Estate Plans. Trust & Will plans to revisit this data each year to see how trends and behaviors among millennials continue to change over time. ABOUT TRUST & WILL Trust & Will is a modern approach to digital estate planning, offering legally valid documents designed and approved by estate planning attorneys to adhere to individual state guidelines. Since 2017, more than 300,000 Trust & Will members have created an online estate plan to set up their family legacy. We make estate planning simple, affordable, and accessible by providing a secure way to set up a plan online in minutes, using bank-level encryption that protects customer data and complies with the highest security standards, including SOC2. Trust & Will is the official estate planning benefit provider for AARP members and is a proud partner of several leading financial institutions, including Northwestern Mutual and Haven Life. To learn more, visit Contact Details Trust & Will Danielle Nuzzo +1 631-807-7772 Company Website

February 22, 2022 07:16 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Inspiring Exchanges Between Leaders in the Arts: Qatar America Introduces an American Delegation to Qatar’s Cultural Landscape

Qatar America Institute for Culture

From 10-15 January, 2022, the Qatar America Institute for Culture (QAIC) hosted museum and cultural leaders from institutions across the United States as part of an immersive cultural delegation to Qatar. Over the course of five days, the delegates had the opportunity to visit various art, historical and culturally significant sites across Doha, meet with several high-level cultural leaders, and experience first-hand the rich heritage and traditions of the region, all in an effort to encourage future cross-cultural exchanges between the United States and Qatar. The delegation was comprised of a diverse group of individuals whose unique interests in Qatar allowed for a more in-depth exploration of the nation’s artistic and cultural offerings. Many of these executives have participated in QAIC’s 2021 Museum Series program or are planning to join in this year’s program. The members included: Lina Ali, Deputy Executive Director of the International Museum of Muslim Cultures (IMMC); Dr. Orianna Cacchione, Curator of Global Contemporary Art at the Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago; Dr. Mohannad Ghawanmeh, Executive Director of Al-Bustan Seeds of Change; Kate Haw, Executive Officer for Collections, Exhibitions, and Programs at the National Gallery of Art; Michelle Yun Mapplethorpe, Vice President for Global Artistic Programs at Asia Society and Director of Asia Society Museum; Tibor Waldner, Director of Collections and Exhibitions at the National Portrait Gallery; and Dr. Manuela Well-Off-Man, Chief Curator at the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts. In addition to various site visits, the delegates met with H.E. Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad Al-Thani, the Chairperson of Qatar Museums and member of QAIC’s Honorary Board of Trustees as well as Natalie A. Baker, the Deputy Chief of Mission and acting-Ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in Doha. Variety of topics were discussed such as the recently concluded Qatar-USA 2021 Year of Culture, an initiative of Qatar Museums, and upcoming opportunities for cultural exchange in celebration of the 50 th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Qatar. The delegation received tours in various museums and institutions such as the National Museum of Qatar, Msheireb Museums’ Bin Jelmood House and Radwani House, the Christian Dior exhibition at M7, Jeff Koons’ “Lost in America” exhibition, the soon-to-open 321 Olympic & Sports Museum, and Virgil Abloh’s final exhibition, “Figures of Speech,” at Fire Station. Furthermore, the delegates visited Qatar Foundation headquarters located at Education City complex and its many organizations, including the Al Shaqab equestrian center, Qatar National Library, and the Minaretein building which houses both the highly modern Education City Mosque and the Qatar Faculty for Islamic Studies as part of the Hamad-Bin-Khalifa University. The group also visited the Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, the newly opened M.F. Husain exhibition “Seeroo fi al ardh,” and lastly, the headquarters of the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy, the organization responsible for the execution of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar later this year. At the Katara Cultural Village, the group visited many cultural engagements available on the grounds, including the falconry center, planetarium, and its open-air amphitheater. The delegation concluded the week at the 31 st Doha International Book Fair to peruse the assortment of books from around the world (including the U.S.) and to witness QAIC Executive Director, Fatima Al-Dosari, speak on a panel titled “Qatari-U.S. Relations: Cultural Exchange for Building a Strategic Alliance.” QAIC’s own 2021 A2Q Digest made a special appearance at this year’s book fair thanks to the U.S. Embassy in Qatar. In addition to the numerous visits to the art and cultural institutions scattered throughout Doha, the delegates were able to embrace the more quotidian aspects of Qatari life, whether browsing the many merchant stalls at Doha’s Souq Waqif or sampling some of the deliciously decadent regional cuisines. With each delegate hailing from their own unique background and perspective, all were able to find aspects of the trip that were intriguing and inspiring to them on both a professional and personal level. “I think the whole group has been very surprised at the sophistication of everything we have seen at the museums and cultural centers in Doha,” commented delegate Lina Ali. “The programming is incredibly immersive and very focused on […] accessibility and inclusion of everybody in the society.” For delegate Dr. Mohannad Ghawanmeh who had last visited Doha ten years prior, “based on my own experience of Gulf societies, I was exceedingly impressed with the number of women … that are in positions of […] authority and cultural influence. It’s obvious to me … that women have taken lead roles in this society to chart cultural life in Qatar’s present and in its future.” According to delegate Tibor Waldner, “one of the most intriguing parts of the trip for me personally was the architecture […] and experiencing just how passionate and proud the people of Qatar are featuring new technologies, developing their city, putting emphasis on cultural development, and providing access and education.” Some of the delegates, like Dr. Manuela Well-Off-Man, were excited to apply some of the newly acquired observations from the trip to some of their future pursuits. “The Institute of American Indian Arts is about to develop a new research center,” commented Dr. Well-Off-Man, “and I will definitely share some of the ideas I saw at the Qatar National Library, for example, the innovation stations that really foster collaboration and engagement and creativity.” “I am really excited that during our visit [to Mathaf] we learned that the museum has an online encyclopedia of modern and contemporary Arab artists so that I can continue my research when I am back in the States,” said delegate Dr. Orianna Cacchione. Some of the delegates were very interested in how continued cultural exchange with Qatar will further impact and influence the arts. “What I think most excited me about possible collaborations with other institutions here in Qatar is having the ability to show the rich history and innovation of Qatar’s arts and contemporary artists to the greater world,” remarked delegate Michelle Yun Mapplethorpe. Following the conclusion of this delegation, QAIC’s focus is now turned to extending the momentum generated by these visits. In providing both the delegates and the visited institutions with the necessary connections and resources, QAIC hopes that these leaders will pursue their newfound interest and understanding of Qatar’s cultural and arts landscape to cultivate the next series of collaborations between the United States and Qatar. The Qatar America Institute for Culture (QAIC) is a Washington, DC-based independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that creates, curates, and executes programs and research that amplify the prominence of all forms of art and culture from the United States, Qatar, and the larger Arab and Islamic worlds. Contact Details For more information, please contact Cedric Craig

February 17, 2022 11:30 AM Eastern Standard Time

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